Chat-A-Lot (Nintendo 3DS) Review

By Coller Entragian 28.01.2015

Review for Chat-A-Lot on Nintendo 3DS

Remember Swapnote / Nintendo Letter Box? The totally rad Nintendo DS app, where users drew crass images and sent vulgar messages to each other, and was simple and had an easy to understand interface? The 3DS' Chat-A-Lot will make users miss those days when restrictions were looser and UI design didn't pander to playschool sensibilities.

The first thing any user will notice about the features of Chat-A-Lot is that none of the icons have any text that defines what they are or what they do. This is highly unusual for a chatting app designed for five-year olds. Yes, this is obviously made for small children, as illustrated by how the primary colour schemes and preschool style visuals, and icon designs are made to look like big plastic buttons - the Speak & Spell toy had more dignity than this. Avatar options have a very limited range, from generic stock cartoon animals to generic stock cartoon humans; it's all so plain and boring with no shred of imagination. Surprisingly, there is no option for users to use pics taken with the 3DS camera to use an avatar, or even the option to draw one with the stylus. Although the lack of these features is probably due to the absurd restrictions implemented because this is an app designed for babies.

Why does this app even exist? What small child is interested in social media that they have to use a chatting app? It is as likely as a kid having a LinkedIn profile. Say for the argument there is a child who is intensely interested in using Chat-A-Lot - this child would also require friend codes, which is common practice for many online features for 3DS software. However, this kid would also require his/her friends to also have Chat-A-Lot, obviously. Without these conditions being met, Chat-A-Lot is useless and won't work. The restrictions make it so users cannot communicate or make contact with other users who have it.

Screenshot for Chat-A-Lot on Nintendo 3DS

Maybe this child is a real social butterfly and has an entourage of friends that love to chat online. The kid is a very interesting individual, witty and intelligent, with a lot of fascinating viewpoints, and his/her friends all love to talk to each other (instead of playing good 3DS games). A huge hurdle Chat-A-Lot has is that it barely functions. The voice chat feature comes in the clarity with that of a fast food drive-through speaker, muffled and with lots of sound cutting. The most basic feature is the text chatting, but sadly can be totally replaced by the 3DS' own Miiverse chat, since both require friend codes, but with Miiverse having the distinction of being completely free. It should also be mentioned that in Miiverse, users have the option of meeting new people on any board.

Chat-A-Lot is pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. Anyone with a smartphone will have numerous superior options. Anyone who has a 3DS might as well be using the free Miiverse service. Chat-A-Lot is not a worthwhile investment for anyone with dignity, and is not recommended.

Screenshot for Chat-A-Lot on Nintendo 3DS

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 3 out of 10


When Chat-A-Lot works it gets the job done just barely. Despite that, it is extremely hard to recommend over just using Miiverse for chatting due to all the restrictions Chat-A-Lot has because it was intended to be used by children. The intended audience won't care about this app and would probably be using Miiverse instead.









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  3/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   


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