Update: Nintendo Confirms Euro Brawl Status

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.02.2008 90

Update - Nintendo has now responded to the negative feedback from consumers following Reggie Fils-Aime's comments about the Super Smash Bros. Brawl European release. Talking to 1UP, the official response was "A release date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl in Europe has not been announced."

Apparently Fils-Aime purely meant that Europe will receive the game after the US market, rather than in the Autumn period.

Original Story - Smash fans in Europe may just have to wait a little longer if recent reports are to be believed.

According to the 1up podcast Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime, was questioned on why Mario Kart and Wii Fit were heading to Europe before the US. Reggie supposedly replied "because they won't get Brawl until Fall (Autumn)".

That said, releases dates have always been known to change, especially with Nintendo's bigger IPs. Hopefully Europe will at enter the battle for a summer season of Smash. Be sure to stick around for confirmation on a European release for Smash Bros. Brawl.

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Sprite said:
Tman!! said:
Nintendo will just use the same excuse that they always use when they delay games for Europe: "it takes time to translate into the many European languages".

They used that excuse when games weren't translated into the 6 megazillion languages Europe has so it's bullshit.

But Ninty has always bent Europe over and fucked them in the ass so what's the fuss about? Surely you were expecting them to do this?

To be honest, no.

Brawl is a massive game and Nintendo know the demand for it worldwide is huge. I expected them to release such a game as Brawl roughly the same time in all territories. Mario Galaxy and Twilight Princess received almost simultaneous worldwide releases. I didn't expect Europe to have to wait THIS long for Brawl.

It's expected that we wait a hell of a long time for games, to deny Europeans a summer time of Brawl is unreal. If anything, Nintendo would want to release Brawl just before summer because that is the time of the year where games drought and hardly any games get released. If Brawl was released then, all the people who finish school for the summer would buy it to take up their time.

I think it's a bad decision to delay Brawl until Autumn if this really is true.

I seriously doubt this is true. 1up is also stating that the US version of Mario kart is coming out April 15th, 4 days after Europe gets it. They're the only site to state this, too.

for f***s sake... how much effort is it to print a few disks???. i mean i know they have to translate it for the other european countries, so why don't they just release it in the UK before the rest of europe- it's the biggest market. and it's in english already in america...forget the rest of europe... no offence grrr

Hmm, I really hope that this was guess-work on Reggies part. I do trust 1up as one of the major decent gaming sites, but it could all be some ploy to get people to look through their pages.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Woah, lots of explosive stuff here.Smilie

I'm waiting for that official set-in-stone date before I kick off on one.

This fall launch date is probably a smart trick to make us happy when they announce a July launch.

It's expected that we wait a hell of a long time for games, to deny Europeans a summer time of Brawl is unreal. If anything, Nintendo would want to release Brawl just before summer because that is the time of the year where games drought and hardly any games get released. If Brawl was released then, all the people who finish school for the summer would buy it to take up their time.

There's a games drought because people don't buy games in summer, not the other way around! In Summer people go on holiday or walk or have water fights or something.

I think Nintendo feel they don't want to 'rush' it in by May, so they're waiting until after the summer. Like GR said they want it fairly near Chrimbo to maximise sales of the game and console.

Um.. why does Europe have to get it sooooo late? It makes no sense, I mean translation cannot be the problem, so what is it? (I am in America. But im angry at Nintendo for this anyway.)

Well this is for europ and am from america so we will get it faster than u guys8)SmilieSmilie

*hit a wall over and over* arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

fuck wii fit it in fucking english let uk have it it just box art they need to do 4 it to be ready for us >_<

Idiots, why don't they just make everyone happy and release it simultaneously. Other companies manage it, it only seems like Nintendo have difficulty translating games, hire another fucking translator fools.

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Absolutely ridiculous. They've been translating into all the necessary languages daily for the dojo - I imagine that's probably more text than is in the actual game. I'm looking forward to both Wii Fit and Mario Kart, but why are they being prioritised over Smash Brothers? It's like they give Europe a little extra love with simultaneous or earlier releases and then give it an almighty backhand to make up for it.

Not on, Nintendo. This should be out March - I'd settle for May at a push, but there's no reason they couldn't have pulled their finger out and had it out by the end of next month.

True, smells like cheese. I understand my mistake in my comment. I probably won't be here in summer either lol.

I buy games in summer, I play games in summer! For huge games like this, summer (6 weeks of no work or school!) is the BEST time to play a game like Brawl!

Mason said:
This should be out March - I'd settle for May at a push

IMO, I'd be happy with ANYTHING before June. Ecstatic. Doesn't looks like we'll be getting it though.

Lynk said:
Idiots, why don't they just make everyone happy and release it simultaneously. Other companies manage it, it only seems like Nintendo have difficulty translating games, hire another fucking translator fools.

It's not translating. It's clear Nintendo have no problems with translation, no it's that they just don't want to release it yet. Smilie

( Edited 24.02.2008 23:58 by SuperLink )

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There really is a problem, anyone who plays games knows that Europe is the worst territory to be in. We get games late and often don't get them at all.

Nintendo really need to give us both a solid release date and a reason to why its took them so long to bring to game to Europe.

Such discrepancies in release dates really cannot be forgiven in today's market especially with Nintendo using an ethos that doesn't appeal to the hardcore gamer, it won't be long before they all desert Nintendo for good.

Wha.T. By Tingles burnt carcass why? Why do we Europeans always have to wait so long? I was hoping for Brawl to entertain me once i've finished this year of uni but no, it's probably going to distract me next academic year. But it does explain MKWii and Wii Fit coming out first, if remember correctly, it was said we were to get it first to make up for Brawl so long after everyone else. Grrrr. Damn you NoE, especially if this is true.

( Edited 25.02.2008 00:58 by bilfred89 )

Brawl Code 4983-6387-2983
Diamond Code 0387 8628 7636

This probably means same thing for Australia?

Holy shit! That fucking sucks, man!

Living in Europe would still be totally worth it, though!

See I was worried the reason they denied that possible release date was because they're pushing it back...turns out it could in fact be true.

Damn. I sure do hate Nintendo! But Mario Karts pretty good and till then Ive got Wii Fit, Mario Kart, No More Heroes, GTA 4 and probably sum other random crap. But it has gotta suck for people with only wiis. Wait? What am I trying to pull? Fuck u nintendo! I want Brawl!

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

I still can't quite believe it...

Maybe I should import a Wii?

Suddenly Brawl feels a LOT closer... a few weeks away infact... Smilie

Oooh my poor wallet. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hmm, makes sense, Europe gets 2 highly anticipated games before the US to compensate for Brawl.

Import time.

Nintendo's lack of understanding of these things amazes me again and again.

They wonder why mp3 sells worse than anything when released 3 weeks before galaxy, though it's the same demographic nintendo fan waiting for this game to show up, so a lot of them bough galaxy first and had mp3 waiting.

Point is, release dates for the die hard nintendo fans won't matter - competitive alternatives do. If they'd use any amount of brain capacity they would KNOW any fan will buy it even if it gets a release on the worst possible day.

Most of us would cancel holiday plans for it I'm sure. So they have no reason in my opinion.

I posted on comments here many times that we wouldnt get brawl for a very long time. I have seen this sort of thing many times, its not because of any technical reasons its simply all about marketing.

Sadly nintendo europe totally fail at that, the whole build up to smash brothers on the internet seems to have been ignored by nintendo europe.

"Lets overhype smash bros on the internet day by day then secretly release mario kart wii instead!"

I still say september for brawl, with mario kart and wii fit coming out this spring, I expect they will PURPOSEFULLY avoid releasing it during the summer simply because sales are better in autumn. Yes its that messed up.

Ign say that brawl is coming out may 2008 in the uk.


Maybe Reggie was lying.

then again it still says NMH is coming out this week. They need to update it.

it also say that animal crossing is comng out on june 27th still great news

( Edited 25.02.2008 09:20 by Stulaw90 )

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