Update: Nintendo Confirms Euro Brawl Status

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.02.2008 90

Update - Nintendo has now responded to the negative feedback from consumers following Reggie Fils-Aime's comments about the Super Smash Bros. Brawl European release. Talking to 1UP, the official response was "A release date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl in Europe has not been announced."

Apparently Fils-Aime purely meant that Europe will receive the game after the US market, rather than in the Autumn period.

Original Story - Smash fans in Europe may just have to wait a little longer if recent reports are to be believed.

According to the 1up podcast Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime, was questioned on why Mario Kart and Wii Fit were heading to Europe before the US. Reggie supposedly replied "because they won't get Brawl until Fall (Autumn)".

That said, releases dates have always been known to change, especially with Nintendo's bigger IPs. Hopefully Europe will at enter the battle for a summer season of Smash. Be sure to stick around for confirmation on a European release for Smash Bros. Brawl.

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

HAL Laboratory







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No. No. No. FUCK NO!!! That's worse than we could have IMAGINED! >.<

Argh I hate you Nintendo. I'm going to buy a 360.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I sort of figured the reason we were getting MK and Wii Fit so soon was to make up for lack of Brawl here. Typical then that we'll have to wait a hell of a lot longer for it.

Argh. This is so disappointing if true - never know, could be a ploy to get people to listen to their podcast..

I still doubt it though, as Nintendo wouldn't want to screw over Europe by that much - I predict July at the latest, most likely April or May imo.

( Edited 25.02.2008 17:02 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I predict September or October. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Let's be fair though, Reggie has never really been that good with his facts has he?

Does anyone remember him saying that the Wii would be region free and play DVD's?

I really hope this isn't true, but if it is I think that European players will be stuck with a Pay and Play version of the game.

This upsets me. I'm logging out

lol, Nintendo. They really are the biggest bunch of fuckers around.

This is bullshit, I hate it when they fucking do this. They should release the game worlwide at the same time, the hype of the game will slowly grinded down when it arrives in europe.

Yep. It'll be diminished. Everyone else will have been playing the game for months.

Argh for fucks sake.

I would get it imported, but if you chip your Wii or import it, you can't play WiFi Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

its not that bad. Mario Kart ca take up huge amounts of time online. It'll go by so fast you won't notice it.

It'll go by really REALLY slowly. Instead of a summer of playing my most anticipated game ever since Melee, it'll be a summer WAITING for it, talking on forums where people from other regions HAVE it, and by the time it comes out, I'll already be starting my A2 levels. No huge weeks of playing Brawl through the summer, just a little bit of Brawl surrounded by coursework and uni prep. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's the point we won't notice it!

If Brawl does arrive in Autumn then Nintendo really needs to take a long look at the damage they are doing to their European market. Slowly but surely we are realising that we are getting continually screwed.

i'll be getting it in a week or two though. I'm pissed that i have to wait till may for wii fit. At least yiou guys have an idea of when youre getting brawl. I'm in the dark about mario kart for the u.s.

Slowly? We've ALWAYS been screwed over by Nintendo. There is no possible genuine reason why they could not have done a worldwide release. It's a shambles.

k08lpfan said:
i'll be getting it in a week or two though. I'm pissed that i have to wait till may for wii fit. At least yiou guys have an idea of when youre getting brawl. I'm in the dark about mario kart for the u.s.

Smilie I bet you'd feel MUCH worse if you actually lived over here. Saying you feel that way is one thing. Wii Fit? Pfft, I don't want that at all. I wouldn't be pissed off if it was delayed till Autumn with Brawl in it's place. And Mario Kart? That'll be out pretty much the same WEEK or a week away from the UK/JP releases.

knighty said:
Slowly? We've ALWAYS been screwed over by Nintendo. There is no possible genuine reason why they could not have done a worldwide release. It's a shambles.

Shambles is an understatement.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

haha the one game i'm jealous about is Tingle's DS game. i could import it, but I don't wanna go through the hassle. I'm an avid tingle fan, probably one of the few in existence.

k08lpfan said:
haha the one game i'm jealous about is Tingle's DS game. i could import it, but I don't wanna go through the hassle. I'm an avid tingle fan, probably one of the few in existence.

Importing DS games is EASY, because they're region free. Since I live in UK, HALF of my DS games are imported, since I don't want to wait for months on end for them to get to us after they get to you.

With the Wii it doesn't work like that. There is no free loader and any mod chipping to your Wii can break the warrenty and mess up if there's a firmware update.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Hopefully, hopefully we'll get a firm date soon and we can get properly excited, but all this guessing from retailers and even Nintendo reps is becoming annoying.

There must be a solid reason why Nintendo of Europe haven't confirmed a date yet.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SuperLink said:
k08lpfan said:
haha the one game i'm jealous about is Tingle's DS game. i could import it, but I don't wanna go through the hassle. I'm an avid tingle fan, probably one of the few in existence.

Importing DS games is EASY, because they're region free. Since I live in UK, HALF of my DS games are imported, since I don't want to wait for months on end for them to get to us after they get to you.

With the Wii it doesn't work like that. There is no free loader and any mod chipping to your Wii can break the warrenty and mess up if there's a firmware update.

true. I have no clue why nintendo would do that. The only thing that comes to mind is to keep profits at a maximum in each territory and not draining a game's quantity. Fall is pretty far off, so I doubt you'll wait that long, especially if nintendo has a pikmin or animal crossing coming up this year. I'd say july or august at the latest

jb said:
There must be a solid reason why Nintendo of Europe haven't confirmed a date yet.

They're probably too busy trying to pull their huge heads out of their tiny asses.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nintendo will just use the same excuse that they always use when they delay games for Europe: "it takes time to translate into the many European languages".

Something needs to be done, Nintendo have finally re-asserted themselves in the console market but are undoing the work of the Wii by not giving the gamers what they want.

Nintendo don't care about gamers. They care about the masses, the people who buy Brain Training and Wii Fit. That's why we're getting Wii Fit and Mario Kart soon, because they appeal to the masses. NoE think we don't want Brawl that much.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Bah - since there's no real story (i.e. characters don't talk much in Brawl), and not much need for vocal translations, if any, all that's really needed is to make it PAL compatible and do a translation of the menu options, trophy descriptions and other bits and bobs. With a big company like Nintendo, it can't take too long surely.

They've already shown it's possible to get games out quickly in PAL regions with Mario Galaxy, the upcoming Mario Kart, and the Wii itself.

So if this is true, then a lot of Nintendo fans in EU and AUS will be pissed off.

( Edited 24.02.2008 20:07 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Tman!! said:
Nintendo will just use the same excuse that they always use when they delay games for Europe: "it takes time to translate into the many European languages".

They used that excuse when games weren't translated into the 6 megazillion languages Europe has so it's bullshit.

But Ninty has always bent Europe over and fucked them in the ass so what's the fuss about? Surely you were expecting them to do this?

Why Nintendo, Why?Smilie I know this ma not be true but i'll be really pissed off if it is, SmilieSmilie

Maybe they think bringing it out in the summer won't sell enough since games tend to sell more in the Autumn and winter months. But then, look how New super mario brothers did.(i know that was in april but you get the point i'm making don't you?)

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