Update: Nintendo Confirms Euro Brawl Status

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.02.2008 90

Update - Nintendo has now responded to the negative feedback from consumers following Reggie Fils-Aime's comments about the Super Smash Bros. Brawl European release. Talking to 1UP, the official response was "A release date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl in Europe has not been announced."

Apparently Fils-Aime purely meant that Europe will receive the game after the US market, rather than in the Autumn period.

Original Story - Smash fans in Europe may just have to wait a little longer if recent reports are to be believed.

According to the 1up podcast Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime, was questioned on why Mario Kart and Wii Fit were heading to Europe before the US. Reggie supposedly replied "because they won't get Brawl until Fall (Autumn)".

That said, releases dates have always been known to change, especially with Nintendo's bigger IPs. Hopefully Europe will at enter the battle for a summer season of Smash. Be sure to stick around for confirmation on a European release for Smash Bros. Brawl.

Thanks to C3 reader Marzy for the tip.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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GR781 is absolutely right. This is about sales, pure and simple. Gamers will buy this game no matter what. You're all (understandably) pissed off and moaning, but when it comes to it, the lack of import options or chipping options means you're going to have to suck it up and wait.

Why was it delayed? So they can print enough DVDs to satiate Japan and the US demand. How does that lead to a delay until Autumn? Because the real delay caused by the DVD printing only takes us through until Easter. Unfortunately that's the beginning of the low sales point and Nintendo wants to sell this game to everybody. So they're delaying it until the beginning of the sales upturn (i.e. the beginning of Autumn).

I'll stick my neck out for first week in September.

Shit as it is, this is probably the truth.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

So is there any news on whether Brawl will some out the same time in Oz as in the US/Europe?

Can brawl anytime now.....if you want an easy win
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...

Importing is sounding more and more real to me...

Guess there will be a lot of games I won't be getting. Instead I'll be getting a US Wii + Brawl to play for 7 months while the rest of Europe wait...


( Edited 25.02.2008 10:35 by SuperLink )

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Import import ftw.

FUCK NO !!!!!!!!


Guest 25.02.2008#57

I know we have MK: Wii and Wii Fit before the US and the others i think, but that still doesn't make up for Brawl delaying, as fun as MK: Wii could be I personally feel Brawl will own it very easily

i feel sorry to all uk'ians right about now and will promise to keep my mouth shut...

F F F and then some, this is fucking terrible, what pisses me off more than anything is that they get MK two weeks after us!. So where the fuck is the consolation then for europe, because I do not see one. Same old (F) story..

Fucking Nintendo!, and the fact the MK is released in the US two weeks after us made it a complete joke in the first place.

Where the hell did my last post go?

( Edited 25.02.2008 14:56 by Linkyshinks )

SuperLink said:
Importing is sounding more and more real to me...

Guess there will be a lot of games I won't be getting. Instead I'll be getting a US Wii + Brawl to play for 7 months while the rest of Europe wait...


As long as you have a power converter for the american wii, importing is a great option. too bad my nintendo wi-fi usb doesn't want to work half the time, otherwise I would say "see you on Brawl." well go ahead and import the console and game, it should be worth it.

im sick of this crap

edracon said:
As long as you have a power converter for the american wii, importing is a great option. too bad my nintendo wi-fi usb doesn't want to work half the time, otherwise I would say "see you on Brawl." well go ahead and import the console and game, it should be worth it.

Yeah... power converter is almost no problem...

It's the money. You know what they say, all toasters toast TOAST money is the root of all evil... But still, importing the hard to find US Wii and the hard to find (or bound to be) US SSBB is gonna cost me a lot... Over �200 for sure Smilie At least we can sell it after Brawl comes out in UK.

Mod chipping is an option, but I don't know what it does to my Wii, or much about mod chipping...

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As a North America resident, I don't know what to say...

I feel bad for you guys, its so cruel!!!!Smilie

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE


Come on guys. It is a simple answer as to why the delay and it has little to do with translation... mass production.

Wasn't the game delayed a month in Japan in order to produce more copies? The first delay here in Canada (from November to February) was for development, but the second delay (Feb. to March) was for production.

Nintendo wants to make sure they have enough copies to meet the demand in each region. Hence the staggered delivery schedule.

They can't make enough consoles as it is and you think they could make enough copies of games for WORLD-WIDE same-day distribution?

Funny enough, my wife has always wondered why they don't just make more. It just ain't that easy though.
But by staggering things out, production levels stay constant and costs are kept down.

Not great for Europe, but at least they throw you two bones before North America.

Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not. Fear not.

Not great for Europe, but at least they throw you two bones before North America.

Thing is, North America receive these two bones a few weeks to a month after the UK/Europe. Whilst, if this report is true, it would be months after - which isn't fair.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hope this is not true. SmilieSmilie

We cant wait that fackin long! FFS.

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

You're all getting worked up about something that is - as yet - only a rumour.
Sure, if it's true then we've been screwed again - but it might not be at all. A July or August release is quite possible and the 6th June date still hasn't been given an absolute "no".
The real complaint is that NoE won't just set the record straight and give us a definite date.

For what it's worth, I'll happily play Mario Kart until Brawl comes along anyway (I'd rather they were appearing the other way round, but since I intend to get both...)

Something Reggie says isn't really a rumour, and it's yet to be denied, while the June 6th stuff was denied to quickly Smilie

Hay gaiz. Gess wot? I'm gonna import mahself a Wii. Smilie

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1up�s Bettenhausen clarifies Brawl European statement

While recounting some of the info that I learned from Nintendo of America�s President & COO, Reggie Fils-Aime, I implied that the European release of Super Smash Bros. Melee had been moved to the fall of 2008�that�s not quite accurate, as neither NOE nor Reggie has announced any official release date at this time. Reggie did tell me (and the other media present) that the release had been pushed out of the winter/spring time frame due to the amount of localization required to get the game up and running all the various European languages. But Reggie did not say WHEN Europeans will get Smash Bros., just that it would be at a later date than the U.S.


Damn. Smilie if it comes out in May, I could regret importing a Wii....

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"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"

looks like we might cool down enough to read that sentence again lmao

"A release date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl in Europe has not been announced."

SmilieSmilieSmilie Typical, just damn typical. Ahh NoE, the butt of life's jokes. Smilie

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