recent podcast feature, when asked about Mega-Man being in Smash Bros. Brawl, Capcom's Keiji Inafune stated whilst nothing was yet confirmed, "Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they" /> News: Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Wants Mega-Man in Smash Bros. Page 3 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Wants Mega-Man in Smash Bros.

By Adam Riley 23.12.2007 59

Quick News - In a recent podcast feature, when asked about Mega-Man being in Smash Bros. Brawl, Capcom's Keiji Inafune stated whilst nothing was yet confirmed, "Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they'll give me a call."

Does it look more likely the Blue Bomber will make an appearance? Share your thoughts below...

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Well although Sin & Punishment is made by Treasure, it could very well be the same case as with Golden Sun, Camelot made Golden Sun but Nintendo hold all the rights. Isn't it the same with Sin & Punishment?

Oh, and I'm been hoping for Chibi-Robo to be playable, but we all know how unlikely that'll be... Smilie

The thing is, I reckon only playable 3rd party characters will have Assist Trophies from their series. Otherwise we could have any third party characters, and that would be a bit OTT. For Bomberman + Megaman, it's one way or the other, though apart from Charaboms (:3) Bomberman doesn't really have potential for Assists.

As far as 3rd partys go, here are the most likely candidates:

Capcom - Megaman
Hudson - Bomberman
Square Enix - Who fucking knows.

Personally I doubt we'll get anyone from Final Fantasy VII +, and I prefer Terra to Cloud X 1,000,000 anyways. And if Geno isn't in Brawl, many fans will be upset, and Geno said he would blow up Japan if he isn't in Brawl. So for everyone's sakes, Geno had better be in Brawl.

If Bomberman was more popular, I'd say his chances were incredibly high, seeing as oftentimes he's more like a 2nd party character to Nintendo anyway, only appearing in Spin offs on Sony & Microsoft's platforms.

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SuperLink said:
Yoshi has already been confirmed...And Captain Falcon is pretty much confirmed.Cloud was in Chain of Memories, but its not even enough to call a cameo if you ask me. I guess he has a small chance of being in Brawl though. The problem is, would it (Cloud) appeal as much to Nintndo fans? Still, at the end of the day, its what Square wants, and then after that, its what Sakurai wants.If Square want Cloud in but Sakurai doesnt. he doesnt get in anyway.
iangennery said:the only way megaman would pull in the masses was to have the chance to beat the living shit out of him with mario, meagmans past it and overrated he hasnt has a great game since the 16 era and he should stay there and die in a 16 bit grave.
Megaman is a popular character. Hes very similar to Sonic, we know the quality in Sonic and Megamans games are few and far in between, but the characters themselves are very well known and iconic, and its that which will help the characters standing in Brawl more than anything else.This is why Megaman has more of a chance than Bomberman, especially since Capcom express(ed?) their intrest in it. Bomberman titles dont fly off the shelves, infact sometimes I think people who dont even have the game put them back on the shelves. Even though they dont own it. Thats right, Bombermans popularity goes down into negatives. Damn you gaming community.

lol just had a look at the charaters on dojo again yoshi was definately not there yesterday! megaman as someone already said (but i forget who) is a spin off from samus he lacks quality and depth that the other characters of brawl have


Yoshi has been there for nearly half a year now. Smilie

And I wouldn't say Megaman is a spin off of Samus... I don't even get where you're coming from there. And I don't know where you're getting the idea he lacks quality or depth either.

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SuperLink said:
Uhm....Yoshi has been there for nearly half a year now. SmilieAnd I wouldnt say Megaman is a spin off of Samus... I dont even get where youre coming from there. And I dont know where youre getting the idea he lacks quality or depth either.

hhhhhmmmm let me see started off as a 2d shooter, collected various power-ups, arm-cannon, etc. when i mean quality i mean as in looking over his games in general (compared to the other brawlers which lacks alot) i think there is no hope for a final fantasy charater in any shape or form appearing on brawl (unless its a cc character or a moogle as an assist)

Funny how people forget Sora from Kingdom Hearts:
From an Ign Feature article on potential Brawl Characters:

I can see the negative reactionaries scrolling down to leave their livid comments now

iangennery said:
hhhhhmmmm let me see started off as a 2d shooter, collected various power-ups, arm-cannon, etc. when i mean quality i mean as in looking over his games in general (compared to the other brawlers which lacks alot) i think there is no hope for a final fantasy charater in any shape or form appearing on brawl (unless its a cc character or a moogle as an assist)
Well if you want to argue about it that way:

Pit is the star of Kid Icarus, a series with only 2 games of a lower quality than the original Metroid anyway.

Ice Climbers only starred in one game, which was a fun arcade game, but Megaman has definitely starred in better.

Sonic's recent titles have been laughable in comparison to many of Megaman's recent titles.

If you're going to decide over quality of games, then I'd say some of the characters chosen for Brawl technically shouldn't be in it at all. But they are.

And Sora is probably more likely that some FF characters, although...

3rd party characters are also a good way to promote a 3rd party via a Nintendo game. When you see Sonic, you know he's SEGA. When you see Snake, you know he's Konami. When you see Sora, Square doesn't instantly spring to mind. Infact he's not the iconic 3rd party character I would choose if I was Square Enix.

However, this also back up the theory of Cloud being in it, which I don't agree with either. Frankly it's hard to decide who would represent Square Enix, infact, fans can't decide that, only Square could. If you're going for fame then maybe Cloud would be the obvious choice, but having not appeared as a main character on a Nintendo platform game before could be a problem. Choosing a character from any FF game before VII will also be an "iconic character" problem, since for some reason a lot of people seem to think Final Fantasy just starts at VII. (lol Chad Warden)

Partly I think that popularity and iconic factor plays a huge part in deciding 3rd party characters. Infact it's the only reason we have Sonic instead of NiGHTS, and Snake rather than Goemon. But you never know I guess.

( Edited on 28.12.2007 22:47 by SuperLink )

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SuperLink said:
iangennery said:hhhhhmmmm let me see started off as a 2d shooter, collected various power-ups, arm-cannon, etc. when i mean quality i mean as in looking over his games in general (compared to the other brawlers which lacks alot) i think there is no hope for a final fantasy charater in any shape or form appearing on brawl (unless its a cc character or a moogle as an assist)
Well if you want to argue about it that waySmilieit is the star of Kid Icarus, a series with only 2 games of a lower quality than the original Metroid anyway.Ice Climbers only starred in one game, which was a fun arcade game, but Megaman has definitely starred in better.Sonics recent titles have been laughable in comparison to many of Megamans recent titles.If youre going to decide over quality of games, then Id say some of the characters chosen for Brawl technically shouldnt be in it at all. But they are.And Sora is probably more likely that some FF characters, although...3rd party characters are also a good way to promote a 3rd party via a Nintendo game. When you see Sonic, you know hes SEGA. When you see Snake, you know hes Konami. When you see Sora, Square doesnt instantly spring to mind. Infact hes not the iconic 3rd party character I would choose if I was Square Enix.However, this also back up the theory of Cloud being in it, which I dont agree with either. Frankly its hard to decide who would represent Square Enix, infact, fans cant decide that, only Square could. If youre going for fame then maybe Cloud would be the obvious choice, but having not appeared as a main character on a Nintendo platform game before could be a problem. Choosing a character from any FF game before VII will also be an iconic character problem, since for some reason a lot of people seem to think Final Fantasy just starts at VII. (lol Chad Warden)Partly I think that popularity and iconic factor plays a huge part in deciding 3rd party characters. Infact its the only reason we have Sonic instead of NiGHTS, and Snake rather than Goemon. But you never know I guess.( Edited on 28.12.2007 22:47 by SuperLink )

ya i suppose your right you explained it alot easier but both pit and ice climbers are nintendo (so it doesn't matter if the games were crap or not i was more focusing on main the main brawlers) i do think sonic recent games have been better than meganmans. i just don't think megamans a good choice maybe leon (if snake wasn't in it) or another resi character

... Megaman has far more scope for a game like Smash Bros than Samus. Sure Samus gets suit upgrades throughout the games, but she almost always gets the same things, many of the upgrades are just expansions for things like missiles, and some things aren't exactly useful for a fighting game (morph ball, space jump).

Megaman however has about 8 completely different attacks from every single game he's ever been in. Just thinking of the weapons from Megaman X4 I can think of perfect special moves for Up, Down, Side and Stationary. Plus the fact that his hand just magically turns into a gun and back makes him a bit better for close-combat fighting-y-ness. And look at the size of his feet. Wouldn't wanna be kicked by that ;3

Anyway... No matter how much better/worse Megaman would be in the game, or how much anyone wants him it doesn't really matter. The Megaman fanbase is pretty much dead nowadays, and only emerges from dark caves each time a new game is released to talk about how 'quite good' or 'not completely terrible' it is.

IF we see any more 3rd Party characters (Which I'm not even convinced we will, it might just be the two) I'm certain they'll be people far more up to date, or possibly even characters from a big soon to be released game, rather than retro characters. Even Cloud from FF7 is a bit too outdated to be one of the included 3rd Party characters now I think (Thank God)

I think what's even more important to think of is which character could be something not really seen in Smash Bros before? Snake's attacks are supposed to be quite comical and over the top (Like the games he's in I suppose...), using Grenades and Rocket Launcher for standard attacks, and Sonic is there to be an insanely fast, constantly in your face short-range fighter. To be honest I can barely think of any big third party characters at all, let alone ones which are STILL big and who would be good Smash Bros characters...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society
MegaLucas (guest) 28.01.2010#59

I want Megaman in Brawl!!!!!!! Smilie

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