recent podcast feature, when asked about Mega-Man being in Smash Bros. Brawl, Capcom's Keiji Inafune stated whilst nothing was yet confirmed, "Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they" /> News: Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Wants Mega-Man in Smash Bros. Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Wants Mega-Man in Smash Bros.

By Adam Riley 23.12.2007 59

Quick News - In a recent podcast feature, when asked about Mega-Man being in Smash Bros. Brawl, Capcom's Keiji Inafune stated whilst nothing was yet confirmed, "Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they'll give me a call."

Does it look more likely the Blue Bomber will make an appearance? Share your thoughts below...

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i think it a bit late for him to be saying that lol

I hope someone has the sense to call. Megaman would be great!Smilie

Wow, so how many game companies are on this game? Nintendo, Konami, Sega and now Capcom... whos next?

Do you think this will prolong the development of the game?

( Edited on 23.12.2007 21:21 by irfman )

Don't forget, third-partys have to contact Nintendo about character inclusion, not the other way round, like Konami did. This answer could be a way of sidesteping the question.

Nice one! Hopefully he'll be announced as part of the recent 20th Anniversary celebrations!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I hope they add Megaman. That would be sick.

Geez, why don't Capcom contact Nintendo? It was Konami who approached Nintend to include Snake, way back in Melee, I believe, but it was too late to put him in.

I hope it's not too late to add Mega Man in, but damn, Nintendo have asked for companies to approach them.

It seems too late to add him now. I won't care if he's in, but if they delay the game again only to include him, I won't be happy.

its too far into development.

yup, not to jump on the bandwagon, Megaman has been my most-wanted character (after sonic) for a while now.

I agree that it's rather late in development though Smilie

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

Azzy, that's perfectly right, but then it was Sakurai-san that went back to Koshima-san to see if he still wanted Snake in Smash Bros. for Brawl.

As for this podcast, Inafune-san states there's still a few months until release, leading many to assume it was recorded a while back. Then at the MM anniversary when he was asked the same thing there he was far more coy than in this podcast...suspicious? Some seem to think so!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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To be fair I dont really see the point in adding Megaman. For me I think that Megaman was Capcoms answer to Samus, hence his basic design and weaponary, so it would seem to me that an inclusion of Megaman would merely be a blue Samus with very slight attack differences.

I still have some hope. C'mon Megaman.

" so it would seem to me that an inclusion of Megaman would merely be a blue Samus with very slight attack differences."


Id much rather see a few more Nintendo charecters.
Alex Rovas from Eternal Darkness.

She would be significantly different.

Also, incidently, she has the same voice actress as Samus. (leading me to think Samus is her distant decendant :p) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I think the reason I don't really get Smash Bros. is because I don't really get excited about 'characters'. There seem to be people who get immensely worked about the things. Who cares if Megaman is in it? It'll be the same game but with an even more grotesquely artificially expanded character roster whith which to fuck up the balancing.

To me, Megaman is an insignificant 2D action game that's milked to buggery.


To me, Metal Gear solid is a ground-breaking cinematic game. To pre-teen Nintendo fans it's OMG SNAKE IS SO COOL LOOK HE IS IN SMASH BROS!

I suppose it's the reason why people keep buying shit sonic games. And shit Megaman games. And shit pokemon games.

( Edited on 24.12.2007 01:18 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

i wonder if keiji inafune is still waiting by that phone

'ring ring' (picks up phone)

Inafune: hello, who's calling?
Caller: Hi, this is the phone company and we're selling phones for...

Inafune: damn you, you assholes do this everytime I'm waiting for a call from nintendo. if you don't stop calling I'll do a shit on your shit. (Slams phone)
'ring ring'

Inafune: Heelllooooo.

Caller: Hi, this is the phone comp... (to be continued)

I think he would be a great Inclusion. The way I see it Mega Man would be a lot like kirby by absorbing his opponents attacks. Insteading of swallowing maybe Mega would get the power after he KO'ed his opponent.

The Megaman games were a lot of fun, Grumbles. Megaman would make a fine character and furthermore he'd help to pull and entertain the gaming masses Smilie

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

If he's not in by now...I'd say he's not going to be.

I was highly hoping for Mega Man to be in this. It only makes sense since Mega Man is part of the Nintendo heritage during the 8 bit era. The only way that it will be realistic now though is that they already have the code for Mega Man and they are simply looking to do the final legal work to add it in the SSBB

well capcom better cross their fingers Smilie

Megaman in Smash? Fook yeh! lol But it is rather late in developement. Maybe as downloadable content with WC24? I'd love to also have Roll, Protoman, Bass, X, Zero, Vile, Axl... I better stop right there. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

shadeofgood said:
I was highly hoping for Mega Man to be in this. It only makes sense since Mega Man is part of the Nintendo heritage during the 8 bit era. The only way that it will be realistic now though is that they already have the code for Mega Man and they are simply looking to do the final legal work to add it in the SSBB
And 16 bit era. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

If he's going to be in it, they added him long ago. This would be just to put doubt into peoples minds so it's a surprise when he's included. If you ask me, this just confirms his inclusion, as even they know it would be too late to throw him in now, there just saying that to let people know they wanted him in.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Far too late... if Capcom doesn't know Megaman's already in it, then he's not in it.

*BOMBERMAN!!!* Hopefully :3

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