recent podcast feature, when asked about Mega-Man being in Smash Bros. Brawl, Capcom's Keiji Inafune stated whilst nothing was yet confirmed, "Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they" /> News: Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Wants Mega-Man in Smash Bros. Page 2 - Cubed3

Nintendo Wii News | Capcom Wants Mega-Man in Smash Bros.

By Adam Riley 23.12.2007 59

Quick News - In a recent podcast feature, when asked about Mega-Man being in Smash Bros. Brawl, Capcom's Keiji Inafune stated whilst nothing was yet confirmed, "Maybe if somebody from Nintendo is listening to this podcast, they'll give me a call."

Does it look more likely the Blue Bomber will make an appearance? Share your thoughts below...

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jesusraz said:
Azzy, thats perfectly right, but then it was Sakurai-san that went back to Koshima-san to see if he still wanted Snake in Smash Bros. for Brawl.As for this podcast, Inafune-san states theres still a few months until release, leading many to assume it was recorded a while back. Then at the MM anniversary when he was asked the same thing there he was far more coy than in this podcast...suspicious? Some seem to think so!

I'm thinking what your thinking.

SuperLink said:
Far too late... if Capcom doesnt know Megamans already in it, then hes not in it.*BOMBERMAN!!!* Hopefully :3

This interview is some months old now SL, besides there is still a that SE character that is due to make a appearance also. Two of Japans biggest houses Capcom and SE are bound to have big characters included in my opinion. I vote Black Mage and Megaman.

Agree on the Capcom and S-E bit, but Viewtiful Joe and Cloud get my votes. I'm dead certain on the latter.

Clod in Brawl? Puh-lease, he doesn't have a chance in hell, besides never having appeared on a Nintendo console, and being from a game that was published by Sony, I'm sure Sony could get a say in that too...

If it's a Square Enix character, it'll be Geno from Super Mario RPG. That seems most likely to me, he's a Mario character, which is basically the only way he'll get in, since Sakurai said that "not inlcuding Snake, there will only be a MAXIMUM of 2 more 3rd party characters".

We've got Sonic now, so if there are even any more 3rd party character at all, it's incredibly unlikely there will be more than 1. And does itreally take only a few months to put a character in? I'm sure Sakurai had already decided on his maximum of 3 3rd party character by the time this interview took place... if Capcom didn't know, and didn't contact Nintendo about it, then Megaman doesn't have a chance. SEGA and Konami obviously went to Nintendo themselves and asked to put Sonic andk Snake in respectively. After all, it's just promotion for their respective series' isn't it?

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Many of these interviews are pre planned publicity stunts organized months in advance, it's important to take that into consideration. They work, they get people speculating as we are, and people hoping that the character they love appears, so when it actually does it seems like a real plus for the game. Nobody knows but Nintendo, SE and Capcom who will feature, but I would not think time constraints are any issue. Both are Japanese companies with very strong links to Nintendo, if their characters feature it has been long ago planned and implemented.

The "Original" Megaman from the NES days and "Cheerful White" from the Bomberman series are the only one's I wanted after sonic... Although I'm sure Cheerful White would be difficult to add with only bombing skills and all.

SuperLink said:
Clod in Brawl? Puh-lease, he doesnt have a chance in hell, besides never having appeared on a Nintendo console, and being from a game that was published by Sony, Im sure Sony could get a say in that too...

*Looks at GBA copy of Kingdom Hearts;Chain of Memories* Smilie

I don't think Sony would have a say in it at all. Remember Final Fantasys 1,2,4,5 and 6? They all first appeared on Nintendo Consoles, and were published by Nintendo themselves (I think), yet were eventually ported to PS one. If Nintendo did have a say in that, then they sure as hell didn't do anything about it.

Also, consider this; Final Fantasy 7 marked the point where the Playstation brand started to dominate Nintendo's efforts and subsiquently, the next 10 years of gaming. If the head Character of that game appeared in a big title, on a resurgent Nintendo console, what a kick in the teeth for Sony that would be.
Not to mention the many Sony and multi-format games fans who have dreamed of a Cloud vs Link matchup who would undoubtedly pick this up, and you have some good incentives for Nintendo to pursue the useage of Cloud.

And another point, oweing to the fact that Cloud's inclusion is something that many would deem impossible, wouldn't it be the perfect major announcement for the game, the one that would turn heads more than any other? Sakurai could easily have kept Sonic under wraps for that big announcement, and just used the level editor feature as a compromize for the delay, but he didn't.

Just some food for thought there.Smilie

O God, if Cloud was in SSBB... FF7 freaks would go total ballistic.

Plus another point, Cloud already has a fighting game pedigree, previously starring in Erigiz (or whatever you call it), and he is a dead-cert for FF Disidium on PSP thats on the way, so suddenly it doesn't look impossible anymore. Smilie

The only two third party characters needed now for me to be happy are Bomberman and Mega Man. And Phoenix Wright as an assist. Go on, you can chuck a Chocobo as a playable in and a Moogle as an assist, too.

Yeah, I'd be surprised if Bomberman didn't make it, given how many games Nintendo trusts Hudson with.

Well. I still don't think Cloud has a chance in hell. Besides, if all anyone wants him in for is "Link VS Cloud" then personally he shouldn't be in at all, just to piss those people off. Seriously, Mario VS Sonic is cool enough, but Link VS Cloud is even more stupid sounding than Samus VS Master Chief, it's a fight between 2 completely different characters that's just another way of saying "Nintendo VS Sony/Microsoft"

So is it not just me who thinks Bomberman could get in? Personally I'm starting to doubt it... Bomberman's recent popularity has shown that noone gives a shit about the little guy anymore Smilie so he may not be popular enough with the mainstream.

Also, if he is in it, I sure hope he's not called Cheerful White. That'd be lameness. Afterall, all his recolours would be called Cheerful White.

Bomberman recolours are the most perfect recolours ever. Infact. He should be playable for that reason alone. Smilie

Dream 3rd party event match idea:

"The Blue Bombers"

You play as Blue coloured Bomberman (AKA Blue Bomber) and fight against Megaman and Sonic (oftentimes both nicknamed the "Blue Bomber") in a fight to prove who is the best Blue Bomber! Smilie

And Phoenix Wright appearing in the game in any shape or form would be a dream come true for me. Playable sounds a bit silly, but an "Objection!" Assist Trophy.....


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SuperLink said:
Well. I still dont think Cloud has a chance in hell. Besides, if all anyone wants him in for is Link VS Cloud then personally he shouldnt be in at all, just to piss those people off. Seriously, Mario VS Sonic is cool enough, but Link VS Cloud is even more stupid sounding than Samus VS Master Chief, its a fight between 2 completely different characters thats just another way of saying Nintendo VS Sony/Microsoft

Link Vs Cloud wouldn't exactly be a big deal, just a little bonus option and would probably be a great event match too.
And its not as if he couldn't be a great fighter. Buster Sword swipes as basic attacks, Braver ability as up+B recovery move, Blade Beam as side+B, Reflect Materia ability as Down+B, and maybe some kind of combo attack as regular B attack. and of course, the almighty Omnislash limit break as a Final Smash. Smilie

Also, we'd see Bahamut/Ifrit/Shiva etc. as assist trophies, Aeris' Church as a battleground and even get a Kirby with spiky yellow hair! Whats not to love about the idea? Smilie


Of course, that's just an opinion.

I agree that some of the ideas are good, but I also agree that I don't really like the sound of it... Cloud is an overrated character from an overrated game Smilie if you ask me Terra from Final Fantasy VI is far more deserving and even more likely than Cloud, being the main character from possibly the most famous Final Fantasy to be on a Nintendo platform.

I'd rather see Tifa than Cloud Smilie

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SuperLink said:
I agree that some of the ideas are good, but I also agree that I dont really like the sound of it... Cloud is an overrated character from an overrated game Smilie if you ask me Terra from Final Fantasy VI is far more deserving and even more likely than Cloud, being the main character from possibly the most famous Final Fantasy to be on a Nintendo platform.Id rather see Tifa than Cloud Smilie

We all know why that is, eh?Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Yea obviously.

It's because she has HUGE FISTS.

Good for fighting and all that.

EDIT: This post is the meaning of life I'll have you know.

( Edited on 27.12.2007 18:41 by SuperLink )

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Its really weird how certain I feel that he'll pop up in Brawl, just that it wouldn't be complete without the character. Damn Deja Vu/Premonitions or whatever the hell they are.Smilie

theduffman said:
The Megaman games were a lot of fun, Grumbles. Megaman would make a fine character and furthermore hed help to pull and entertain the gaming masses Smilie

the only way megaman would pull in the masses was to have the chance to beat the living shit out of him with mario, meagman's past it and overrated he hasn't has a great game since the 16 era and he should stay there and die in a 16 bit grave.

and bomberman what are ye guys thinking!
where is yoshi and captian falcon i know they weren't the greatest charaters but they were original

( Edited on 27.12.2007 21:57 by iangennery )

wasn't Cloud in Chain of memories? The new guy from FFversusXIII poos on cloud. i want him in brawl.

Yoshi has already been confirmed...

And Captain Falcon is pretty much confirmed.

Cloud was in Chain of Memories, but it's not even enough to call a cameo if you ask me. I guess he has a small chance of being in Brawl though. The problem is, would it (Cloud) appeal as much to Nintndo fans? Still, at the end of the day, it's what Square wants, and then after that, it's what Sakurai wants.

If Square want Cloud in but Sakurai doesn't. he doesn't get in anyway.

iangennery said:
the only way megaman would pull in the masses was to have the chance to beat the living shit out of him with mario, meagmans past it and overrated he hasnt has a great game since the 16 era and he should stay there and die in a 16 bit grave.
Megaman is a popular character. He's very similar to Sonic, we know the quality in Sonic and Megaman's games are few and far in between, but the characters themselves are very well known and iconic, and it's that which will help the character's standing in Brawl more than anything else.

This is why Megaman has more of a chance than Bomberman, especially since Capcom express(ed?) their intrest in it. Bomberman titles don't fly off the shelves, infact sometimes I think people who don't even have the game put them back on the shelves. Even though they don't own it. That's right, Bomberman's popularity goes down into negatives. Damn you gaming community.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think the reason I don't really get Smash Bros. is because I don't really get excited about 'characters'. There seem to be people who get immensely worked about the things. Who cares if Megaman is in it? It'll be the same game but with an even more grotesquely artificially expanded character roster whith which to fuck up the balancing.

Well I am all for a new character, as long as they have interesting moveset. I want more characters so it adds more variety to the game, like it does to dota... as long as each character plays relatively differently. I don't care so much for my favourite character to show up into the game, I am kind of past that, for me the original gimmick of a Nintendo All-star face-off wasn't what kept me hooked to the game, but rather the weird gameplay and the only 4 player fighter. I have never played megaman, but if he has potential for some odd or interesting moves, then by all means include him.

iCAME said:
if he has potential for some odd or interesting moves, then by all means include him.

That is the way everyone should think when it comes to a Character for Smash Bros especially after all the nerdgasms that the unveiling of sonic gave.

I'll be sickened if Cloud is in any smash bros. game.

Square-Enix have many IP's that have stayed faithful to the Nintendo label even when Final Fantasy went to Sony. To add further point, who says it's gonna be one of Square's, (if one at all). Tbh, Enix owned Square when they were separate companies.

If cloud makes it, it just shows that the whole thing has become fanboy fodder.

and bomberman what are ye guys thinking!
where is yoshi and captian falcon i know they weren't the greatest charaters but they were original

Talking about third party characters. If we want to talk first party, let's put Chibi-Robo in as an assist.

Bomberman is the mascot of the first third-party Nintendo ever properly worked with, Hudson. Of course it'd be fair to chuck him in.

If some of these third party characters that are wanted don't turn up as playables, there's a chance they can be unrevealed assists. Afterall we've had Sin & Punishment characters in as assists, and that's a third party thing (Treasure).

Oh god more pro cloud in Brawl stuff, i'm so over it, he won't make it he hasn't appeared on a Nintendo console which is the biggest strike of all, all characters in brawl have appeared on a nintendo console before, and that is why they are cast in the game, the greatest of the greatest characters through the consoles life, they wouldn't shove in a pissy Sony character even if square used to produce games for nintendo, thats like announcing Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2, only the characters from square's first 6 games should be allowed and not Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall or Tifa.

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