Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii / Wii U Virtual Console): News, Reviews, Videos & Screens

Kirby's Epic Yarn is a 2D Platformer game developed by Good Feel for the Wii video game console. The game has been re-released and can be downloaded on the Virtual Console service for Wii U, in digital form. Get the latest news, reviews, videos and screenshots for Kirby's Epic Yarn.


Good Feel




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (22 Votes)

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Reviews for Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Nintendo has decided to take Kirby in a different direction for Kirby’s Epic Yarn on Wii, but will fans be happy with the changes? - By Adam Riley

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Previews for Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Everyone has been waiting for the next home console version of the Kirby franchise, but nobody expected something as special as Kirby’s Epic Yarn for Wii. - By Karn Spydar Lee Bianco

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Articles & Features for Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii

Title Date Comments
Nintendo Brings Kirby to Dull London22.02.20110
Kirby's Epic Yarn Gets EU Release Date02.12.20107
More Kirby Epic Yarn Wii Footage, Living Space13.10.201011
Kirby's Epic Yarn Scores 36/40 in Famitsu07.10.20101
Nintendo Reveals New Kirby Wii Information05.10.20107
New Kirby's Epic Yarn Teaser Trailer02.09.201010
E310 Media | Kirby's Epic Yarn Revealed16.06.201014

Screenshots and Artwork for Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii

Gameplay Videos & Trailers for Kirby's Epic Yarn Wii

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