If you live in Europe, you may have been wondering when you'll be able to get your hands on Kirby's latest Wii adventure; Epic Yarn. Having already been released in both America and Japan this year, the EU areas have been missing out on some Woolly goodness. The game has been subject to some great review scores, and many fans of the pink blob will be looking forward to playing the game in Europe.
Well, you'll have to wait a little longer since the Pink Ball of Wool won't be making it's way to European shores until February 25th, so that's just over 2 and a half months.
Epic Yarn takes place in Patch Land where Kirby teams up with Prince Fluff to track down the magical threads to sew Patch Land back together to fix the havoc wreaked by the evil sorcerer Yin Yarn after being thrown into the world and turned into woollen string to boot.
You can read C3's hands on of the E3 build for our impressions of the game.
Are you looking forward to Kirby's Epic yarn? What do you think of Kirby's first console game since Air Ride on the GameCube?