More Kirby Epic Yarn Wii Footage, Living Space

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2010 11

More Kirby Epic Yarn Wii Footage, Living Space on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A load of new media for the upcoming Kirby game from Feel Good, Epic Yarn, including a neat themed living room.

First up, a bunch of new footage courtesy to Nintendo Everything, featuring our pink puff-ball engage in story sequences, transform into an adorable string space-ship, nippy car and boneless fish. In the final video there's a quick glance at the customisable Kirby living space.

On the subject of living Spaces the folk at I am 8 Bit helped produce a unique Epic Yarn living space, like in the game, for press members at Nintendo's US offices to have a go.

For more information be sure to check out the Official Kirby's Epic Yarn website.

Box art for Kirby's Epic Yarn

Good Feel




2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (22 Votes)

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I've been very tempted to import a Japanese copy.

This is going to sell huge amounts when it launches on Sunday in the US. In Europe I fully expect it'll become the second biggest game of 2011, with OoT 3D becoming the biggest. Can't wait.

( Edited 13.10.2010 22:12 by Squidboy )

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Simply the most gorgeous and cute thing I've seen on Wii, or any platform for a long time methinks! Looks even nicer in the 'flesh'. The levels we played had such a good, fun flow and the design does tend to "wow!" and "awww" you a lot.

That neat Nintendo room looks awesome, would definitely love some of that Kirby decor in my own room!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Each time I see it I see more insane awesomeness.
Its not just the style , the gameplay looks really diverse. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I do not see how people can get so excited for this. This is simply just going backwards on what we want in a Kirby game.

Ever since Kirby Superstar (SNES) and Kirby 64 (N64) much has lacked in this series.

The fan base really wants another reboot of Kirby Superstar. What they were working on with the Kirby that was suppose to release on GC (the one that got cancelled.) Looked to be what we really wanted. (The ability to suck in enemies and create a co-op friend.)
That is a hardcore Kirby.

This looks very childish and very unappealing to the average gamer imo. Its ideas like this that gives Nintendo a "kiddy" image. What happened to those awesome games like Kirby Superstar and Super Mario World? They are almost as if it were created by an entirely different company.

Just like I did with Other M, I am really disagreeing with Nintendo's decision on this game. Just because Nintendo's name is slapped on the box, doesn't make it magic. The Galaxy games and Brawl have been the best thing Nintendo has made in the past few three years.

Nintendo needs to be grittier and come out with another Star Fox and F-Zero. Don't give "Kirbs" this treatment. He looks terrible.

My loyalty to Nintendo is almost gone. If it wasn't for Mario, I wouldn't be even owning a Wii. My loyalty is virtually with CAPCOM now for doing everything right and hardly messing up.

Please Nintendo, go back to the dominate force you were when you had the SNES around because I see Epic Yarn becoming an Epic Fail.

(a little rant about this game. i was trying for the past months not to say anything but I cant see how this game is getting hype for looking so linear. Kirby can't even steal abilities anymore. he just gets new ones. I want a Kirby game where he eats his enemies, not pulls them by the string...Everything is based on my opinions so there should be no reason to cry about this post.)

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

This game keeps looking better. I thought I would buy it in a few years, but I might get it earlier.

And didn't you know? 'Kiddy' is now artistic and popular.

It pisses me off when people class Nintendo as a "kiddy" company. For people who cannot appreciate such an incredible art style without calling it "kiddy" really do fail.

I must say myself, this game looks very unusual but epic at the same time.

( Edited 13.10.2010 22:43 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
It pisses me off when people class Nintendo as a "kiddy" company. For people who cannot appreciate such an incredible art style without calling it "kiddy" really do fail.

The company obviously isn't for children. Games like Galaxy and the entire DS idea is great. It's the Wii that is a big question mark. I am not into K:EY because it takes the whole idea of Kirby away. Kirby is suppose to eat his enemies, not turn into automobiles in a snap.

I really was hoping for more from a future Kirby game. Where are the enemies like Marx and Zero Two? Those guys where beyond amazing. Even Meta Knight can't live up to how amazing he was in Superstar. He's just a Proto Man knock off almost. (I don't mean literally btw)

Plus the DS is extremely hardcore. Nintendo does great things with it. Far more superior than the Wii. (Pokemon, Hotel Dusk, The World Ends with you. All fantastic games.)

It also takes a great 3rd party, like Capcom, to make good games on the wii. (Monster Hunter, Tatsunoko vs Capcom.)

For Nintendo, they are the only ones that can make the Wii work. But even they screw up at times. Metroid: Other M was over hyped and did not deserve the attention it got. Zelda: TP could have been better for Wii. Wii Music is a horrible concept, and the Wii almost killed the Paper Mario spin off.

I do have hope that Donkey Kong Country Returns is going to be superb. I already know Super Mario Galaxy is most likely the greatest 3-D platform game in history. Those are examples of taking a franchise in the right direction. It's called "Progress" I wish Kirby followed suite with that too. But we shall see if this is an Epic win or an epic fail.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
I am not into K:EY because it takes the whole idea of Kirby away. Kirby is suppose to eat his enemies, not turn into automobiles in a snap.

Don't you think that feels a bit samey? I must admit it was awesome, swallowing the enemies and such, but this also looks like an interesting approach to make the Kirby series still feel awesome. I can see where you're getting at, but change is sometimes good.

I couldn't agree more about saying Capcom is one of the best 3rd Party developers, they certainly do make some impressive stuff. But yeah, give Nintendo a break.
Oh, I also had no problems with Metroid: Other M or the Wii version of TP (Sure, it may be a Wiimote waggling fest, but it's a great game and it was one of the first games to be released for the Wii.) Super Paper Mario, I really cannot comment on.. I haven't played enough of it to say. I do prefer the N64 version's gameplay, though.

( Edited 13.10.2010 23:35 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
SuperShyGuy62 said:
I am not into K:EY because it takes the whole idea of Kirby away. Kirby is suppose to eat his enemies, not turn into automobiles in a snap.

Don't you think that feels a bit samey? I must admit it was awesome, swallowing the enemies and such, but this also looks like an interesting approach to make the Kirby series still feel awesome. I can see where you're getting at, but change is sometimes good.

I couldn't agree more about saying Capcom is one of the best 3rd Party developers, they certainly do make some impressive stuff. But yeah, give Nintendo a break.
Oh, I also had no problems with Metroid: Other M or the Wii version of TP (Sure, it may be a Wiimote waggling fest, but it's a great game and it was one of the first games to be released for the Wii.) Super Paper Mario, I really cannot comment on.. I haven't played enough of it to say. I do prefer the N64 version's gameplay, though.

lol. "samey"

but seriously, that what people were saying about Kirby SuperStar and Dreamland 3. That is when Nintendo needs to innovate. (taking two abilities together like Kirby 64. that was genius. a lot cooler than being made of string)

Other M sucked. It was hyped to be like Super Metroid but it will never live up to that expectation.

TP was terrible on the Wii. It should not be defended. The game felt more complete on the Gamecube and should be referred as a Gamecube only game.

The reason I criticize Nintendo is that they only believe in innovation. I mean, gameplay is great, but it should be presented like how the PS3 and the Xbox do it. Nintendo isn't the only one who strives on gameplay. All companies have great gameplay. But Nintendo sucks with visuals so we are left with games where Kirby is a thing of string.

The Wii needs to work on visuals too if they expect me to continue buying their systems. I'm trying to get a PS3 so I could get MvC3, Mega Man Universe and Rayman Origins.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

SuperShyGuy62 said:
lol. "samey"

but seriously, that what people were saying about Kirby SuperStar and Dreamland 3. That is when Nintendo needs to innovate. (taking two abilities together like Kirby 64. that was genius. a lot cooler than being made of string)

Yes that was brilliant, but why not take on a whole new change?

SuperShyGuy62 said:
Other M sucked. It was hyped to be like Super Metroid but it will never live up to that expectation.

TP was terrible on the Wii. It should not be defended. The game felt more complete on the Gamecube and should be referred as a Gamecube only game.

As you probably realised, our opinions differentiate quite a bit. Other M may of not been as good as Super Metroid, but I hate when people compare games to previous counterparts. In it's own right, Other M was a great addition to the Metroid series imo.
I played TP on the Wii first and I hadn't a problem with it. I got used to the controls and once I had, it was a great game.

SuperShyGuy62 said:
The reason I criticize Nintendo is that they only believe in innovation. I mean, gameplay is great, but it should be presented like how the PS3 and the Xbox do it. Nintendo isn't the only one who strives on gameplay. All companies have great gameplay. But Nintendo sucks with visuals so we are left with games where Kirby is a thing of string.

That's the thing.. you'd quite happily take a game with 8/16-bit visuals but when it comes to a new, bizarre looking art style, you criticize it for looking too kiddy. Let me just say this, visuals can be amazing even to a game that looks like this does.

SuperShyGuy62 said:
The Wii needs to work on visuals too if they expect me to continue buying their systems. I'm trying to get a PS3 so I could get MvC3, Mega Man Universe and Rayman Origins.

As I mentioned, this is working on visuals, Nintendo are a huge fan of different art styles. Look what they've tried with Zelda and Mario.

( Edited 14.10.2010 07:29 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:

That's the thing.. you'd quite happily take a game with 8/16-bit visuals but when it comes to a new, bizarre looking art style, you criticize it for looking too kiddy. Let me just say this, visuals can be amazing even to a game that looks like this does.

And you think I am the one who will turn away from a game like Mega Man: Powered Up just because it isn't 8-bit and it has a bizare art style? I am not biased towards art styles. I am just sick of Nintendo taking their characters and doing new things to them all the time. Can't they just keep old concepts and just make them better?

Mario Galaxy was fantastic because it kept the feeling we got when playing Super Mario 64. This game just has no appeal to me. Not everything Nintendo does is great. They make flops too.

I just hope they make a Kirby SuperStar/Kirby 64 like game at somepoint where Zero-Three - leader of the dark matter - is made the final boss. That is what should be considered an "epic" Kirby game.

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(Mega Man: Powered Up artstyle is freaking awesome! ;D)
You make it seem like I hate when 8/16 bit characters are made into a new kind of artstyle. Your wrong. Companies can adjust characters and their features. Just don't make them look gay.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

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