I do not see how people can get so excited for this. This is simply just going backwards on what we want in a Kirby game.
Ever since Kirby Superstar (SNES) and Kirby 64 (N64) much has lacked in this series.
The fan base really wants another reboot of Kirby Superstar. What they were working on with the Kirby that was suppose to release on GC (the one that got cancelled.) Looked to be what we really wanted. (The ability to suck in enemies and create a co-op friend.)
That is a hardcore Kirby.
This looks very childish and very unappealing to the average gamer imo. Its ideas like this that gives Nintendo a "kiddy" image. What happened to those awesome games like Kirby Superstar and Super Mario World? They are almost as if it were created by an entirely different company.
Just like I did with Other M, I am really disagreeing with Nintendo's decision on this game. Just because Nintendo's name is slapped on the box, doesn't make it magic. The Galaxy games and Brawl have been the best thing Nintendo has made in the past few three years.
Nintendo needs to be grittier and come out with another Star Fox and F-Zero. Don't give "Kirbs" this treatment. He looks terrible.
My loyalty to Nintendo is almost gone. If it wasn't for Mario, I wouldn't be even owning a Wii. My loyalty is virtually with CAPCOM now for doing everything right and hardly messing up.
Please Nintendo, go back to the dominate force you were when you had the SNES around because I see Epic Yarn becoming an Epic Fail.
(a little rant about this game. i was trying for the past months not to say anything but I cant see how this game is getting hype for looking so linear. Kirby can't even steal abilities anymore. he just gets new ones. I want a Kirby game where he eats his enemies, not pulls them by the string...Everything is based on my opinions so there should be no reason to cry about this post.)