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Added , 5215 0513 3202
I've added you
Anyone have an anticipation eevee? If so I have a protean frogadier
5215-041601538 Ririsu
Adding people from the list, please add me back.
hey guys i will be adding you all from the start of the forum.
my code is 0404-6832-7854.
i will continue to add new comers as well
ririsu you have 13 digits
Hi guys,
Thank you so much for signing up and using the Cubed3 forums for the friend code/safari exchange, very much appreciated and really good to see new members!
I don't mean to be a pain, but we have an official topic for adding codes - if you see at the top of that topic it has a friends list that will be updated automatically, that way we don't need to keep a Google doc
I can add that friend codes list box we have to the chatroom page too if that'll help?
Click here for the Pokemon Topic
Please let me know your thoughts - We can close this topic and move to the official topic?
added all of the above
needing a PM with what mines are
kyle89 said:
hey guys i will be adding you all from the start of the forum.
my code is 0404-6832-7854.
bezzles said:
Added you!
added 1650-2011-6692
( Edited 27.10.2013 15:25 by godsson114 )
4184 2010 5747
i will add people above and keep checking for new codes add me
( Edited 23.10.2013 12:07 by Lewispeano )
My code is: 3754 - 7522 - 5098.
Let me know if you have added me and I will add you back straight away!
added you george
5215-0416-1538 sorry mistype before.
Lewispeano said:
4184 2010 5747
i will add people above and keep checking for new codes add me
Added! 5215 0513 3202
hexagony said:
added you george
Added you too man
GeorgeP280 said:
My code is: 3754 - 7522 - 5098.Let me know if you have added me and I will add you back straight away!
Ririsu said:
5215-0416-1538 sorry mistype before.
GeorgeP280 said:
My code is: 3754 - 7522 - 5098.
Added you guys
F.C 4356-0568-1373
added you man my code is above
leor123 said:
F.C 4356-0568-1373
Added you
Added most(if not all) to this point
if I missed you let me know
0748-1640-4376 (just so you don't have to go back looking for it)
9/10 (42 Votes)