hiimphishy said:
FC: 5258-1114-9087Add me please, i'll add anyone.
added u
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hiimphishy said:
FC: 5258-1114-9087Add me please, i'll add anyone.
Add mrme Friend Code On Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
Add me 1349 5816 4062, ImGuan
And can someone help me check my friend safari thanks!
( Edited 16.08.2014 18:19 by Tan Guan Quan )
Add me: 0233-0038-8620.
Not sure of my type yet. Message me after an add and let me know please
Tan Guan Quan said:
Add me 1349 5816 4062, ImGuan
And can someone help me check my friend safari thanks!
Added you, FC: 0233-0038-8620
kyubiSSJ said:hiimphishy said:
FC: 5258-1114-9087Add me please, i'll add anyone.
added u
I added you; my FC: 0233-0038-8620
Please add my friend code: 4527-9665-7272
my fc :3196-3872-2954
For everyone please add my fc and i'll add you back.. thanks
( Edited 17.08.2014 02:50 by bigrobs )
add my code 1118 0746 7698
Added bigrobs my fc is 1590-49174-4071
i need ditto can any one help pm me please 207965433041
Mad Gali said:
i need ditto can any one help pm me please 207965433041
added you, mine is 0233-0038-8620
add my code 1118 0746 7698 need someone with a ditto
add my code 1118 0746 7698 need someone with a ditto
Add me for friend safari please
ash 4828-5394-5815
207965433041 add me and I need a ditto safari please.
cpeaks36 said:
Added bigrobs my fc is 1590-49174-4071
I've added u back.. also i added liv2rock96
I added Mad Gali. Will add everyone.
Added justin
added you, mine is 0233-0038-8620
Please add me
3411 - 2797 - 9028
astrocat said:
Please add me3411 - 2797 - 9028
added, mine is 02323-0038-8620
(42 Votes)