i thing the DS is the best
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i thing the DS is the best
another wisely structured, highly informative post there, It's good how the views are put across in a way everyone can understand, and the basis of which clearly stated and pros and cons balanced with the utmost expertise.
Well I'm not too worried about that because I'm not going to be buying either of them based on what I only know now. I don't think I can afford buying a PSP because things such as a car are a more importaint buy for me right now but I will be able to get a DS for christmas.
I also think the DS will be the best. I am, however horrendously biased
Am I biased? You bet you ass I am, but I'll give the PSP a fair chance when it comes out but if GBE comes out in the next few years with better hardware and better games than PSP I don't wanna get stuck with it.
LeroyZero wrote:
If we judged everything on the promise that it held, then everything would be overated, the proof as they say, is in the eating, and I can't wait to eat both these consoles, mmmm
Remember to floss aftwerwards.
Dont eat your consoles or peripherals. losing 15 billion times at cruel melle trying to get 8 kills has taught me that rage me goad you into biting your gamecube controler but my mind and tastbuds tell me its not worth it.
A fortune in dentist bills too
: Do you know that it's easily broken?, have you tested it?
I havent tested it...but read this...
More on PSP (Playstation Portable)
Posted Mar 29, 2004, 11:37 AM ET by Jason Calacanis
Our brother Peter over at Engadget.com points us to this story on the PSP (Playstation Portable):
Over at FirstAdopter, Robert Keenan is a little skeptical of the PlayStation Portable, Sony's new mobile gaming console which should be out in a year or so. Besides the fact that it'll sport an optical drive (which are easily damaged)
Similar optical drives to those used in any walkman or portable dvd player, hell you should see my driving and my Car CD Player works fine.
Optical drives have very little wear and tear, the only component to touch the media is the motor, the lasers and everything else don't touch the media at all.
Walkmans used by joggers last for years, the Sony ones in particular being extremely well made.
And not to be funny BurpleMunky but that isn't evidence it is merely some guys opinion which isn't based on fact or first hand experience.
I know for a fact that optical drives are durable. How? At least twice a week I demonstrate anti-shock through Matt Testing. This involves picking up the CD Player or Portable DVD Player with one hand and violently waving it in the air for 30-60sec (average anti shock time) and show the customer that the disc never jumped once. Every single item I tested still works.
Matt thats a great way to have items flying from your hand and brain damaging some old lady.
But at least the CD didnt jump once folks
the DS that was sooo ugly at E3 was a PROTOTYPE! you dont have to hope itll look better...IT WILL!
Optical drives may be durable but I've gone through 3 cd players in the last 3 years, not to convincing for me...I don't care what you say about them, there is no denying that solid state is more durable...
heh. hold up! gameBoy Evolution?? since when?? i know of the Nitnendo REVolution.
Hmm...my theory was that Nintendo was going to use the DS to outphase the GameBoy line. Cause Nintendo said that they were going to market the DS seperately to the GBA, nothing about the GameBoy line itself. Am i making sense???
We all presume there will be a next GBA as if the DS is only a third pillar, then surely the GBA will get is successor sometime.
It would be foolish for them to phase out the Game Boy line since the name itself has landed such a mark in the industry over the years. Doing such a thing would cost them greatly, I can't see them every making such a bad decision.
Fair enough