Game Boy vs PSP vs NDS

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ok no one see the new Game Boy yet but yet go by what the NDS have but only one screen and no touch screen.

The DS is something completely new in the industry! If you want a slick, graphical horsepowered portable like the PSP, then wait for the new Game Boy. No doubt they'll make it a worthy competitor. But for innovation, aaah, sweet touch screen voice interactive -bloody online!- innovation... No doubt i'll get a NDS DS DS !

and if I can afford it I get all of them but PSP last

PSP is a dvd player where I'll use it I dont know playing game on the bus is good but dvd, wow a Mp3 player I only what to play game's, PSP when you have to keep recharging the battery and the crystal clear screen gets scratched up. For every plus the PSP has, there is at least one minus.

Hm, its a tough decision for me...
I will 3/4 get DS, 50/50 get PSP and I'll definitely get GBEvo

Maybe we can say what we want the GBEvo to be...
In my opinon:
Hopefully, the GBEvo will go 100% for impressiveness!!!
no bother about backwards compatibility, or innovation, or multimedia...
it should cost less than th PSP and totally smash its face in graphics wise...
... wait, it should also be developer friendlySmilie

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Duffman ~~~~~~~~~
"If you make yourself really small, you can externalize virtually everything", Daniel Dennett

There's a strong rumour going around that since Nintendo might get the GB Evolution out by 2007 there's a big chance of it being compatible with GC games since the Nintendo Revolution might not be able to play GC titles...

That would be very good news indeed!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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YAY! Smilie

All these good games and new hardware coming out... i can't afford a DS AND the new GB!!!!! O_o

I would imagine I shall get the next GameBoy when it is released based on how much I love my SP, and did love the few games I had on the old 'Colour'. Out of the PSP and DS I will definitely be getting the DS. I have little to no interest in the various multimedia features the PSP features, and am on the other hand greatly looking forward to the various gaming oppertunities the DS is presenting.

Whichever way your swinging you can't deny it's going to be a great time to be a handheld gamer! Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Prediction: At least 70% of the games for PSP will be straight up ports of PS2/PS3 titles.

Prediction: It will massively outsell Nintendo DS.

Prediction: Mainstream gamers will never, ever have a clue.

:link: FAUSTSHAUSUK :mario:
My collection:

in the end, Gameboy will always win...

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Not necessarily, Nintendo used to rule mostly the entire Video Game Insustry all by themselves (slight exaggeration but you know what I mean). Then seemingly from no-where Sony pop up, release one system and change gaming for ever. Never under-estimate the competition!

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Smilie to sony then!

DS will beat the PSP! I'm sure of it!!! Smilie

Yeah, i reckon the only thing that's really going to stop the success of the PSP will be the price! Smilie

jesusraz wrote:
There's a strong rumour going around that since Nintendo might get the GB Evolution out by 2007 there's a big chance of it being compatible with GC games since the Nintendo Revolution might not be able to play GC titles...

That would be very good news indeed!

I thought Iwata went and said it would have backwards compaitiblity, and if GBA Evo is 128 bit, then the three pillars of Nintendo will most likely stand firm. And while the price is an issue, I can see Sony will bring it down within weeks of launch, as either not enough sales will mean a price drop, or it'll just do an N64. Either way, the price will not always be a factor, and I'm sure the PSP will get some good new games, and will be a good competitor for the DS. The Sony fans will make it so, plus casual gamers.

ya know, GR 781 it isn't confermed that psp will be 500. they covered this at i think gamespot, and had an article that price will range 300 low,500 high. corse, thats still really expensave Smilie psp sux! :vstab: (the one dieing is psp,other 1 ds)

ok, y'all know how I feel about this, after the very long threads we've had .

ok, GR, saying that everything that the DS showed was nicer than the PsP is very wishful thinking indeed. the Super Mario 64 demo was about the same as a Ps game, the polygon count and texture quality on the landscapes were ugly, the players were well modelled but the trees and other things were sprites,
the best looking game on it was probably the sonic one, showing off some neat effects. Metroid, although looking pretty sharp, doesn't come close to prime like some people are saying, infact, it lloks again like a Ps1 game.

the PsP's demos were more complete, so they would be better looking at the moment, Acid looked pretty swish, being somewhere closer to sons of liberty rather than the Ps MGS. all the games are obviously first generation so the graphics will improve on both.

According to IGN sony will use a no-port strategy,

I don't believe that,, for one thing GT4,
Clever developers will develop brand new games for the PsP and the Ds, both have control systems that are unique, (well, the 1 analogue stick on the PsP).
obviously you'll get some lame ports for each,

the price tag is still unconfirmed, and even if it is that expensive, it will decrease over time like everything does, so even if there are not the masses of people forking out their hard earn cash on the release date, it'll soon reduce.

umm, the wifi on the PsP hasn't been removed yet, the ds and the PsP will both be able to go online in their current builds, plus sony have already started contemplating how to deal with the different service providers that wi-fi uses, it would be nice to have a nintendo package that deals with all the technicalities.

Via pics I've seen The PsP looks more portable than the DS, and looks swisher than it too (at the moment) lets ust hope nintendo have something up their sleeves with the design.

I'm not discounting either, and not going to complain about the gimmickiness of the DS or the apparently awkward shoulders of the PsP, because I'd need a hands on for that.

I dont really see how you can call the NDS gimmiky

[ Edited by Blade2t3 on 2004/6/25 1:13 ]

ok... I can see you read my post real well, Smilie

I said I wasn't going to complain about it, because although I do feel it may be gimmicky, there's no way I can know, so therefore my forebodings are unfounded

[ Edited by LeroyZero on 2004/6/24 23:18 ]

yeah i did i agree with most things apart from that bit at the bottem about the NDS being gimmicky

WHat Is the psp gonna INTRODUCE to the gaming world. Ds will bring us touch screen technology which I for one think is a great step to evolve gamong on the grander scale. I mean Snes with sprites. N64 with 3d graphics engine ( i think thats what its called) and Gamecube with ...... well coming to think of it apart from tiny discs and great games ( as usual ) what did gamecube introduce. When was the last time we had a REAL revolution to the way we think about games.
I say bravo to NIntendo for no tmaking some jumped up little Handheld with a bunch of stuff we can buy anyway (such as mp3 players and online gaming) Bravo for making a touch screen. People like new things. I have a feeling that TWO screens and Touchscreen will be More than enough to make any casual gamer go "ooooooohhhh".
And if the price is competitive i.e lower than the psps it will blow it out of the water.
Get some originality sony.

Sorry about this gameboy evolution Ive never even heard of it. If someone could link me to some info I would be very grateful.

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

Theres no real info on the GBE just that its been confirmed and some speculation. We dont even no the real name for it either

So lemme get this straight. Nintendo announced a Portable AFTER the Ds. and thats all the info we have about it? when did they say the Ds was roughly out was it christmas 2004 or june 2005 or even earlier

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

back to the start i think the psp

its a chocobo(lets get 2 chocobos and make a chocobo baby)"that is inapropriat" ff is the best

The psp looks cack its too big. I'm with the DS all the way Smilie

I really wish people would stop whining about the size of the PSP i think gastrian (or someone) Told us the ctual size and its only an inch larger than the DS size doesent matter Its whats inside that counts.

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

just because its larger doesn't mean its less fun to play with,

now less about my personal issues...

The PsP is thinner, and skinnier than the DS, its a tad longer, but its about the size of a GBA, maybe a teeny bit bigger, the gba fitted in my coat pocket, it was a bit of a tight squeeze so the PsP would fit better, the DS may not fit becuase when closed the depth is increased.

so the PsP is for me, more portable

Thank you !
You sound like a fanboy tiamoto. No offence but people who whine in the face of obvious defeat (about the fact that the psp is more compact) are obvious Fanboys who are blinded by their Fandom.

We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh

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