Canyarion said:
The art style is pretty, but I see it more as a way to mask the Wii's lack of power. And some enemies were so ugly, like the Moblins. Why the big head? It made sense in TWW, but not here.
I completely disagree with the enemies being ugly, I loved the enemy designs and the overall art style of this game.
Although I didn't quote it.. I totally agree with your opinion on the Link in this game. He has become my favourite Link to date, and Skyward Sword has probably become one of my most favourite Zelda games.. it's definitely at the top, I know that much.
The amount of emotion it creates for the characters without using voice acting is just.. unbelievable. I have to say I loved the relationship between Link and Zelda and there was at least one scene in the game that made me shed a tear. (I'll leave it to you to guess which one. )
Which then leads me on to the next point...
Canyarion said:
The music is probably the worst in any Zelda game. It has 1 good tune, the rest is forgettable.
I actually enjoyed a lot of the soundtrack whilst playing it and now that I listen to it after playing it, it has become a lot more memorable.
Sure, the main theme may get stuck in your head the first time you hear it, but it's a main theme... that's the point.
Though I can easily remember a bunch of other tracks from the game and I thought they were just as good as any other Zelda game. Obviously the soundtrack isn't going to have much of an impact as say... OoT, or maybe even Wind Waker. But both of those games are quite a few years old and you've probably played through them quite a fair few times.
Once you've played Skyward Sword a few times, you'll start to realise how good it actually is. Or... I'm just speaking a load of bullshit here, I don't know.
But yeah, I can't say I had any problems with the soundtrack.. and it definitely done a great job of creating emotion for the characters and such.
EDIT: Please ignore any errors in this post (if there are any). I'm pretty tired and I'm not making much sense, so please do forgive me!
( Edited 26.04.2012 09:56 by Mush123 )