Can't imagine how the hell it would look, but hey, Nintendo did mess about with a removable d-pad and circle pad for the 3DS.
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Can't imagine how the hell it would look, but hey, Nintendo did mess about with a removable d-pad and circle pad for the 3DS.
Stulaw said:
I just thought about something with the controller (I actually thought of this idea years ago, but it never came true), what if it came apart like Lego, and transformed like transformers, that would mean that it could be both a Classic Style controller and a Wii Remote style controller at the same time, meaning all the features with the touchscreen and stuff can be both implemented if needed and taken away if it hinders the game (same with Motion controls).I call it, the Transforemote.
Another thing that crops up along with all the rumours is Skyward Sword being moved to the Wii 2. I've read the article and quite some comments on IGN about it and I'm still stunned by the sheer idiocy I've read there. The fact alone that the Wii would be the first Nintendo console to not receive an exclusive Zelda title should already be a strong enough argument against it(though there are tons more, I can list them if someone wants). Nintendo wouldn't dare to break that tradition.
What do you guys think about it?
( Edited 21.04.2011 21:04 by SirLink )
I think it's a bunch of BS, it'll be released this year on the Wii and that's it. The N6 might be backwards compatible but I doubt it will do anything other than maybe scale it up to 720p or something.
Edit: Plus, on my Transforemote, I thought it would just click together and interact with wireless but now that I think about it, each seperate part would need it's own battery.
( Edited 21.04.2011 21:22 by Stulaw )
The first page now has some IGN "Facts" about the system. .
I think I just almost died laughing when I read another Project Cafe article on IGN. The funny part isn't so much what's in there(though they have stuff like hardware, pricing, etc. from their "sources") but how Scott Lowe repeatedly says that we just have to trust him and IGN. Here are some quotes for amusement's sake.
It is also important to keep in mind that information, specifically that which pertains to pre-release technology, is always subject to change. While the information we receive may be true at the time it is given, manufacturers may change their plans drastically before public release, which we also make an effort to emphasize.Best excuse for making up random BS ever?
What it really comes down to is trust. You trust IGN as a reputable resource for gaming news, features, and reviews, and we do everything we can to maintain and preserve your trust. Though some may claim otherwise, every story published citing an anonymous source is based on information we believe to be credible and true from reliable, trusted sources. If a story or tip seems flimsy, we don't run it, or do our best to indicate when a story seems questionable.Of course we do.
Meanwhile, Miyamoto is basically telling all rumour spreaders to STFU and be patient, albeit a bit more polite than that.
@Stulaw: Damn, you beat me to it while I was writing that huge post.
( Edited 21.04.2011 21:46 by SirLink )
SirLink said:
It is also important to keep in mind that information, specifically that which pertains to pre-release technology, is always subject to change. While the information we receive may be true at the time it is given, manufacturers may change their plans drastically before public release, which we also make an effort to emphasize.Best excuse for making up random BS ever?
Exactly what I was thinking, I also still think that it'll have a quad core rather than a Tri-Core, it would actually be more than an OC'd 360 then.
Just had another brainstorm for the Transforemote, what if, instead of batteries it uses magnets when put together to charge, then when pulled apart it keeps the electricity running through those magnets with an electro-magnetic field (I know I'm crazy). Making for an excellent way to conserve the energy.
( Edited 21.04.2011 23:22 by Stulaw )
when pulled apart it keeps the electricity running through those magnets with an electro-magnetic field
Why it can't it just be a main controller with slots for add-ons? (Like the N64 controller, except the slot would be on the front.) I'm not really sure I understand what you're getting at, why does everything need its own batteries?
Cheesing it up said:when pulled apart it keeps the electricity running through those magnets with an electro-magnetic field
Wouldn't that be an incredible waste of energy? A magnetic field weakens quickly with distance.Why it can't it just be a main controller with slots for add-ons? (Like the N64 controller, except the slot would be on the front.) I'm not really sure I understand what you're getting at, why does everything need its own batteries?
Yeah, that'll probably be a better idea, but I was thinking in terms of making it a wireless Wii Remote and Nunchuck combination that slots together with the screen + an added analogue stick.
I'll just weigh in quickly.
The evidence for the rumours of new hardware is all pretty convincing, and seems to be coming from multiple sources, but business-wise it would seem to go against everything Nintendo have been building over the last 5 years.
The controller particularly doesn't make a lick of sense after having pushed motion controls, fewer buttons and approachability for such a long time.
I can only imagine one of three outcomes:
1. They've gone completely batty.
2. It's not true.
3. They're creating a distinct third platform that isn't intended to replace the Wii as everyone is assuming, and that it's designed to specifically target hardcore gamers.
Eh. Probably the second choice.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Yeah Sly, I'll go with 2, there's no way Nintendo will shy away from motion controls now, it just seems like every site's publishing their dream console, in which most don't like motion controls (playing too many crappy third party games does this) and quite a few of them are just Nintendo haters even if they don't realise it themselves.
I agree with sly, Nintendo had been working with 3d since the snes, and they finally came out with the 3DS that's doing well. Nintendo just doesn't seem to be a company to abandon an idea so pre-maturely.
for more examples; the DS line its self, the game cartridges, the control pad, Pokemon (it was an iffy start with that series), and even the game boy line.
( Edited 23.04.2011 14:03 by Wolvesgod )
Now Amazon are selling the White Wii for about �£100 and the Black one's gone back to �£160, so I don't think the price drop has anything going on it in terms of the new console.
Oh snap, there we go. Nintendo has stepped up with a press release and confirmed that they will announce and show a playable model of the successor to the Wii at E3 2011 in June, set for a release in 2012.
One part of me is happy because it's not that long anymore till all those rumour makers can STFU for the most part but I'm also worried about Skyward Sword and the other remaining Wii games now. I really hope that the unveiling of the successor won't completely steal the show from them. :/ It would probably be better if they show it at the very end of the presentation.
( Edited 25.04.2011 09:30 by SirLink )
Well, one things for sure, it'll be released in 2012, and Skyward Sword won't be on it if they're following a 3DS like release, I reckon SS will be release Oct/Nov this year and the system may launch with mostly third party titles, with Wave Race or F-Zero as Nintendo's title of choice.
Edit: I just thought, imagine the water playing Waverace on a machine more powerful than a PS3 ^_^.
( Edited 25.04.2011 11:20 by Stulaw )
I can't even begin to imagine how expensive the controllers are. And dropping controllers. This isn't a smart move.
Also Marzy, I believe you owe the whole thread stars?
Also Marzy, I believe you owe the whole thread stars?
Of course.
I knew it was true, way too many rumors. I'm hyped for E3 now, just like I was last year when the 3DS got announced in March 2010.
OMG the wait is too long. >_<
I can't wait till E3 now. O.o it will be epic to see what they do.
Am I the only one that isn't particularly bothered about the unveiling of a new console? I'll wait to see it before I get excited, just like the 3DS.
Raff said:
Dear god I hope it's not 3D...
I think it will be, if not now then eventually, and not in any form we've seen up to now. I'll take a gamble and guess it's projection based 3D, that doesn't require the gamers to stay stationary.
These images have surfaced, you decide!