Xenoblade Chronicles Official Thread

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Poll Results - Will you buy Xenoblade Chronicles?

Voting for this poll has now closed, numbers crunched and results calculated below.
Definitely,it looks epic: 85% (58)
Yeah I'll give it a try: 6% (4)
Nah,not interested: 4% (3)
It looks ok: 3% (2)
Maybe: 1% (1)
68 votes total.

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So, since this has recently been Officially announced for Europe I thought I'd make a thread for it.

In my opinion, the game looks epic, and judging from some gameplay videos I think I, and many others will enjoy it.

There's a Japanese Dub with subtitles (in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) and also an English Dub if you don't like the Japanese Voices.

Here's the trailer that came with the announcement a few days ago.


And here's one that shows the grand scale of the world.


So, the release date is August 19th, and there's a special box set complete with red CCPro with the game if needed.

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Link to Wiki page

Metacritic Scores.


( Edited 03.07.2013 03:47 by Azuardo )

I'll hunt anyone who likes (J)RPGs and isn't interested in this game down, I swear. Smilie

SirLink said:
I'll hunt anyone who likes (J)RPGs and isn't interested in this game down, I swear. Smilie

Hehe yeah, it just looks awesome, and I thought MH: Tri's scale was pretty damn good for a Wii game, but this just beats it to a pulp.

( Edited 04.04.2011 20:35 by Stulaw )

Stulaw said:

Hehe yeah, it just looks awesome, and I though MH: Tri's scale was pretty damn good for a Wii game, but this just beats it to a pulp.

Yeah, I agree. Xenoblade really makes Monster Hunter Tri pale in comparison and that one already was extremely impressive to begin with.

Did anyone play Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean on GC? That one is my favorite RPG of all time and will maybe never get dethroned. Smilie It's made by Monolith Soft too, which is one of the reasons why I'm totally hyped for Xenoblade. It certainly has a lot to live up to for me. Smilie

Oh, one vote for not interested already. Who am I killing? Smilie Marzy or L? Smilie

I've never played Baten Kaitos, but I would love to if I could get my hands on it. I got my hands on Tales of Symphonia this year and that was a pretty rare PAL release, so maybe I'll be able to find BK:EWatLO for a reasonable price.

But yeah, I'm definitely not missing out on my chance to get this, although thanks to Amazon, it will be far easier to grab a hold of.

Will be getting this when it comes out. Smilie

Our member of the week

I own and played extensively both Baten kaitos games. two immensely awesome games, though I prefer the second one Smilie.

I played the Japanese version of Xenoblade for a few hours, and explored the whole "Colony 9" region at the beginning of the game. The scale is just HUGE, and the music is one of the most awesome I heard in any RPG.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

SirLink said:
Oh, one vote for not interested already. Who am I killing? Smilie Marzy or L? Smilie

I'm probably one of the biggest RPG fans on this site, well after SuperLink. This game looks beast.Smilie

@Kafei: Origins was never released in Europe, was it? Because I haven't seen it anywhere, not even used.

@Stulaw: Those rare new copies of the game go for around €100 from what I've seen, but used ones in a good condition shouldn't be extremely hard to get a hold of. Smilie

@L: I already knew that. Smilie Just messing with you. Smilie

( Edited 04.04.2011 21:14 by SirLink )

I've honestly not seen much about Xenoblade - and I might as well keep it that way at this point. I've heard enough to make me want to play it though; many people say it's amongst the finest RPGs of this generation.

Our member of the week

@SirLink : I imported Smilie. Thank you freeloader Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Mason said:
I've honestly not seen much about Xenoblade - and I might as well keep it that way at this point. I've heard enough to make me want to play it though; many people say it's amongst the finest RPGs of this generation.

Yeah, I've watch a bit of a walkthrough at the beginning of the game and some trailers, but I've kept myself away from most of the media just incase I could play it.

I've also heard many people call this the best (J)RPG of this generation, which is saying a lot really considering the quality of some.

@Sirlink: Yeah, I think I'll try ebay when I get my money through, some copies are being sold for less than �£10, which is pretty damn good.

Stulaw said:

@Sirlink: Yeah, I think I'll try ebay when I get my money through, some copies are being sold for less than �£10, which is pretty damn good.

Nice. Smilie Make sure to tell me your impressions of the game when you get around to buying and of course playing it sometime. Smilie

Will do, and it really does look like this year will be full of RPGs for the Wii, so I know where my time will be spent.

Our member of the week

Some people will end up highly disappointed when they actually play the game, I fear Smilie, seeing how so many players get their hopes so high.

This is certainly neither a perfect game, nor the perfect RPG, so don't expect that. The way the characters control is a bit weird (especially the jumps), the character design is weak and the game isn't exactly beautiful (though the large scale environments and their art direction is indeed breathtaking). The game gets far too much hype for it's own good I'm afraid. when some reviewers will get their hands on it and be disappointed that it didn't meet their expectations, I fear they'll give it lower scores than it deserves.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm not worried as I had ridiculously high expectations for Twilight Princess as well and wasn't disappointed at all while many people were. Smilie I'm generally hyped for a lot of games, so I'm going to be fine. Smilie

( Edited 07.04.2011 07:34 by SirLink )

I don't have too high of expectations, but I do expect it to be a good game, and I don't mind the jumping, it's not something you usually see in RPGs.

BUMP The game has sort of been confirmed for September in Europe, and Peter Dickson is on of the Voice actors.

I've heard hardly anything about Xenoblade, is it the game that started off as that Monado one?

( Edited 16.04.2011 20:33 by Phoenixus )

That's right Shane, it started off as Manado the beginning of the world and ended up as Xenoblade (Chronicles) which is a much better name.

But it's not to be confused with the Xenogears series which only shares the name, not the story.

Our member of the week

A Iwata asks series of interviews was started on Nintendo's european website. First volume is about the audio of the game. very interesting indeed Smilie


Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Wow, what passion, the music in it's really good.

The game's been rated for Austrailian classification and according to Peter Dickson, is coming to America aswell Clicky.

Alternative Cover Art's to vote for.

Nintendoro (guest) 21.05.2011#24

Want that one

Alt cover voting comes to an end

And the winner is...

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Comment on Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii / Wii U Virtual Console)

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C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (10 Votes)

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