Well Ross, it isn't like your average JRPG, that's for sure, the story's quite good, and the gameplay has clever little twists to the battle system here and there. It isn't turn based, characters attack on their own and you can set off special arts (attacks) when they're filled up on screen, all the specials are represented by different pictures to tell you what type of attack it is, and the colour tells you the type of affect it has, but you can only control one character, but can order the others about to an extent, except in chain attacks and such, where you can order a specific move.
Practically, it's a great game, but I did come across one random glitch when I was in battle, and my party disappeared, then the enemy all of a sudden ignored me and I couldn't battle until they appeared again , still, nothing like Fallout type glitches, and it only happened on that occasion. Oh and if you have a fairly old Wii, like mine's from launch, the games loading can get fairly iffy with some things taking there time in loading.
So if you're interested, it's a great buy.
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