Mush - I'm 19 hours into Xenoblade..... making my way past the swamp.
Whereabouts are you?
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3
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Mush - I'm 19 hours into Xenoblade..... making my way past the swamp.
Whereabouts are you?
I haven't played since I last posted. Will probably play for a couple of hours tomorrow.
( Edited 29.08.2011 02:32 by Mush123 )
Is there anyone who's good with video editing? There's a Xenoblade trailer (japanese) which I'd like to get in English dub...
Btw - how's everyone getting on with Xenoblade. I've done 23 hours (probably more with some deaths)and reached just beyond the sea!
Now 31 hours into it and am on the Mechonis Sword.
@Stulaw: Just wondering, if you like Xenoblade that much, have you considered doing some exploring and sidequests as well? I'm 80 hours into the game now and I've done every sidequest I could find and explored every map completely but I have yet to even enter
If you simply want to get through the story then that's fine too. Just wanted to ask since all that optional stuff makes up the majority of the game.
( Edited 04.09.2011 13:24 by SirLink )
Spoiler Free!
How is everyone progressing with Xenoblade? I'm 35 hours into in now and just meant to enter the 'Valley' at am at LV 42.
After putting alot of time, exploring, doing the sidequests - I can say that this is ONE OF THE BEST GAMES ever made! I love it! It's so intricately detailed, I love the art direction! I want to explore more!
( Edited 04.09.2011 12:34 by Sherwinator )
I'm 52 hours into it now and at level 62.
Spoiler for those not even near (characters)
Guys.. how is everyone getting on? This game has BLOWN MY MIND.. inspite of the limitations of the Wii, its soo impressive! I'm just loving every moment, every second and every step.
I'm in the field past the long walkway. Done 54 hours and at LV 59.
IMO - One of the best games ever made!
I'm on 68 and a half hours lvl 65 and in
I'm grinding by completing as many sidequests as possible, I've got Colony 6 mostly up to level 3 (the music change surprised me) and really like the story, although I think the ending might be a bit predictable.
Played a bit over 120 hours so far.
Sidequesting in Colony 6, trying to build relationships between the immigrants, since it seems I found the last of them and Colony 6 seems to be rebuild completely now.
I'll post my affinity chart, as that might help a few people completing theirs (and I spent some time making screenshots to assemble this ). I think I might have only one character missing at the moment, which should be tied to Earnest, on Bionis Leg (other than Zukazu). I've seen one tied to him on someone else's affinity chart posted on another forum.
Update on the affinity chart completion. That's "post second compulsory visit to Bionis Interior (that way you know when in the game that is, but without spoiling you anything). I hope this is being helpful to some of you.
Hey guys,
Its been a while. How is everyone getting on?
I've clocked 75 hours so far. I've spent a bit of time doing quests and exploring. I'm truly enjoying every second of this game and I don't want to rush it.
For those curious and spoiler free - I've reached the other capital.
Very good post Jimmy 10/10.
Even though I've had this game for a while now I'm very bad at getting stuck in (YEAH SHULK GET STUCK IN) to big games and I'm only just going to Colony 6 now. My brother is very near the end of the game I think, I've seen a few spoilers but I'm not deathly bothered, overall I'm overwhelmed by the amazing scale of the game, and even if they said they weren't concentrating on story it's brilliant. The VA is brilliant too.
However the sidequests aren't as fun as they could be, it's kind of daunting how much to do there is and I'm always torn between exploring, fighting enemy mobs or continuing in the story. Wat do?
Xenoblade is one of the best games on Wii, one of the best RPGs on this generation.
if you have a Wii, buy it now. k.
SPOILER FREE Update - I'm now 93 hours in.
I'm inside the heart and getting my ass kicked!
I've also had my mind blown wide open. This game is beyond AMAZING! I love it to bits.. its the first time I've felt so deeply in love with a game!! (besides Sin and Punishment 2)
I am 39hrs in and just got to the forest. I have returned to previous areas to do quests as i am in no rush to complete the game. It has been a long while since i have enjoyed a game this much.I have one question though how long do you have to complete the quests that have time limits to them?
NintendoStanley said:
I have one question though how long do you have to complete the quests that have time limits to them?
Random thing Nintendo Stanley...
I'm 93 hours in, and you are 39 hours in .. I just found that amusing
Guys.. I've just finished the game. 130 hours and LV 86.
I'm blown away. I've probably played the best game ever made and I'm sad its all over. I enjoyed every moment of the game.
I thought the English VA was welldone. It sounded strange at first (having listened to the Japanese VA), but it grew on me and I wouldn't change it anyway.
I'm blown away.. the best game for 2011 imo and one of the best games ever made! WOW! The ending blew me away!
I doubt you've accomplished nearly everything in the game if you played only 130 hours ...
I know I haven't accomplished everything.. but wanting to know how the story ends. That got me. Now I feel sad that it's over!
What did you think of the ending Kafei?
A bit controversial - Can Zelda be as good as this game?
Monolith soft really raised the bar!
A nice turn of events. I was sad also, that it was over, but I had that feeling of accomplishment, and that's what counts .
I'm still trying to complete the affinity chart as much as possible XD. That's insane how many links you can create between the NPCs.
EDIT : if you need help completing yours, here's the latest capture of mine. Note that yours might differ from mine depending on some choices you made. (may contain spoilers for people who haven't beaten the game yet)
( Edited 20.10.2011 23:17 by Kafei2006 )
Thanks Kafei.. Mine is not as complete as yours and I have some minor differences.
BTW - I'm not looking forward to Zelda as much. I can't see it being a better game.
@Azuardo - You NEED to play Xenoblade... you really do... you wont regret it! I think it way better than FF in everyway
(10 Votes)