I forgot to mention.
Looking forward to:
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Pokémon Black or White (Haven't decided)
Pilotwings Resort
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
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I forgot to mention.
Looking forward to:
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Pokémon Black or White (Haven't decided)
Pilotwings Resort
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Currently playing:
Starcraft 2. Like you knighty, I watch a lot more SC2 than I play it. Good shit. I still play quite a lot though, ladder game sand custom. Just too much fun and I can't stop. And if I'm not playing, I'm watching it HAHA.
Halo Reach. I recently changed my desk layout so now I have my Xbox connected to my monitor allowing me to play the 360 whenever I want to. (before i had to fight over it with parents/siblings for tv usage =/). Just playing a few random team slayer matches is such goooood fun.
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. I just finished this and I love it. A bit on the easy side and not the most compelling plot but the game managed to keep the "feel" of the previous titles while adding updated mechanics and visuals. Currently just lvling my characters and trying to get the best gear.
999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors. I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone that is a fan of visual novel type games. This is definitely one of the best. The story is just so good. Currently I'm on my 3rd play through just to get the different endings.
Resident Evil 5. I bought this game AGES ago but now I'm finally playing it. So damn good. Simply cannot wait to get the Resi's on 3DS.
Looking foward to:
Ghost Trick. After playing 999 and loving it, I can't wait to give Ghost Trick a try. In general. I never gave games like Ace Attorney much of a chance (simply due to money and time constraints) but looks like my DS still has PLENTY of playtime in the future.
Pokemon Black and White. Well, I'm a sucker for Pokemon games. I can't WAIT.
Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. I'm only looking foward to this simply because it's a Zelda game. I'm not exactly pumped up for it yet since we've seen so little.
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. Practially the reason why I'll be getting a 3DS, just to replay this beauty.
Half Life 2 Episode 3. Where was this game last e3? It has simply vanished. T_T
Radiant Historia. From what I've read, traditional JRPG at its finest. Will definitely be picking this up when it comes out next month.
It's gonna be another great year of gaming! Hopefully I'll have time to play through them all.