Raff said:
Playing Nier, which is fantastic.
Some of my friends have been really going on about it, but the reviews haven't been all that favourable at all, so I don't know if I want it or not...
Maybe this is just one of those situations where it's better to try it for yourself than listen to reviews.
Anyway, in the last couple of weeks I rediscovered my passion for gaming a little, thanks to the fantastic Ghost Trick, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.
Ghost Trick - Technically finished this, anyone who's ever enjoyed Ace Attorney will ADORE this game, I can assure you. It has one of the most cleverly woven plots of any game I've ever played; not the mention the gameplay is extremely clever.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Finally finished this last night, and then attempted to piece together the KH continuity... didn't work. I'm even more confused. Great game anyway, but man it was hard x-X possibly the hardest KH game except for maybe CoM.
Bring on Birth by Sleep 2!! (YES IT'S REAL)
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded - I played this a bit when it came out, but stopped in order to finish BBS. Going to get stuck into it today! Really enjoyed what I've played of it though, mostly because I luv Sora and you play as him so I am super happy.
Looking forward to:
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3
- Kirby's Epic Yarn
- Dissidia 012
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (it's actually coming out here ;u; so happy)
- And that new console that's coming out I guess = v=