WRUP - New Year

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Its January! So Cubed3, what are you playing?

And since its officially the start of 2011, what are you looking forward to this year? What games coming out are you dying to play? We all know the 3DS is probably going to be the biggest story of 2011, but big releases for all the systems are coming.

Currently Playing:

Looking Forward:

( Edited 03.01.2011 23:40 by Jacob4000 )

*Shamelessly copies Jacob's layout:* Smilie

Currently Playing:

Looking Forward:

Zelda I'm not looking forward to, or at least not from what we've seen so far. Seems far too much of the same which is what made Twilight Princess a bit of a chore in between dungeons. Show that you've mixed things up like you did in Majora's Mask and then I'll be interested Nintendo-San. And no, Wii Motion Plus is far from enough. Smilie

( Edited 04.01.2011 00:09 by Ifrit XXII )

I'm Playing:

I'm looking forward to:

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Games will pretty much go on hold as soon as I get back to America. But I may pick up a 3DS in March. As of right now though, the only game I can see myself buying is OoT. And it's hard to justify a console purchase for one game. Might wait till the second half of the year when more games have hit.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ Cubed3.com ] 

Currently playing:

Looking forward to:

Oh yes, great. Just when I convinced myself to go to sleep something like this pops up. I can't resist. Smilie

Currently Playing:

Looking forward to: (in order)

I sure rambled on about some games again. Smilie There are some other games I'll eventually get too but I'm not going to have too much money left after buying my must-haves, the 3DS and still getting some games from last year such as Sin and Punishment 2, Epic Mickey, Metroid: Other M and The World Ends With You which I have to import from the US at some point because it's ridiculously hard to get in Europe.

Borderlands - I would have failed University if I'd bought this last year. It's seriously fun and addictive.

Fallout 3 GOTY - recently picked up with all DLCs, having fun now I managed to actually get into the game

Sonic Free RIders - not the greatest game ever, but a fun Kinect attempt once calibrated a few times.

( Edited 05.01.2011 16:30 by Lrrr )

Some Vanguish, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Epic Mickey but mostly Dragon Quest IX

May get back into Alan Wake at some point, still haven't completed it and I have had it since last May.

Saw Red Steel 2 for a tenner the other day, so tempted to get it. But I know I would simply ignore it since I have enough games to play as it is!

( Edited 21.01.2011 10:53 by Jimmy2000 )

DuawFousa (guest) 22.01.2011#9

dsadasdasdasd adsdasdadasd asdasdasdasdsadas dasdadadsadadsa dasdasddsa dsa dsadasdadas dsadasda dsadadas

I'm not really playing much at the moment.. my connection here and university sucks so I can't play online anymore..

So I jump on Red Dead Undead sometimes, I am finishing up a little in Naruto Broken Bond (Got mega annoyed last night because I have 34/35 lovelorn villagers and I can't find the missing one!)

I have been playing quite a bit of Zenonia on my iPhone actually, the controls aren't great but its quite a neat little RPG.

Looking forward to:
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - LOVED Oblivion.

Mass Effect 3 - its Mass Effect.

( Edited 22.01.2011 11:37 by saunderscowie )

Playing Nier, which is fantastic. It's like a cross between Zelda and a JRPG, with some 2D shooter style things and other craziness. Really recommend it. It does some things I'm always wishing JRPGs would do and has some of the elements I love most about OoT and Majora's. Some things let it down, like some weird WoW-like grinding (as in shit 'quests') which can thankfully be mostly avoided, and a mixed bunch of characters who sadly can't. A couple of the characters are fairly good and quite well voiced though and there's even some good writing here and there.

Also playing some Planetside on the side.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I played through Epic Mickey, throughout Christmas and earlier this month and really enjoyed it. It's easily one of the best games on the Wii, in my opinion. I definitely want to play through it again sometime.

I also started Sonic Colours last Saturday and pretty much found the controls to be awkward and it hampered my enjoyment of the game. It has some funny cut-scenes though, which made me laugh. I only played it for an hour or so, but I don't have the urge to play it again. Hopefully I'll gain some interest in playing it again soon.

Well for starters I've been playing Gears of War 2 multiplayer (just like the previous 26 months). Also on the 360 front, I managed to get all 200 achievement points in Doom 2 and completed a single run on Dead Space. I bought Mass Effect 2 over Christmas, and I've now played about 20 hours of that. I think it appeals to me more than the first game, mostly because of less graphical glitches and an easier inventory system.

On PS3 I've just achieved a platinum trophy in Sly 1 (of the Sly Trilogy) and been playing EVEN MORE DBZ, in the form of Raging Blast 2.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?
CNA Training (guest) 24.01.2011#14

Do you people have a facebook fan page? I looked for one on twitter but could not discover one, I would really like to become a fan!

Raff said:
Playing Nier, which is fantastic.

Some of my friends have been really going on about it, but the reviews haven't been all that favourable at all, so I don't know if I want it or not...

Maybe this is just one of those situations where it's better to try it for yourself than listen to reviews.

Anyway, in the last couple of weeks I rediscovered my passion for gaming a little, thanks to the fantastic Ghost Trick, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.

Ghost Trick - Technically finished this, anyone who's ever enjoyed Ace Attorney will ADORE this game, I can assure you. It has one of the most cleverly woven plots of any game I've ever played; not the mention the gameplay is extremely clever.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep - Finally finished this last night, and then attempted to piece together the KH continuity... didn't work. I'm even more confused. Great game anyway, but man it was hard x-X possibly the hardest KH game except for maybe CoM.
Bring on Birth by Sleep 2!! (YES IT'S REAL)

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded - I played this a bit when it came out, but stopped in order to finish BBS. Going to get stuck into it today! Really enjoyed what I've played of it though, mostly because I luv Sora and you play as him so I am super happy.

Looking forward to:
- Marvel Vs Capcom 3
- Kirby's Epic Yarn
- Dissidia 012
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (it's actually coming out here ;u; so happy)
- And that new console that's coming out I guess = v=

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Oh, and Half Life 2 on Mac.. my first ever playthrough haha i'm so late to the game.

SuperLink said:

Some of my friends have been really going on about it, but the reviews haven't been all that favourable at all, so I don't know if I want it or not...

It's so cheap (��£10 online, and even in some shops). It's a reviewers job not to forgive a game for the kind of misteps Nier has, but if you don't see through that kind of average review you'll only ever play the blandest, bread and butter over-polished dross.


I think what puts a lot of people off (inlcuding me originally) is that outwardly it looks like a misguided cynical japanese action game made for westerners. It's actually much much more interesting than that. There are some things which totally baffled and even offended me all the way through that were eventually justified as unusual and pleasing risks. (I finished it last night)

( Edited 24.01.2011 17:29 by Raff )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Completely agree with Grumbler. Epic Mickey is a good example of this, as well.

I'm not very interested in Nier though. It just doesn't look like the sort of game I would enjoy.

( Edited 24.01.2011 17:36 by Marzy )

With Nier completed I've moved onto the other big apparently underappreciated game of 2010: Resonance of Fate.

Seems pretty good so far. The battle system is nuts, a lot of fun and challenging in a very satisfying way even early on. lots of room for good tactics to get through fights that are above your level. It reminds me quite a bit of the principles and quirks of Valkyrie Profile 2's, from the same developer. unfortunately it's also from the same developer as the horrible Star Ocean games and some of that nastiness taints the characters and plot already, but early days yet and I think the battle system, weird hex map and promising looking specialisation stuff will probably get me through it.

( Edited 26.01.2011 20:49 by Raff )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I finally got around to starting Last Window (that I got for Christmas!). It's good, but quite similar to the original.

I'm on Last Window at the moment too. To be honest, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought, which is a shame...but I suppose I did have a break from it to play Ghost Trick all the way through, which was a mistake because Ghost Trick was absolutely fantastic and whatever I was going to play after it was always going to feel like a bit of a let down.

Our member of the week

Mason said:
I'm on Last Window at the moment too. To be honest, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought, which is a shame...

I played through Hotel Dusk again not long ago, after I finally bought it from Play-Asia in its US form cuz' I couldn't find any cheap copy of it in its European version. I'm a total fan of the first one.I'm looking to buy Last Window, but I'm low on money right now and need to save up for the 3DS (can't find any Last Window copy for less than 36€)

Is the second one just like the first or is it different in the way it's played ? (question goes to Mike and "Cheesing it up" Smilie)

( Edited 26.01.2011 22:15 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It's actually been a couple of years since I played the original and I haven't got too far into Last Window, but imo it is very similar in the way it's played.
There is the odd small thing which has been smoothed over, and obviously the story line/characters are different, but other than that it's pretty much identical.

That's no bad thing considering the original was a good game, but it's still perhaps slightly disappointing.



Magicka - Bought this tonight. Online just doesn't work but still, it's ridiculously fun. Really recommend a purchase providing you have a decent PC. There's so many difference combinations of spells, most of the fun is just figuring out what does what, and I imagine playing online when it works will be even more fun.

Starcraft 2 - On and off at the moment. I should really have a separate section for "watching". My watching of Starcraft 2 tournaments far eclipses any actual gaming I do.

Left 4 Dead 1/2 - Got back into both of them, having lots of fun on 20 player servers :p

Looking forward to:

Bulletstorm - A little underwhelmed by the demo but I'll probably still buy it.

Zelda - The Nintendo fanboy inside hasn't been fully destroyed yet. I'm sure he will force me to buy it.

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