Overall I thought it was fun. I'm annoyed that what was in the water was not actually fully addressed though.
Next week looks rather interesting...Trickster?
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Overall I thought it was fun. I'm annoyed that what was in the water was not actually fully addressed though.
Next week looks rather interesting...Trickster?
Lrrr said:
Next week looks rather interesting...Trickster?
Also with the whole alt dimension thing, just seems like one big allusion to "Turn Left"
Loving this series so far, great to come home to after working til 11pm on a Saturday night. ^_^ Yesterday's episode was pretty exciting, pretty interested in seeing how the whole 'cracks' story develops...
Really liking Matt Smith and Amy Pond, though Amy isn't quite as good as previous assistants... she's pretty awesome still. I'm not sure anyone will top Rose ever.
Ikana said:
I'm not sure anyone will top Rose ever.
Donna on the other hand, will be incredibly hard to top. I think Amy beats Rose and Martha though.
I hated Donna. :/ Or I just hate Catherine Tate...
But yeah, Martha wasn't very memorable...
( Edited 09.05.2010 13:56 by Ikana )
Screw you Superlink. Rose was awesome. Awesomely sexy.
The last episode was pretty good, but the next episode looks bloomin' brilliant.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Slydevil said:
Screw you Superlink. Rose was awesome. Awesomely sexy.
In b4 "she's chavugly too", I don't care, atleast she was interesting and genuinely funny D:
( Edited 11.05.2010 21:27 by SuperLink )
atleast she was interesting and genuinely funny D:
No she wasn't she was shit and tried to hard to be wacky and funny. Shit shit shitty mc shit shit.
Well that was a pretty interesting episode. Completely didn't see the twist at the end at all.
And I have a feeling this dark side is likely to return in the future
Rose was a shit lifeless doll with big lips that i just want to slip around the face and tell her to cheer up
Oh for fucks sake. I decided to leave Doc Who until later to watch on iplayer because me and my brother were watching District 9. The damn video will only play in HD, which makes my computer go super slow and therefore unwatchable.
Phoenixus said:
Oh for fucks sake. I decided to leave Doc Who until later to watch on iplayer because me and my brother were watching District 9. The damn video will only play in HD, which makes my computer go super slow and therefore unwatchable.
Good episode, slightly hurried at the end I thought but it was a really good twist
Jump_button said:
Rose was a shit lifeless doll with big lips that i just want to slip around the face and tell her to cheer up
Lrrr said:
Well that was a pretty interesting episode. Completely didn't see the twist at the end at all.
And I have a feling this dark side is likely to return in the future
Phoenixus said:
The damn video will only play in HD, which makes my computer go super slow and therefore unwatchable.
I loved the episode, imo Amy has been fully redeemed, and I'm sure that was the writers' intentions. She is now one of my fave companions again.
Very creepy with the old people zombies! Doctor Who always comes up with new ways to creep me out in utterly ridiculous ways and still make them brilliant.
The DreamLord was brilliant, and I really wasn't expecting the twist about him. I was also kinda disappointed with it, I thought he would've been like an epic returning villain, but this was also very interesting, The Doctor's dark side being brought out in a terrifyingly playful way.
Phew, managed to watch it on my iTouch. Good episode, always thought old people were creepy, and definitely didn't see the
bit coming.Pretty good episode, like others have said, nothing spectacular, but not disappointing either. I love the idea of a race of reptile humans living deep in the Earth, pre-dating even humans. It's a bit farfetched, but that's what I like about Doctor Who a lot of the time.
The Sonic Screwdriver not working on wood seems to be a bit of a rule now, perhaps to add a handicap to all the "use it to solve everything" complaints? Also speaking of which, he used it to hack the computers to tell him whatever he wanted. >:
Can't wait for next week's, I really wasn't expecting it to be a two parter.
Also I fucking loved Matt Smith in that episode, that's gotta be one of the highlights. Really nice to see him putting some real trust into Rory too, he was never that nice to Mickey.
SuperLink said:
The Sonic Screwdriver not working on wood seems to be a bit of a rule now
Watched the latest episode at around 4am.. I found it pretty good, just gotta wait to see what happens with the whole civilization of the homo-reptillia.
Great performances as usual but I didn't find it to be all that interesting but next weeks episode looks much better.
I liked the look of the lizard woman up until we saw her face. They could have done more to make her have a more lizard-like face and not just a human with green paint.
( Edited 24.05.2010 15:15 by Ifrit XXII )
Poor Rory
Interesting to see the Doctor interact with the crack a bit more, although I'm not liking the foreshadowing of it.
I was thinking at the end they would go 1000 years in the future to see teh civilisations then, but that could be in a future episode/adventure game.
Poor Rory
While that would be interesting, I think the Doctor tells her to remember what he told her when she was younger so I don't think it is him. He'll probably come back when the Pandorica opens though.
( Edited 29.05.2010 21:20 by Lrrr )
Lrrr said:
I was thinking at the end they would go 1000 years in the future to see teh civilisations then, but that could be in a future episode/adventure game.
Also that was a good episode, another opportunity for The Doctor to get angry at humanity, and I just knew that Ambrose would be the one to mess everything up...
Strong story... just as Rory's character started to get interesting. I won't lie, this episode almost had me in tears.
Interesting to see The Doctor put his hand into the crack and pull out a piece of his TARDIS, just keeps us wondering what will happen next.
Not completely relevant, but not irrelevant either.
Now I'm even more stoked to see the next episode
That's awesome!
Hello All!
Seems that the thread has gained quite a following.
Doctor Who - The Downloadable Adventure is planned to be live tomorrow morning!!! It was suppose to be out today but we encountered a slight problem. So expect it to be on for around 15:00 BST.
The developers are really hoping to have a positive response to the episodes.
Additional note next week a new iPlayer BigScreen experience is being rolled out, so if you've got a PS3 make sure you check it out please. Planned for a Thursday release but will keep you all posted.
This will not be reflected on the Wii as the Wii iPlayer is built completely in Java so is a special beauty.