Toon SuperLink said:
Are there any social links that require you to do slightly hidden things? Right now I'm thinking Mitsuru's needs a high Academics level to be activated.
EDIT: Wtf? Junpei doesn't have a Social Link!? o.0;
EDIT2: I'm finding it very hard to make money. :/
1) There are a lot that require slightly hidden things. Some require certain stats to be high, some require you to be a bit into other social links to start, and some just appear out of nowhere. Just remember that whoever has their own portrait when you talk to them is either an important person or a social link. Walk around town and school to see if anyone comes up. Explore buildings that don't raise stats. Talk to other people. And if you ever hear about any certain stores opening or clubs or whatever, DO IT.
2) Yeah, poor Junpei. He'll be too busy trying to score with the ladies to Social Link.
3) Yeah, sorry but no part-time jobs this time around. You'll have to constantly go to Tartarus to make your money.
And one more little tip:
When you finally get the 20th Social Link completed, you'll be able to make the last (or rather, second to last) Persona from your 2 most special story-related personae. I recommend you save the game before fusing these and continue to fuse and reset the game until it has the item-creation heart. THAT'S when you must register it. Continue to register it afterwards until you need only a bit of experience to level it up to acquire its final skill, since that's when personae with items attached create their items. This one persona can create 6 items. If you've done what I said, you can get an unlimited amount of these 6 items. It is worth it.