Wall-E was up there with the Toy Story films, in my opinion. I thought Ratatouille was great, as well.
Cars is probably my least favourite.
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Wall-E was up there with the Toy Story films, in my opinion. I thought Ratatouille was great, as well.
Cars is probably my least favourite.
I really want to see Wall-E. I have just not been that keen to watch cars, looks too cheesey. I have heard that UP is the best Pixar movie next to Toy Story. I watched little bits when I was wandering around HMV in Londons Oxford Street. I was almost going to spend the entire day watching it, but it would look a bit weird if I pulled up a chair and watched a movie in the middle of a giant megastore.
You crazeh Superlink. Fo' Sho'.
God Tier:
Toy Story
Great Tier:
Toy Story 2
Monsters Inc
Finding Nemo
Good Tier:
A Bug's Life
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Slydevil said:
You crazeh Superlink. Fo' Sho'.God Tier:
Toy Story
Wall-EGreat Tier:
Toy Story 2
Monsters Inc
Finding NemoGood Tier:
A Bug's Life
Not sure if Monsters Inc could beat Finding Nemo. That film was way better than MI, but that is just what i think. I never liked MI much.
Terrorists, Killers and Middle-East Wackos
Not sure whether you'd class this one as a 'film' or not. It's an hour long and I watched it, so whatever. 'Twas an eye-opener. The guy getting accused of rape and put to an AK47-toting firing squad (without any kind of fair trial) was pretty difficult to watch. Especially when that bullet destroys his face and he's still alive.
It's mad what goes on in some places. Btw, don't watch this film if you.. well just don't watch it
Martin_ said:
Terrorists, Killers and Middle-East WackosNot sure whether you'd class this one as a 'film' or not. It's an hour long and I watched it, so whatever. 'Twas an eye-opener. The guy getting accused of rape and put to an AK47-toting firing squad (without any kind of fair trial) was pretty difficult to watch. Especially when that bullet destroys his face and he's still alive.
It's mad what goes on in some places. Btw, don't watch this film if you.. well just don't watch it
I shall take your advise on not watching it very seriously. That sounds like a f***ing messed up film or whatever it would be classed as.
Only YOU would watch that Martin
Slydevil said:
You crazeh Superlink. Fo' Sho'.God Tier:
Toy Story
Wall-EGreat Tier:
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 2
Monsters Inc
The Incredibles
Finding NemoGood Tier:
A Bug's Life
Oop, forgot about The Incredibles. I wholeheartedly agree with your placement, but I've still yet to see Toy Story 3.
( Edited 13.07.2010 16:53 by Slydevil )
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
Fight Club
Predators 4/10.
Really dull plot. I think it was a very bad remake of the first film. It took a long time to get to any action, and when there was any it faced paced and too quick. Adrien Brody as the main character was just bad, he was trying to be Arnie but failed badly. It was very badly cast which made it even worse. Very dissapointed.
Predators 7/10
I don't think it was meant to be a remake as they referenced the first film as having happened and though I hated the main character, I thought the rest of the cast did a good job. Overall, I was happy with the set up and enjoyed it. Plus, I like Topher Grace.
Keven said:
Fight ClubW...T...F??!?!?!?!
Another confusing Leonardo DiCaprio film!
All of you are crazy. Pixar has put out nothing but gold since it's creation. Sure, some movies are better than others, but having seen every single one except for Ratatouille, I can safely say that they're all brilliant. You've just got to enjoy them and not turn the critical eye on them, even though they're still good even if you do that.
WALL-E is still one of my favorite movies of all time, easily in my top 5 favorite films.
I agree with Keven, still need to see Toy Story 3 and Incredibles though.
Keven said:
You've just got to enjoy them and not turn the critical eye on them, even though they're still good even if you do that.
And in the film industry that's incredibly rare.
Just saw Wall-E last night, and it was breathtaking. Amazing settings and effects. I was nearly about to cry because some parts were really sad. I would give this a 10/10. Just an awesome piece of movie making.
Blade Runner: The Final Cut - 7/10
Very enjoyable for a first watch. I had never seen it before so I thought I'd start with Ridley's cut of it. I thought the atmosphere of it was really good but I'm going to have to rewatch to fully appreciate it. I bet my score will increase upon the second watch.
Akira - 8/10
The first time I saw this too. It was in 720p, but resolution aside the quality of the animation was just amazing. I guess you could say that it blew me away...again though I think I'll watch it again to appreciate the story better. Either that or read the manga.
@ Angus
My Blade Runner score increased upon multiple viewings especially after realising that Deckard was... and Ridley confirming... This film is awesome.
( Edited 20.07.2010 07:24 by Simes )
I have seen a lot of films in the last few days. The last two I have seen was Edge of Darkness with Mel Gibson. It was a good film about revenge and intrigue. The action was good and so was the story, but what do you expect from the director of Goldeneye and Casino Royale. And the last one was UP. That was another great pixar movie. Lives up to its reputation. So Edge of Darkness 7/10 and UP 10/10
Inception last weekend - a solid 9/10, great idea but quite a tame, drawn out story.
Up in the Air: 6/10
The Englsh Patient: 7/10
The Departed: 8/10
Great film.
Blade Runner (Final Cut): 7/10
Same as Angus here. I predicted that I would adore this film, and I thought it was very good, but I need to watch it a few times to appreciate it. Shame I no longer have it.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.
I'm gonna see Inception later tonight, my thoughts come later.
Edge of Darkness 3/10
Maybe it's one of those marmite films but I hated it. It just fucking went on forever with too many flashbacks and worrying if Mel Gibson is gonna kick the bucket because he's so frickin' old.
Simes said:
My Blade Runner score increased upon multiple viewings especially after realising that Deckard was... and Ridley confirming... This film is awesome.
Seriously? I'll have to watch it again soon and look out for the clues.
Sly, I got the Blade Runner Ultimate Edition (which contains all cuts and lots of extras which I'll never watch) for the measly price of 6 euros in HMV...and HMV in the UK is usually alot better than over here so you might be able to find a good deal on it.
Holy nut-sacks Batman, what a cracking deal from HMV. I'll go and check if it's in store while I've got some gift cards to use.
IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.