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Protip Angus Red Eyes and Unicorns

Blade Runner spoiler.

Inception 9/10
Christopher Nolan, an Englishman showing Hollywood how it's done, then again so does Ridley Scott. Very interesting film that makes Matrix' trilogy look retarded on so many levels (no pun intended).
Great acting by all involved and great Visual and Audio effects.

( Edited 20.07.2010 20:26 by Simes )

Toy Story 3 - 10/10
Not really what I was expecting, but really something special. I find it really hard to cry, but by the end my eyes were watering, my lip was shaking, and my brother and both friends I went to see it with said the same thing. My mum bawled a bit.

Toy Story 3 is special because we grew up with these characters, and many people my age are now going through the same things as Andy, going to university and leaving our childhoods behind.

It's hilarious, and it invoked many emotions in me, perfectly. Great pacing, well written.
It's just jshbdfiuahsifjasudihgesiu.

Everyone just go see it right now ok. I'm going to see it again asap.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

All the Pixar films I watched envoked an emotion from me at the end. Wait Toy Story 1 & 2 didn't have emotional endings so the rest. Still need to watch Cars, Incredibles and Nemo. Such a talented studio.

Joe2Adam4Bum (guest) 21.07.2010#654

What movies yous all watched? Last night I saw 'Big Breasts Tight Asses 8' it was great 11/10 Smilie FAP FAP FAP LOL IT SAYS BENT

Joe2Adam4Bum (guest) said:
What movies yous all watched? Last night I saw 'Big Breasts Tight Asses 8' it was great 11/10 Smilie FAP FAP FAP LOL IT SAYS BENT
11/10? Don't overate a film just because your mother had the lead role.

Yeah Simes, I'm starting to understand why now. I'll have to rewatch and enjoy.

Electric Dragon 80.000 V -9/10
I don't know whether to class this a film or not. It has no real plot and only goes on for about 50minutes, but what a pleasure it is. Tadanobu Asano (Zatoichi, Mongol) Is great in it. The shots are really amazing and creative. The Sheer energy of this film is electrifying.

Wild Zero - 9/10
I think this might have inspired the above film. It too is highly nonsensical but it does have a plot. It is extremely low budget and features Jrock band Guitar Wolf. Guitar Wolf didn't care about anything when making this, he just wanted to do whatever the hell he wanted and not to take things seriously. Don't expect anything, just enjoy this rock n' roll zombie film.

Inception 7/10

It was good although it did feel like I was watching the matrix (within a matrix within a matrix) all over again which kind of took something away from the movie for me at least.

When I say it felt like watching the matrix, I mean watching the first one, not any of the retarded sequals

( Edited 21.07.2010 01:53 by Jimmy2000 )

You see that's the thing the concept is near identical yet it builds upon what the Matrix achieved. But you can't relate to giant needles in the back of your head or dying because "the mind makes it real" bullocks. People can relate to Inception more because everyone has dreams. Everyone knows you wake up if you die or jolt jump when you fall over in a dream. That's why I think Inception kicks Matrix to sleep.

It's all grounded in a familiar reality whilst not being real at all. Only thing that was backwards was that time actually moves slower in real life and faster in dreams. That's why 7hours sleep always feels like one hour. But your mind would be stuck in limbo if you enter a coma.
It's a great film but you have to let you mind go for this to understand it and believe in the un-possible.

@ Angus
Re-enjoy Blade Runner (Tyrell was also one). Also that comment about the guys mum in the lead role was star worthy. Starred

( Edited 21.07.2010 07:55 by Simes )

Joe2Adam4Bum (guest) said:
What movies yous all watched? Last night I saw 'Big Breasts Tight Asses 8' it was great 11/10 Smilie FAP FAP FAP LOL IT SAYS BENT

You can only really ever give one film an 11, and by coincidence it's one I've just seen for myself.

This is Spinal Tap - 11/11
Why not just have ten the maximum and make it worth more? The scale in this case goes up to 11, that's why.

A really great mostly improvised mockumentary, that I've only just seen for the first time.

( Edited 21.07.2010 11:31 by Lrrr )

Simes said:
You see that's the thing the concept is near identical yet it builds upon what the Matrix achieved. But you can't relate to giant needles in the back of your head or dying because "the mind makes it real" bullocks. People can relate to Inception more because everyone has dreams. Everyone knows you wake up if you die or jolt jump when you fall over in a dream. That's why I think Inception kicks Matrix to sleep.

It's all grounded in a familiar reality whilst not being real at all. Only thing that was backwards was that time actually moves slower in real life and faster in dreams. That's why 7hours sleep always feels like one hour. But your mind would be stuck in limbo if you enter a coma.
It's a great film but you have to let you mind go for this to understand it and believe in the un-possible.

@ Angus
Re-enjoy Blade Runner (Tyrell was also one). Also that comment about the guys mum in the lead role was star worthy. Starred

Just felt a little to been there done that for me, used to be big into th matrix when i was like 13 not so much now that i'm 24.
I don't really think being able to identify with dreams really helps, infact the way they presented dream sequences as being so lucid actually didn't seem all that real or at least didn't do anything for me to identify with it.
The fact that i can't identify with the matrix plug into the brain thing helps because I can simply take there word for it that plugging into vr would be exactly like real life.

Yeah but you can't just take their word for it because it doesn't ground them but instead enables The Wachowskis to pile horseshit upon dogshit upon bullshit to make batshit stupid shit.

It's the reason why Big Boss' MGS stories are more better than Solid Snakes' MGS stories. Kojima was grounded within the reality of the cold war with Peace Walker and Snake Eater instead of making shit up as he saw fit with MGS2 and 4. It's your take, I'm just hoping to give you a deeper insight of what drove Nolan and what he tried to do and in my opinion achieved.

( Edited 21.07.2010 16:31 by Simes )

Yeah but you can't just take their word for it because it doesn't ground them but instead enables The Wachowskis to pile horseshit upon dogshit upon bullshit to make batshit stupid shit.

I wouldn't say thats true for the first film, the first Matrix was fine and had just as much "horseshit" as Inception had, with the sequels I can see your point, they where just bad films.

I have no problems suspending my disbelief with films so I don't really think the argument for being more grounded in reality works for me.
It's not like i didn't understand the themes or wha it was trying to tell in it's story either, I get it I just didn't find it as interesting as some people.

I didn't walk out of the cinema looking forward to owning it on DVD either, pretty happy with seeing it just the once and not bothering about it ever again, until maybe seeing it on TV sometime.

I liked the film and would recommend it but again it just felt like I had already seen it that took some of the impact out of it for me.

( Edited 21.07.2010 18:13 by Jimmy2000 )

Fair enough I respect that because the feeling of The Matrix is there. Also the first Matrix was superior in so many regards compared to the sequels and I find Inception superior to all three of them and Avatar (overrated film).

The Hangover - 5/10

The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus - 7/10

The Machinist - 7/10

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

I've never played any of the Metal Gear Solid games, but from constantly watching people play them I;ve decided I want to get in on the action. So where to start?

Escape From New York- 7/10
Decent film. Very cheesy but I just wanted something basic to watch and keep me interested for 90 minutes and it did.

So after the film, which has nothing really to do with the games besides Snake Plisken, I'm downloading MGS 1 on PSN. I've then to look for both the special editions of MGS 2 and 3 ...are the Xbox versions better, or should I stick with the PS2? I have MGS4 and if I get the special edition version of 3 I will have both the original Metal gear games.

James (guest) 24.07.2010#665

I've never played any of the Metal Gear Solid games, but from constantly watching people play them I;ve decided I want to get in on the action. So where to start?

Metal Gear Solid on PS1

Inception 10/10

Fucking brilliant film. Manages to be thought provoking on a fairly deep level, while also creating a believable, understandable yet mysterious and fascinating story, and somehow managing to never have a dull moment, due to it's multiple layers of story (literally)

1"We're mentalist psychic Scots , which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Inception - 10/10

I literally knew NOTHING of this film when I was going in to see it. I'm not much of a theater goer, so I never saw any advertisements for this movie or knew anything about the plot, but wow, was I blown away.

At first, I thought it was going to turn into one of those stereotypical action/thriller movies where's it's just the protagonist running about kicking ass, but somewhere along the line it sucked me into its plot and its use of the familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time.


Overall, I absolutely love this movie. An absolute MUST SEE if you haven't already, and even then, I really, really want to see it again.

So far, my 2010 Movie of the Year.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Watched Inception too last Saturday but forgot to post. 10/10 from me also.

HighLander: 7/10

Loads of 80's charm, and Sean Connery.

Goldeneye: 6/10

Cheesy as always, but one or two characters actually had some perceivable depth to them unlike others in the series, plus it made me nostalgia.

The Nightmare before Christmas: 6/10

Fun film. The songs needed a bit of extra polish I reckon.

No Country for Old Men: 7/10

Very dry. No soundtrack, not much dialogue in fact, but it works. It's a feat in itself to of kept it engaging the whole way through, where credit really goes to the awesome acting in this film.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Man you guys totally amaze me with your understanding of Inception, I seriously can't wait to watch it again. The totum was working (falling) for Di Caprio earlier in the film so it does work Kev. Great cast in that film too.

Thanks for the stars guys, but Keven can you please write what you was gonna write before you saw my post above, even if it sounds similar. I really want to hear what others think. No one I know watched it and I'm dying to talk with people about this.

If anyone whether the liked, loved, hated or didn't understand the film could you write up detailed posts and where it excelled/failed on it own merits and in comparison to other similar movies it would be appreciated.

( Edited 27.07.2010 22:05 by Simes )

Simes said:
oops someone delete please.

OK, but you can do that yourself, just click the red button on the top right of your post Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Toy Story 3 (in 3D): Was an emotional ending to a great film, made me realise how old I am and wonder where the time has gone. 10/10

The A-Team: I know, I bet you're wondering how I've watched it before it even came out (not). Was a really good DVD copy, not the greatest film in the world, and not exactly the best plot, but still a good film 8/10

SuperLink said:
Simes said:
oops someone delete please.

OK, but you can do that yourself, just click the red button on the top right of your post Smilie

Smilie oh no, I look a fool

I'll get in on the Pixar rating too, seeing as they're my favorite studio:


Toy Story 2
Toy Story


Toy Story 3
The Incredibles
Finding Nemo
Monster's Inc


A Bug's Life (Underrated, though I too rank it lower than most of their work)

Simes said:
Thanks for the stars guys, but Keven can you please write what you was gonna write before you saw my post above, even if it sounds similar. I really want to hear what others think. No one I know watched it and I'm dying to talk with people about this.

..........what? Smilie Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

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