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So I'm thinking of checking out School Rumble, Soul Eater, and FMA Brotherhood next. Heck, maybe I'll check up on some oldies as well. I must say that Funimation did a great job leaving episodes open to public view.
And I wonder when SL will finish KnK, eh?
I've been reading the Pokemon Specials, and the storyline got a bit unbelievable with the Elite Four.
PK, Mongoose Hermit said:
And I wonder when SL will finish KnK, eh?
Stulaw said:
I've been reading the Pokemon Specials, and the storyline got a bit unbelievable with the Elite Four.
So yeah, checked out School Rumble and Soul Eater today.
School Rumble seems to be the classic Shakespearean Romantic Comedy. Ditzy girl loves calm guy, Badass guy loves ditzy girl, targets unaware of the others' affections, constant attempts to show affection, all leading to failure in hilarious ways.
Soul Eater appears to be some sort of Halloween/Gothic-themed action anime. Kids get scythe-people, work for death, and protect the peace by eliminating evil souls. Nice little fight scenes, some good artwork, and some semi-mature humor add the strawberry on the shortcake.
Yeah, I know that these are dub clips. So sue me.
Maybe I'll re-watch Samurai Champloo next.
Just started watching Cowboy Bebop, and the first episode really hooked me. It was like an urban jazz, Big-O like show, except more actiony. I love it, and I love that the main character is voiced by Steve Blum. I love that guy!
Keven said:
Just started watching Cowboy Bebop, and the first episode really hooked me. It was like an urban jazz, Big-O like show, except more actiony. I love it, and I love that the main character is voiced by Steve Blum. I love that guy!
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood premieres next week on Adult Swim with the original voice actors intact...except for Al...since he's old now...
Attention fellow Death Note fans!
The entire series in one box set at Zavvi for 30 pounds!
Phoenixus said:
Attention fellow Death Note fans!The entire series in one box set at Zavvi for 30 pounds!
I want that! Sometimes, I wish I lived in Britain.
Then, I remember how awesome America is, so I move on.
PK, Mongoose Hermit said:
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood premieres next week on Adult Swim with the original voice actors intact...except for Al...since he's old now...
They're replacing their old male VA with some chick.
Saw the whole Cowboy Bebop series on DVD at Best Buy for $45. Good deal? Bad deal? Input?
Keven said:
Saw the whole Cowboy Bebop series on DVD at Best Buy for $45. Good deal? Bad deal? Input?
Jump_button said:
Naruto 482
And KnK is now selling the entire series+soundtrack!
And I never knew that Viz now shows anime other than Naruto! Yay Viz!...and Funimation!...Yay!
And why is it that I suddenly really really like School Rumble all of a sudden?!
( Edited 15.02.2010 05:24 by PK, Mongoose Hermit )
I finally got around to watching KnK 2, which was perhaps a bit too gruesome for my liking, but still very much enjoyable. Didn't like the ending though, especially after all that build up. I guess that's their way of telling me to watch the rest of the series ^^;
PK, The Mongonator said:
And why is it that I suddenly really really like School Rumble all of a sudden?!
Because it's AWESOME.
And I just finished watching D.N.Angel, me liked.
( Edited 23.02.2010 15:47 by Ikana )
I'm following Bleach (the manga) and, with less excitement, Naruto (also the manga) atm. I was reading FMA but forgot for about 2 months and then figured I'd read up someday when I got enough time... seems I just add more to read up on.
Also recently started reading 07 Ghost, in which I absolutely looove the characters and connections.
I tend to keep away from anime, since most are only based on the original storys, the mangas. And all the filler arcs usually piss me off. Dun like! Some might be alright I guess, but I still don't like when others add to stories that aren't even theirs from the very beginning.
Although I did watch all of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and barely read anything. Gonna read the manga and all the side-stories aswell eventually. Loved it!
Other than that, I seem to have a hard time actually liking a manga or anime enough to follow up on it. People keep giving me tips, yet not many pull through.
Sheena said:
Although I did watch all of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and barely read anything. Gonna read the manga and all the side-stories aswell eventually. Loved it!
Other than that, I seem to have a hard time actually liking a manga or anime enough to follow up on it. People keep giving me tips, yet not many pull through.
Same here, I've practically given up on Bleach and Naruto so I'm not really following any new releases, just old concluded ones. Although I really should give One Piece a try.
Here's an unexpected tip: Digimon Tamers!
Geez, stop um-ing and ah-ing and watch One Piece! Don't let the art style or first few episodes put you off; it's amazing stuff once you get into it.
( Edited 23.02.2010 21:12 by Ikana )
Lyra said:
Aaaaaah.I finally got around to watching KnK 2, which was perhaps a bit too gruesome for my liking, but still very much enjoyable. Didn't like the ending though, especially after all that build up. I guess that's their way of telling me to watch the rest of the series ^^;
Ikana said:
Because it's AWESOME.And I just finished watching D.N.Angel, me liked.
Lyra said:
Digimon Tamers!