Anime/Manga Fan Thread

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lol just 2 and u think u a anime fan XD

on naruto im on 400 and on anime i see all naruto the newer one are called Naruto Shippuuden

death note all anime and mangas + all live movies and Death Note Special

some other u like i thinbk will be trigun,flcl,Cowboy Bebop,Neon Genesis Evangelion,Ghost in the Shell,Hellsing

and last but a must see for any anime fan is Akira i cant tell u how much u have to see Akira

( Edited 21.05.2008 19:34 by Jump_button )

Jump_button said:
lol just 2 are u think u a anime fan XD

on naruto im on 400 and on anime i see all naruto the newer one are called Naruto Shippuuden

death note all anime and mangas + all live movies and Death Note Special

Hi, anime is awesome, but can you drop the chat talk? I was bothered a lot for doing that on this place, and you might too. On cubed3 chat talke is not encouraged.

Good topic though.

( Edited 21.05.2008 19:30 by IANC )

Been needing a thread like this really. Half of C3 hates anime/manga or just don't see the appeal, but that's their problem <3.

Depending on how it goes I might sticky this. What does everyone else think?

Anyway. So what am I gonna post my currently watching/reading? Or my whole collection? Smilie

My whole collection involves piracy (not too much... yet.)

OK; so currently watching:

Naruto Shippuden
This is my "regular" anime. I usually watch it when each episode is subbed but since I downloaded Pok�mon it's stacked up a bit. The last time that happened was when the Gaara/Sasori arc bored the hell out of me. Smilie

Believe it bitches! It's a nostalgia fest! And some of them I had never seen before! O_O I currently have the original 2 series' (Indigo + Orange Islands) downloaded, and the DVDs are expensive as hell, so I'm going to wait a little bit and then buy them. It'll take me a while to watch all this though... Smilie

I'm currently on episode 22 (Abra and the Psychic Pok�mon), after I just watched 21, which is "Bye Bye Butterfree". Fans of the series, or anyone who watched it all those years ago, should know exactly what happens in that episode. Smilie

Lucky Star
After finished Dragon Ball I needed another Anime to watch, so while I waited for Pok�mon to torrent I watched a bit of this on Youtube, and it's awesome so far, so I think I'll watch some more of it once my Pok�mon fest is over.

Dragon Ball
Finished watching the original series, and I refuse to pirate more since the remastered DBZ dub is out on DVD and it's not that expensive. All I need is more money; so hiatus.

On hiatus after I got a bit bored. I plan to buy the DVD when I get the money.

currently reading:

Pok�mon Special
The Pok�mon manga is exactly the way Pok�mon should be. It's better in all ways than the anime has ever been, and it has fan service! What else needs to be said? Smilie

Death Note
Currently in hiatus after not being able to find volume 4 and running out of money. Smilie That's right! I need more money!

DragonBall Z
How long does it take them to release that thing over here!? Seriously!

Where is volume 11. Seriously WHERE IS IT!?

That's all for now. Half of my mangas I've finished collecting like Love Hina, .hack//twilight and Pita-Ten.

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Does YuGiOh count?Smilie

Can\'t be arsed with 5Ds, but currently going through the original season in Japanese. It has an infinitely better script and action, damn bastard 4Kids. Smilie

Oh, and I read one of the YuGiOh manga comics the other day. Pretty good, might collect some. Smilie

( Edited 21.05.2008 20:39 by Phoenixus )

*cracks fingers*
Right then:
Bleach 1-22 Manga
Bleach 1-170 Anime

Naruto 1-20 Manga
Naruto 1-When ever it fineshed Anime
Naruto Shipuuden 1-43 Anime

Shaman King 1-14 (soon to be 16) Manga

D.N. Angel 1-8 Manga

Jing king of bandits 1-3 Manga

One peice 1-360 (chapters) Manga

Death note 1-37 Anime (i think that where it fineshes)
Death Note all manga!

Devil may cry 1-10 Anime

Claymore 1-8 Anime

Alot of YU GI OH
all naruto
all bleach (part from new one coming out in june)

STudio Ghibli:
Only Yesterday
The castle of cagliostro (lupin the third)
Spirited away
Princess mononoke
Tales from earthsea
Howls moving castle
My nabour to-toro (fucking awesome)
Grave of the fire flies
Porco rosso
The cat returns

(i have a few more to go, i have a freind who is a big anime fan and has almost all the DVD's so she lends the to me!)

I think thats about it, I cant think of any more off the top of my head.

O wait:
Full metal panics: Foumoffu (pure genious)
Some .Hack// or other way round
And a final fantasy Anime (superlink help i forgot what its called)
Some cowboy be bop off anime central
Ghost in the shell from ditto.

Whats wrong with just two? I said I am getting into Bleach. BUT in the past i've watched Pokemon, YuGiOh, Lucky Star, Elfen Lied and a bunch of stuff.

saunderscowie said:
Whats wrong with just two? I said I am getting into Bleach. BUT in the past i\'ve watched Pokemon, YuGiOh, Lucky Star, Elfen Lied and a bunch of stuff.

Well put that then XD
Theres nothing wrong with it, but it prooves how addictive this shit is!
All of the stuff i posted up there have been pretty much in the past year!
Hmm I need to work more XD

( Edited 21.05.2008 21:21 by Echoes221 )

Yeah but the only series I currently watch are Death Note and Naruto Smilie

I might starting watching Elfen Lied again though >_>

The thing i like about starting new anime/manga is the amount of material that will keep you going for aaaages. When you get to my point with naruto and bleach, you have to wait weekly for each new ep, and if you read hellsing you have to wait a month for each new chapter.



Other than One Piece, I've seen quite a few, so here's my anime list. Smilie

Elfen Lied looks too depressing for me.

OK, time to name the rest of my manga/anime

Manga I OWN (not downloaded)
Pita-Ten 1-8 (complete)
Dragon Ball 1-16 (complete)
Dragon Ball Z 1-7
D.N.Angel 1-11 (WHERE IS 11!!!?!?!?!)
.hack//twilight 1-3 (complete)
Love Hina 1-14 (complete)
Shaman King 1-3
FullMetal Alchemist 1
Sgt. Frog 3
Naruto 1
Air Gear 1
Death Note 1-3
Blazin\' Barrels 1
Chronicles of the Cursed Sword 1
King of Hell 3
Tokyo Babylon 3

Manga I downloaded
Phoenix Wright 1 (havn\'t read and probably won\'t. Official western publication out later this year)
Pok�mon Special 1-18

Anime I OWN
Pok�mon Chronicles 1-4 (complete)
Final Fantasy Unlimited 1-7 (complete)
Azumanga Daioh 1-6 (complete)
Naruto seasons 1-2
Sonic X 1-4 (8 whole episodes! GOSH! :sarcySmilie
Sonic The Movie (Best Sonic anime EVER)
Pok�mon Movies 1-6 (Bloody random UK releases...)
FullMetal Alchemist 1-8
.hack//twilight 1-3 (complete) (Worst anime EVER)
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl\'s Moving Castle

My Ghibli collection is shockingly bad!

Anime I downloaded
Naruto Movie 1-4
Naruto Shippuden 1-58
Bleach 1-76
Tales of Symphonia 1-4 (SmilieSmilieSmilie)
Bomberman Jetters 1-52 (complete) (Best anime EVER!)
Dragon Ball 1-153 (complete)
Pok�mon Seasons 1-2

I plan to buy the whole series of Naruto, Bleach, DBZ and Pok�mon on DVD eventually... to keep my illegal spree at bay a little... Smilie

( Edited 21.05.2008 22:33 by SuperLink )

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My Ghibli collection is shockingly bad!

Mine is non-existant. Smilie I should really try them sometime...

Holy shit! I completely forgot Azumanga Daioh! Of which I own the full series! *Adds to list*

Someone reccommend me some more Anime! Smilie And I\'ve grown past the age where I avoid anything with fan service in it. Love Hina is one of the most awesome mangas ever, so avoiding fan service would make me a hypocrite.

Anime I have heard good things about/will probably watch eventually:

Lucky Star
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Hopefully this list will grow. Smilie

EDIT: Definitely watch some of Miyazaki\'s Ghibli films! Laputa is incredible! (Yet I don\'t own it, what\'s wrong with me?)

( Edited 21.05.2008 22:36 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery LIKED Love Hina? O.o That said, I\'ve not read the manga, only seen the anime. Most horrendous thing I\'ve ever seen.
That said, I REALLY hate excessive fanservice. Don\'t even like it in Haruhi, though I love Haruhi for other reaons. Smilie

You\'ve NOT seen Haruhi or Lucky Star? They\'re awesome, watch them now.

WATCH ONE PIECE. Seriously, anyone who likes Naruto or Bleach should like One Piece. Naruto/Bleach start off better than One Piece, but One Piece quickly overtakes them. Smilie

I mainly like shonen fighting stuff. At the moment I\'m hooked on One Piece (duh), Naruto, Bleach and D. Gray-Man.
They\'re all awesome, but imo:
One Piece>>>>>D.Gray-man>Naruto>Bleach.

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention, the One Piece dub is the most horrendous thing ever. If you\'ve seen the dub, disregard your current opinion of it. For god\'s sake, get it fansubbed. :p
K-F subs rock.

( Edited 21.05.2008 22:43 by Ikana )

SuperLink said:
Holy shit! I completely forgot Azumanga Daioh! Of which I own the full series! *Adds to list*

Someone reccommend me some more Anime! Smilie And I've grown past the age where I avoid anything with fan service in it. Love Hina is one of the most awesome mangas ever, so avoiding fan service would make me a hypocrite.

Anime I have heard good things about/will probably watch eventually:

Lucky Star
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Hopefully this list will grow. Smilie

EDIT: Definitely watch some of Miyazaki's Ghibli films! Laputa is incredible! (Yet I don't own it, what's wrong with me?)


I didn't like the anime of Love Hina. I only saw bits of the dub and the voices were totally wrong and annoying as hell. The story is also all wrong, and it's very censored compared to the manga.

The manga of Love Hina is seriously awesome. I just hope those who watched the anime first aren't put off the manga because of it :/

I've seen 2 episodes of Lucky Star. It reminds me of Azumanga but it's stupidly chibi (not a bad thing)

Konota's gaming obsession is part of what makes it so awesome!

And if Haruhi has Phoenix Wright parodies in it then it HAS to be awesome. Smilie

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Once again I am disappointed by the lack of Cowboy Bebop.

And you call yourself anim� fans.

RyanT said:
Once again I am disappointed by the lack of Cowboy Bebop.

And you call yourself anim� fans.

It\'s on my list. Smilie Ed FTW. XD

( Edited 21.05.2008 22:45 by Ikana )

Ikana said:
RyanT said:
Once again I am disappointed by the lack of Cowboy Bebop.

And you call yourself anim� fans.

It's on my list. Smilie Ed FTW. XD


The old chess dude episode is teh mega sooper dewper orsums.


IANC said:
Jump_button said:
lol just 2 are u think u a anime fan XD

on naruto im on 400 and on anime i see all naruto the newer one are called Naruto Shippuuden

death note all anime and mangas + all live movies and Death Note Special

Hi, anime is awesome, but can you drop the chat talk? I was bothered a lot for doing that on this place, and you might too. On cubed3 chat talke is not encouraged.

Good topic though.

Dude, the guy has over 2000 posts over the last 4 years. Do you honestly think we haven't already tried telling him that? XD It's hopeless, man. Smilie

I reckon Cowboy Bebop is one of the few dubs I've seen that I actually liked. Smilie Usually go for subs, just to be safe. :p

OK, so we all know about Naruto and Cowboy Bebop; anyone got any more obscure recommendations?

I recommend 'Read or Die'. It's about a trio of sisters that control paper. It's more awesome than it sounds. :p

Lucky Star is awesome. It features 17 year old girls who look 10 who prance around doing absolutely nothing for 20 minutes. Now that\'s an anime.

Konata\'s hentai obsession is part of what makes it so so worthy of rule 34\'ing!


( Edited 21.05.2008 23:03 by knighty )

Konata's friends always say that Konata is too young for "what she's into"

So I always figured they were younger than that. The Super deformation doesn't help. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lucky Star is the epitome of fan service.

I havn't seen much of it but the chibi style makes it hard for me to agree...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

knighty said:
Lucky Star is the epitome of fan service.

I totally see what you mean, but at the same time I totally disagree...I guess it depends what you\'re \'into\', and why you\'re watching the anime in the first place...
But I\'m actually pretty certain I\'ve discussed this with you before... >.<

I don\'t really see how anyone could think Lucky Star had any fanservice at all after the likes of Haruhi or Love Hina...or anything by Gainax... :p

( Edited 21.05.2008 23:14 by Ikana )

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