knighty said:
Battle mode....WHAT THE FUCK
Wii Wheel......WHAT THE FUCK
Bikes..........WHAT THE FUCK
No stunts on GC controller...WHAT THE FUCK
I agree with the first two. I don't usually play Battle Mode anyway, but this time I havn't played it at all yet. If I want to play battle mode, I boot up MK64
Also yeah, Wii Whiil, WTF. I hate the emphasis on it in the game, Nintendo have whored it to the bitter end. It's.... a piece of plastic... 
Last 2 I don't agree with. I hated bikes before I played it, but using Wheelies is a very important technique in getting ahead. And you can do tricks with GC controller. I find it more responsive than having to shake the Wiimote each time anyway. 
I don't think online mode is NEARLY as broken as 1Player GP. Of course, in MK64, you'd be lucky to get ONE Blue Shell, in MKWii, it's always at least 3 per match. It's easy enough to block shells when you're in first, that's thinking tactically, but there is no stopping a bullet bill, or a blue shell, or a POW. As soon as you're hit, zoom, you're in 12th.
In MK64, sure they were banded, but you didn't go to 8th as often as you go to 12th in this...