I've raced over 300 individual tracks online and hardly get lightninged or see blue shells when up in the top 3/4 positions.
My main concern is getting hit with those with big mushrooms, that's a big pain. In the top 5 positions I usually get triple bananas, or triple mushrooms, 6-8 usually triple red or a possible big mushroom.
Bullet bills are more frequent, and can be avoided with care - i.e. moving slightly off course and looking back.
This, imo, is so much better than 64.
There's more care for people in lower positions, so they can catch up. It is more difficult to keep the lead, yes, but it is possible with good/skilled driving and being aware of people behind you.
I know you were exaggerating with the being lightning'd every 5 seconds, but still, it's not that frequent.
I don't think anyone is saying there's nothing beyond Nintendo games. We're simply defending a game that has, people feel, come beyond the original formula on the SNES and N64.
I think you perhaps need to spend more time with it, esp online to get a good feel for it.
People are allowed to like what they like. I'm now way saying it's some perfect 10/10, and have commented on its balancing problems (annoying bullet bills and big mushrooms), but with some good driving and care it can be avoided.
It's great fun, has had some refinement and care - and can still be improved on. So I would rate it around 8-9, simply because IMO karting doesn't get much better than this.
So what other item based driving game would you recommend?