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Except they weren't always like that. In Mario Kart 64 I know I didn't get lightning'd every 5 seconds and you coudl get good items in virtually any position.

People who still view Mario Kart as some kind of 9/10 rated game are so fucking stuck in the past. I don't think anyone denies it's fun but as Grumbler said, games are so much better nowadays, there are games beyond Nintendo games everyone.

I've raced over 300 individual tracks online and hardly get lightninged or see blue shells when up in the top 3/4 positions.

My main concern is getting hit with those with big mushrooms, that's a big pain. In the top 5 positions I usually get triple bananas, or triple mushrooms, 6-8 usually triple red or a possible big mushroom.

Bullet bills are more frequent, and can be avoided with care - i.e. moving slightly off course and looking back.

This, imo, is so much better than 64.

There's more care for people in lower positions, so they can catch up. It is more difficult to keep the lead, yes, but it is possible with good/skilled driving and being aware of people behind you.

I know you were exaggerating with the being lightning'd every 5 seconds, but still, it's not that frequent.

I don't think anyone is saying there's nothing beyond Nintendo games. We're simply defending a game that has, people feel, come beyond the original formula on the SNES and N64.

I think you perhaps need to spend more time with it, esp online to get a good feel for it.

People are allowed to like what they like. I'm now way saying it's some perfect 10/10, and have commented on its balancing problems (annoying bullet bills and big mushrooms), but with some good driving and care it can be avoided.

It's great fun, has had some refinement and care - and can still be improved on. So I would rate it around 8-9, simply because IMO karting doesn't get much better than this.

So what other item based driving game would you recommend?

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Bloody hell, being a bit arrogant today.

It's not a 9/10 game I don't think many people are saying it is either.

Why are you having such a hard time dealing with people having fun with this game. It's just bizzare, people like mario kart, it's good online wii game, bit of a laugh. Theres definitly some exagerations on the unbalanced nature of it.

Your coming across as really snobbish, you act like if no one agrees with your opinion were all backward.

jb said:

This, imo, is so much better than 64.

A very good shout..

jb said:

So what other item based driving game would you recommend?

Also a very good shout.
People have become far too critical. Especially on the internet.

It's that simple, really.

Anyone remember the good old days of MK WII FC : 4167-4622-3954

jb, I don\'t believe you\'ve played nearly enough of the 1 player mode. It\'s nowhere near as bad online, but you can only really be half a lap ahead in 50cc, 150cc/Mirror Mode are total HELL at times.

Like I said before, noone can deny that gettng a Blue Shell in MK64 was very rare. There are no other super powered items in MK64 either. Maybe 1/2 Blue Shells online per match (I have had matches with up to 5 blue shells though) but it\'s FAR worse in 1 player.

jb, blocking red shells in no problem whatsoever, Red Shells are not broken and never have been, what I mean are items like stars, Mega Mushrooms, Blue Shells, POWs, Bob-Ombs and Lightning Bolts. You can\'t block them, and with tje stupidly tight band in GP mode, there is no escaping being entirely trounced by item after item even in first place.

Online at least, I usually spend most of the match in first place. Some annoying little gits purposefully wait in lower places, then get a star and use it right at the end of the last lap, or wait until the last second to use a Blue Shell. Even then I usually manage to scrape 2nd or 3rd, but had there been no items, or more basic items, I would have won them easily. It\'s a big shame because in MKDS, the players with the most skill were nearly unbeatable, but now, although better players will obviously win more often than worse players, the items make it so that better players will lose far more often than ever before.

Also knighty, I can see where you\'re coming from, but you don\'t have to say it in such a demeaning way.

EDIT: Just thought I\'d mention, it\'s not an issue of relativity over time. I still play MK64 often. Blue Shells are rare as HELL. You wouldn\'t believe it.

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:10 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

MKDS online was even more broken because of the 4 player aspect. Several occasions people hold on to a blue shell for the entire match and used it then at the end.
And becasue people are arse holes it usally ended up a 1 on 1 race by the second or third track as people dropped out.

Then of course there was snaking.

In the wii one the online matches are at least constantly refilled and force you to use your items when you get them in fear of being lightning bolted or POW blocked.

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:12 by Blade2t3 )

Blade2t3 said:
Bloody hell, being a bit arrogant today.

It's not a 9/10 game I don't think many people are saying it is either.

Why are you having such a hard time dealing with people having fun with this game. It's just bizzare, people like mario kart, it's good online wii game, bit of a laugh. Theres definitly some exagerations on the unbalanced nature of it.

Your coming across as really snobbish, you act like if no one agrees with your opinion were all backward.

I said it was fucking fun, I'm just commenting on people who survive solely on games like MK which I know you don't. And I said "People who think it's a 9/10 game" which didn't mention anyone on C3 (although some people have said it's a 9 here).

TBH, the items are the only thing that prevent it getting 9/10 from me, easily. Change item settings on local multiplayer and you\'re set. Would be nice if Nintendo could update that option into online. The corner boosting it definitely less \"snakey\" than it was in MKDS.

Getting a 3 star rating is actually going to be impossible. Seriously. If I ever see anyone online with one, I\'m calling hacker.

EDIT: in response to jb\'s question, I wouldn\'t reccommend any other. MK is it. This isn\'t a case of \"MK sucks\", this is a case of \"Don\'t do this again Nintendo, we need to be heard.\"

Microsoft hear their fans. This makes me sad.

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:16 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Thing is, everyone is a human player. With CPU races it\'s more lenient and you\'ve got more chance of winning.

However, online everyone wants to be part of the action - and it\'s 12 players so you\'re more prone to someone getting better items and a closer bunch of racers. I honestly don\'t see that many blue shells or lightings, and even so you can recover pretty well.

People play differently, they race differently. People will plan to use their weapons at different times, stagger usage, plant things in certain places. It\'s an all out competition for 1st place. Just because you\'re in 1st doesn\'t mean everyone else should follow, they all want the same thing.

So how would it be the fault of the game if people wait and stagger usage of items?

Surely then it\'s down to the people you\'re racing against and how they play, and not really the game being broken.

You can\'t expect people in lower places to get shite items.

Perhaps those in higher should get better items, but it seems fair as I is. I\'m not denying that it could be better (hence not claiming it\'s a perfect 10/10), but it does work imo.

And what\'s wrong with liking or \"surviving\" on Mario Kart, people are entitled to like and play games as much as they want to. Yes, there are other games to play online, and I\'m sure people do variety - at the moment though, it\'s time for Mario Kart.

So those who think this game is broken, actually say what you want to see?

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:34 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I said it was fucking fun, I'm just commenting on people who survive solely on games like MK which I know you don't. And I said "People who think it's a 9/10 game" which didn't mention anyone on C3 (although some people have said it's a 9 here).

Well stop coming across so agressive man! And while i may not survive soley on games like mario kart, the mario kart series is actually the only racing games I'm actually really really into kind of hurt my feelings dude...Smilie

jb, PLEASE just play 150cc/Mirror Mode! >.< You\'ll completely eat those words. Leniant is the complete opposite of the truth, they are lethal. Compared to getting a Gold Cup on Special Cup Mirror Mode, I don\'t even try when I play online, nor do I get frustrated!

I feel like the only one here who\'s actually PLAYED that much of GP mode >.<

And jb, I expect the worse players to actually try and get better than to rely on Blue Shells. Blue Shells are not meant to be that common! Being nicer to players in last is OK, but it\'s those players\' fault! The less players try, the easier Nintendo will make it to complete!

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:40 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
jb, PLEASE just play 150cc/Mirror Mode! >.< You'll completely eat those words. Leniant is the complete opposite of the truth, they are lethal. Compared to getting a Gold Cup on Special Cup Mirror Mode, I don't even try when I play online, nor do I get frustrated!

I feel like the only one here who's actually PLAYED that much of GP mode >.<

I have, and although it is brutal and can be dodgy as ever, it's not too bad. Talking about online mostly here, and with human balancing and the like it's really not all that bad.

Mario Kart's higher classed cups have always been pretty tough though.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

What kind of 13 year old has never sworn Smilie JB is fine with swearing so please don\'t tell me what to do, you\'re not a mod, and until a mod tells me off for using the word \"fuck\" once in a post I\'ll use it as I see fit.

As for what I\'d like to see...

+ Items available in all places to some degree (I think there should be some element of balancing but not as much as DS/Wii)
+ Lightning is now a playfield leveler because your place dictates the length of time you\'re minimised
+ The bullet bill is a retarded item
+ More techniques other than powersliding (even some variation on powersliding like timing it to get better boosts)
+ Old battle mode please....what were they thinking

I still like Mario Kart, please understand that at least.

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:43 by knighty )

I'd like to know what the problem on mirror mode is.

On my first attempts at mushroom, flower, Star AND special I have obtained gold cups with a ranking of nothing worse than B.

And I think I suck at this game. Whilst you can get hit a few times consecutively by various weapons, it really wasn't that hard for me to recover lost grounds.

Anyone remember the good old days of MK WII FC : 4167-4622-3954

Yeah i\'ve played GP in 150 and it isn\'t that fun. But I just play online most of the time which is an area I think they excelled at (playing split screen online is great) and have wanted them to excell in, so i\'m not really that bothered about completing the 150cc cup this time around.

So yeah if your playing it offline and by your self maby you shouldnt bother with it. Which would be odd cosidering it is free and mario kart is built for multiplayer.

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:47 by Blade2t3 )

Maybe I'm just insanely unlucky, but i had to try those GPs so many times I got frustrated as hell.

The online mode is far nicer to me than 1 player has ever been.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I think the kart/bike/character you pick makes a BIG difference. I think I've found my favourite combination.

Anyone remember the good old days of MK WII FC : 4167-4622-3954

So what other item based driving game would you recommend?

I was going to describe the kind of racing game that should be made. Where you earn money and buy abilities between races.

Then I remembered this:

Image for

( Edited 17.04.2008 22:54 by Grumbro )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yeah, I have my combination, but it was still a total bitch.

Hasn't ANYONE else found them a bitch? >.<

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Nice deleting your posts as usual Marzy.

Gold Mirror Banana Cup.

I don't mean to gloat, but are we talking about the same game?

Anyone remember the good old days of MK WII FC : 4167-4622-3954

Wiibertine said:
Gold Mirror Banana Cup.

I don't mean to gloat, but are we talking about the same game?

Banana Cup is easy, as in Leaf, Mushroom, Star, and Shell. The bitches are Flower, and especially Lightning & Special.

knighty said:
Nice deleting your posts as usual Marzy.
Come on knighty, Marzy's not too good with arguments like this, give him a break.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Well I have gold in all apart from the final two.

I\'m giving it a rest for this evening though. I\'ve enjoyed it, i must say.

( Edited 17.04.2008 23:34 by Wiibertine )

Anyone remember the good old days of MK WII FC : 4167-4622-3954

What, is Marzy admitting he's wrong or something?

No, perhaps he just doesn't want to get into an argument with you on the subject. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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