In the butt!
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In the butt!
ph43r mai ban stick.
No, fear my ban stick!
NO, fear MY synonym for giant penis!
Oh, and I ban Keven for having a smaller synonym for giant penis than me^^
Your banned because you dont have the occorina of time sig.
Banned 'cuz Hyper Sonic>>>>>Super Sonic
banned because metal sonic rox moar than all sonics
banned for not having zero suit in your sig..... I'm not a pervert
Banned for being a pervert.
Banned for mentioning the pervert!
Can't believe this is still going too!
Banned for using two smilies right next to each other
Banned for
banned for having a clickable sig.
no just jking. that\'s pretty kool...but ur still banned
Banned for using words like "jking" and "kool" and "ur".
Keven said:
Banned for using words like \"jking\" and \"kool\" and \"ur\".
Kevin is banned for being late with the sandviches
( Edited 21.01.2009 09:21 by Echoes221 )Echoes is banned for calling be Kevin.
And the sandviches are there! Go get them!
Keven said:
Echoes is banned for calling be Kevin.And the sandviches are there! Go get them!
Keven is banned for correcting me again
Echoes221 is banned for banning Keven for correcting him.
Bad, Echoes! BAD!
Faust is banned for banning me from banning keven for correcting me from banning him.
Banned for banning a banner of banners who ban yourself for banning banners who have also banned yourself.
betty bought a bit of butter but the bit of butter betty bought was bitter so betty bought a better butter better than the bitter butter betty bought before
Banned for making my head ache more than normal