Banned for celebrating the resurrection of CHRIST!
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Banned for celebrating the resurrection of CHRIST!
Banned because Jesus did some good tricks.
Banned for having a Law, a Law all about Stu
(SutLaw? StuLAWSTULAW, Get it?)
Banned for a lame joke!
That's it! Ike wins the thread. Please lock now.
Banned for thinking that Ike is the only one with an awesome ban picture.
...Event though mine's not.
banned for banning a banning banned kid that is banning a banned kid that bans other people (that was really lame)
Banned for not banning him with a Franzisca Von Karma picture instead.
( Edited 06.04.2010 22:02 by Super Sonic )
Banned for being mean.
Banned for taking it too seriously
( Edited 06.04.2010 22:28 by LKR000 )
Banned, for saying banished.
( Edited 16.08.2010 04:04 by PK Mongoose )
Banned for having an avatar with headphones on
Banned for finding a thread I completely forgot about.
Banned for a complete lack of understanding and respect for amoebas.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat
BANanarama'd for flying fast, staying low and hitting hard.
Banned for that video being played as soon as I clicked on this page.
But it makes all the animated gifs on this page funnier!
Banned because my parents computer is so slow I can't turn the video off for ages lol
( Edited 02.10.2010 00:22 by LKR000 )
LKR000 said:
Banned because my computer is so slow I can't turn the video off for ages lol
Banned for having a slow computer. get an upgrade.
Banned because upgrading my parents computer would be a stupid idea. No money for a 3ds then xD