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Fine I'll give you candy, called
Ban-ned-pop, ban-ned-pop, oh ban-ned, ban-ned, ban-ned, ban-ned-pop, ban-ned-pop, oh ban-ned ban-ned ban-ned ban-ned-pop! POP! Duh-dum-dum-dum-dum!
It's back.....;-
LMAO Keven, hahahaha that is gold! And PK, lol dude first i was like wtf? Then I got what you meant. Hahaha.
and Keven here, have a Banpop.
Ah, thanks for the po- ah...ah..ahah....NOOOOO!!!! You put poision in the banpop!!
I'm not so mad at you for doing it as I am at me for not expecting it.
I'm dieing, ever so slowly I am. Here Andrezao, come a little closer....closer...closer......BANNED
I hereby BAN the use of the word "drought" in the countrinent of Australia!
STFU, you are banned.
Now GTFO....;-
the next person to post is now BANNED!
YOU (\'cuz ur banned! ;-)
And will somebody get this smiley glitch fixed?!
( Edited 09.11.2008 15:59 by Dalton the PK Mongoose )Banned because your sig says I'm awesome
Say what? Super Lick Bros.? Of course, why didn't I see that before?
Banned for chucking that bomb at me and stupidly thinking you could get away with it!
Banned for being...Phoenix I think? And for having the weird Sega sig that I have no idea why everyone has now...
Banned for having Tentacle Rape as a avatar.
Would you like a Banpop? If not you're banned cause you have a Super Sayan Pikachu.
Super lick bros lol
Anyway banned for not having a sig
Because some people prefer their sig that way...;-
EDIT: Dammit jb, that smile is still not fixed!
( Edited 12.11.2008 03:39 by Keven )Banned cause no one else is posting in this forum!! (does that mean everyone is banned therefore left the site forever???? :O )
Banned for the sake of banning, for all that is ban, now and forever
Chica-Chica BANNED!!!!!!