MusiCube | The Warehouse Project Season is ON!

By Adam Riley 21.10.2024

Cubed3 loves a good dose of gaming, but also movies, TV shows and music. It's that season again, as The Warehouse Project rocks Manchester. It's always a good thing to have some variety in life, and with so many crossover projects nowadays, it's increasingly likely to see games made into movies or TV shows transformed into new experiences, and numerous popular artists lending their talents to soundtracks, so the media world becomes one delightful body with a multitude of parts all working together in harmony.

Image for MusiCube | The Warehouse Project Season is ON!

The team here really does love an addictive tune, and some of the hottest music artists descend upon Manchester each year for The Warehouse Project. The new season is here already, and there are many artists to keep your eye on!

Whilst the location may have changed from the classic Store Street arches that were so familiar in the past, but in the new home of Depot Mayfield, it has given more opportunity to expand what is already a landmark annual event in this glorious northern hub. 

Disclosure kicks off the party vibe this Friday - 25th October - and tickets have been flying off the shelves already, just like with Black Coffee's showcase the following day, so it's best to get over to The Warehouse Project's official website and check for options as quickly as possible. With German techno legends Scooter ready to blast Mancunians eardrums with its hardcore hooks on 7th November, Fatboy Slim slamming the decks on 22nd November, and even The Haçienda on 7th December, plus the storming, nobody's ever going to keep them down, The Prodigy across both 14th and 15th December, there's something for everyone.

This year's schedule for The Warehouse Project is more jam-packed with goodness than ever before, so be sure to set your destination to Manchester between now and the end of the year, and head over to find out the latest news updates and full line-up right now before it's too late!

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