Throws bomb and superlink and detonates it by shouting "boom"
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Throws bomb and superlink and detonates it by shouting "boom"
*Learns how to play Bomberman properly and throws a well timed pro revenge bomb at ZeroSimon, trapping him against a wall, and coming back to life by KOing him*
Throws ( ) air bubble that traps you inside at Superlink.
YOU sir, have been OXYGENISED!!!
throw dr mario at A_man have some pills
throw R.O.B clone at R.O.B
Throws all my rellatives that i don't want anymore at Mage_Mccloud.
throws something not enviromentally freindly at SL
*Throws a Greenpeace supporter at Echoes221.*
*Throws a Nintendo Wii at Greenpeace*
Oh, and I'll throw a beer to Phoenixus too.
catches beer, drinks it and throws puke on SL (team america style)
throw barbie at Echoes
Throws a derpessed, deaf, dumb, blind, lame, schitzofrenic, autistic, agnostic, agorophobic, xenophibic homosexual elephant with a B.O. problem at Mage_mccloud
Throws a stone at A_man_92
ha, now no one likes(will eat) you
throws a rubiks cube at flamey
throws my game gear at sword
*Throws a Noisy Person at Echoes221*
hurls my sword (katanna) at phoenixus, and watches the blood run!!!
throws a petz game at sword
*Throws the idiot that thinks of petz games at Echoes221.*
throws pakman at phoenixus