Throws a paper airplane at Echoes221
Remember, my words are backed by nuclear weapons
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Throws a paper airplane at Echoes221
*gets flamethrower*
throws the power of the BAN
sorry SL
throw my copy of Heroes 2 at Echoes
throws destructo disk at dojo for throwing blasted happyness
throws a
throw kGKGSIYDGIFYGsidyfSBisdyfgISDGYFisfgyigiosdgfiosdgy at Echoes
throws my 1337 pwning of ultimate stars at mage.
Throws duel disk at Echoes221.
throw teddy bear at PhoenixuS
Throws all of space and time at mage_mccloud
throws spacial rend at ironman.
Throws a strangely familiar orangutan at Echoes.
Lance le fran�ais � RyanT
Throws my will to live at Dojo.
throws a shuriken at will
throw boook at echoes
Throws Kaiba Corp's new...
Throws every Blonde joke i know at Superlink.
throw every redhead joke at A_Man
throws my "copy of jp. brawl that doesn't work" at mage_mccloud
Throws all the Arab, Jew, Irish, Aisian, American, Mexican, Aussie (im aussie so dont complain:lol, Eskimo, and Aboriginal stereotypes I can think of at flameyfruit
throw brawl display box at A_Man
throws a hobo dragging along the brawl manufacture at mage_mccloud