*Yells at sword to give me piss back*
Throws lawsuit at sword
BOMBERMAN code: 2879 2176 8600, or just find me in a random match I think it might be time for Newspapers to look over their sponsorship contracts...
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*Yells at sword to give me piss back*
Throws lawsuit at sword
*Throws Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney to a_man*
throw arrested development at SL
Throws overruled at Echoes.
throws court ajurned at Stulaw90.
throw 'HOLD IT' at iangennery
throws.... my gavel at everyone!!!!.
( Edited 10.03.2008 08:41 by Echoes221 )*Throws Klavier's expensive air guitar at Echoes*
throws guitar hero guitar back, its one step up from an air guitar.
throw MP4 at Echoes
Throws Mage_mccloud at Mage_mccloud.
throw capital punishment at Karnic
Throws the number 363,636,363,636,363,636,363,636,363,636,363,636,000 at Mage (that is, on a scale of 1 to 10,how pumped i am for Brawl in Oz.)
*Throws Pi at A_man.*
Throws PIE at Phoenixus.
Throws Donkey Kong at A-Man-92's dancing banana and the banana gets eaten.
AAAAAA NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! how could u b so CRUEL?!
Throws my now banana-less life at Psyco frog.
Throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception to access your system's hard drive and screw with it.
Oh, and that's at A_Man for being gone for so long.
YES,SOMEONE noticed!
(Sorry, life just got to me for a breif time, had 2 spend many-a-night speeling under a rock).
Where was I?......oh, RIGHT!
Kills PK, harvests his soul and throws that at the lifeless corpse.
Lovely image, isn't it?
throws*your bannana will ressurect in 10 seconds*
throw eating disorders at echoes
throws the vomit from eating disorder at mage.
Throws my mental disorder at Echoes221, 221, 221, 221, 221 2.....
throws my biology AS notes at a man. (a verry big lever arch file of notes, extremely heavy).