Maquis said:
wait, so this thread compares an expensive paid-service (ooh look, only a few quid for a hi-res wallpaper, woot!) to a freebie, in an attempt to make the RRoDbox look superior... but IM the one applying spin?enjoy being nickel-and-dimed by M$ for stuff thats free elsewhere... so long as the console manages to function for long enough to download anything (a few minutes). will you be so quick to jump to M$ defence when your on your 4th or 5th replacement Box, i wonder?Wii Connect can certainly improve, but at least we dont pay extra. by the way anybody who complains about the Nintendo wi-fi obviously wasnt one of millions like myself who enjoyed trading dozens of Pokemans recently... you know, free, quick, global.
Mentioning the reliability issues of the 360 is a lame distraction from the ONLINE discussion at hand here.
I agreed with you a little up until the point you mentioned Pokemon
. Seriously I do agree with a little of what you say but Zs/iCAME point is ultimately right, the Wii is dire in comparison.
As a Wii owner that uses the functionality we do have to the max I still feel totally disconnected from other Wii owners. Simple messages can take hours to get through at times, it is ridiculous. I could go on about the size restrictions on those messages and a whole load of other things. Even the recent Keyboard functionality is comical as it still requires you to pick up the Wii Remote and click send
. I could go on and on.
In the Wii's defense it will improve over time as XBL has, but what worries me is that the scope for improvement is far greater on the other platforms. You mate cannot have a clue about the pinnacles of online gaming and how good it can be if your trading Pokemans on the weekend, quite frankly.
Online gaming is a absolute MUST for games in this generation. A recent survey was done that showed that games with a online service sold far better than those without, developers know this, they know they can make more revenue by providing great online components. Nintendo need to buck up!
Whether its free or not is irrelevant. Most of the inadequacies with the Wiis online games are purely Client-side.
I, I agree.
iCAME said:
I am seriously not that worried about the maximum players, anything more than 16 is negligible to me. I am pissed off at the lack of features and lack of communication.
O.K understandable, and I see where your coming from and I agree in relation to the Wii. My thinking on this however bears relation to clans on XBL and all over for that matter. They have had a MASSIVE impact for the XBL community and this will only improve it even moreso.
What words struck me in that interview is when he mentioned something that put the battle scene of The Two Towers in my head. Imagine just that sort of thing in this gaming context, with all the those soldiers under the control of individual people in real-time with no slow down. The ramifications would be immense, you could lead armies into battle against one and other in all types of games. To me it sounds like a great future for online gaming.
( Edited on 19.09.2007 16:49 by Linkyshinks [LS] )