Dont listen to Phil, hes a Hentai lover
I dont watch Anime any more because i dont have the time, but if i did id watch the good stuff like Naruto and Bleach, just because they provide a story - deep character relations - and then screw with the characters so you feel for them and for the story. Its the basic concept used in most movies and games.
Why do people play games ?, Why do people watch Eastenders ? - They could be argued to be utter shite too, its just a form of story-telling and getting away from every day life for a short while.
I just like Anime for the story and characters, bleach is very good with this and not too "hardcore" to scare people, also Spirited Away (whilst can be seen as very kiddy) has a fantastic story thats unique and creative, something you wont find in most movies - especially cartoon based ones.
Asking why do people like Anime is like why do people like 3D games, someone who does not do it see's gaming as nothing special, geeky, crap in some cases.
Dragonball Z is your general young audience "fight and act super cool" anime, nothing special. The more story based anime - the better. Some stuff iv seen, for example stuff Phil has showed me he watches, looks wierd as fuck
Phil's hardcore anime fan, likes the tits blood and girls, im a story anime-fan. Dont judge anime as a whole
, just as noone wants gaming to be judge as "OMG YOU GAME, You must sit infront of your PC in the dark on your own every single night playing dungeon and dragons!, GEEK!".

And just as Z said above, some are shite yes - but some are fantastic, just like games, movies and TV, some games are amazing and the type of stuff id want none gamers to see, but there most probably not going to see Gears of War or Crysis - there most likely to see "Cars" or "Harry Potter".
What you can see if you look

What you will most likely see

( Edited on 13.11.2006 11:38 by Wo33eR )
Wo33eR :::
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