Why do you guys like Anime?

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Whats always baffled me is why so many people like Anime? To me its weirdly drawn Japanese cartoons which include lots of weird fantasy things and bascially, I just cant stand the stuff. So why why why do you like Anime? Video games are geeky but anime just seems to take it that extra mile...

People who read Anime are as normal of the people who read regular comic books.. Either it's Charlie Brown, to Naruto, it's basically all the same except the drawings.

Or it can be the amount of violence a Anime comic gives, or just the Anime porn.

I'm going to ditto Joe's opinions on this one. It's just cartoons innit?

stucorbs said:
Im going to ditto Joes opinions on this one. Its just cartoons innit?

Yeah it's just 'cartoons' so why are people bothered by other people liking it? I'm not making a thread to ask why people are so much into rap, or so much into violence in games, or so much into whatever the fuck it is they're into, am I? It's just something people like, it's not as if you actually choose to like it, you just do, or you don't, simple as that.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I think it's the Hardcore porn, and sexual activity in Animes that people like to read it.Smilie

Faust said:
stucorbs said:Im going to ditto Joes opinions on this one. Its just cartoons innit?
Yeah its just cartoons so why are people bothered by other people liking it? Im not making a thread to ask why people are so much into rap, or so much into violence in games, or so much into whatever the fuck it is theyre into, am I? Its just something people like, its not as if you actually choose to like it, you just do, or you dont, simple as that.

No, you don't just like something just because 'you just do'. Generally there is a reason for liking something, otherwise why would you like it?

By the way, I clearly didn't say I had a problem with it, which you made me out to say. I'm not bothered with other people liking it, I just don't know why people like it.

Yes. No need to get your panties in a twist Shinji, by all means make a thread asking why people like rap, no one is stoping you.

stucorbs said:
Faust said:
stucorbs said:Im going to ditto Joes opinions on this one. Its just cartoons innit?
Yeah its just cartoons so why are people bothered by other people liking it? Im not making a thread to ask why people are so much into rap, or so much into violence in games, or so much into whatever the fuck it is theyre into, am I? Its just something people like, its not as if you actually choose to like it, you just do, or you dont, simple as that.
No, you dont just like something just because you just do. Generally there is a reason for liking something, otherwise why would you like it? By the way, I clearly didnt say I had a problem with it, which you made me out to say. Im not bothered with other people liking it, I just dont know why people like it.

I didn't say YOU were bothered by it, I said people, I really don't see where I said you were bothered. And yes, there are specific things about anime which people like, but why do people like those specific things? Where did those feelings originate from? It's something you can't choose, it's just how you feel. I like the overall quality of the drawings and the tone of the storylines. Why do I like it? I don't know, it just appeals to me.

And Joe, FY, I'm just discussing this, but OMGZORZ I'm not using smilies to let people know I'm not angry!Smilie! I'm just being serious, and I'm not even wearing any underwear atm, soSmilie

( Edited on 11.11.2006 18:49 by Faust )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Umm, Ok?

Ditto. I just find manga to be unspeakably cheap art and anime to be unspeakably cheap animation.

It must take a monkey with no limbs almost 5 minutes to make an episode of the Pokemon cartoon or whatever, because there are so few frames, hardly anything moves and every corner that can possibly be cut is cut.

And then people say it's really deep and philiosophcal and not just for kids, unlike American stuff, and then you go and watch some and it's exactly the sametosh, but more cheaply made.

( Edited on 11.11.2006 18:53 by Grumbler )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Faust said:
stucorbs said:
Faust said:
stucorbs said:Im going to ditto Joes opinions on this one. Its just cartoons innit?
Yeah its just cartoons so why are people bothered by other people liking it? Im not making a thread to ask why people are so much into rap, or so much into violence in games, or so much into whatever the fuck it is theyre into, am I? Its just something people like, its not as if you actually choose to like it, you just do, or you dont, simple as that.
No, you dont just like something just because you just do. Generally there is a reason for liking something, otherwise why would you like it? By the way, I clearly didnt say I had a problem with it, which you made me out to say. Im not bothered with other people liking it, I just dont know why people like it.
I didnt say YOU were bothered by it, I said people, I really dont see where I said you were bothered. And yes, there are specific things about anime which people like, but why do people like those specific things? Where did those feelings originate from? Its something you cant choose, its just how you feel. I like the overall quality of the drawings and the tone of the storylines. Why do I like it? I dont know, it just appeals to me.And Joe, FY, Im just discussing this, but OMGZORZ Im not using smilies to let people know Im not angry!Smilie! Im just being serious, and Im not even wearing any underwear atm, soSmilie( Edited on 11.11.2006 18:49 by Faust )

Well you quoted me in your reply and you made a specific reference to making a topic about it so your clearly aiming it at me or Joe. Anyway, I'm not that bothered so lets leave it there.

stucorbs said:
Faust said:
stucorbs said:
Faust said:
stucorbs said:Im going to ditto Joes opinions on this one. Its just cartoons innit?
Yeah its just cartoons so why are people bothered by other people liking it? Im not making a thread to ask why people are so much into rap, or so much into violence in games, or so much into whatever the fuck it is theyre into, am I? Its just something people like, its not as if you actually choose to like it, you just do, or you dont, simple as that.
No, you dont just like something just because you just do. Generally there is a reason for liking something, otherwise why would you like it? By the way, I clearly didnt say I had a problem with it, which you made me out to say. Im not bothered with other people liking it, I just dont know why people like it.
I didnt say YOU were bothered by it, I said people, I really dont see where I said you were bothered. And yes, there are specific things about anime which people like, but why do people like those specific things? Where did those feelings originate from? Its something you cant choose, its just how you feel. I like the overall quality of the drawings and the tone of the storylines. Why do I like it? I dont know, it just appeals to me.And Joe, FY, Im just discussing this, but OMGZORZ Im not using smilies to let people know Im not angry!Smilie! Im just being serious, and Im not even wearing any underwear atm, soSmilie( Edited on 11.11.2006 18:49 by Faust )
Well you quoted me in your reply and you made a specific reference to making a topic about it so your clearly aiming it at me or Joe. Anyway, Im not that bothered so lets leave it there.

I quoted you because it could actually help me make a pointSmilie But yeah, let's leave itSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Dragon Ball Z is quite possibly the most ugly thing I've ever seen.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It's not just Cartoons, because when you say cartoons, it makes you think "animated kids program" & believe me, Anime & Manga are in no ay intended for kids. If yuo can name me 10 PROPER Anime or Manga that are for kids, then I'll star you, & cencored Anime like Naruto & DragonBall doesn't count as kids' Anime Smilie

It's not cheap, & Pok

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Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

Are the stories are anything like those of japanese RPGs?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Some of them are, I can only think of Pok

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Dragonball z is normally 'oh dear he is quite powerfull then lots of talking then a little bit of fighting then EVEN more talking' Rinse and repeat, for each saga.

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.


That's basically the whole of DragonBall Z in a nutshell! Smilie leg flash movies they are! Smilie

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So do weird muscles, non-descript talking and violance constitute 'mature'?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

In general, anime is just pure drivel. Senseless, generic crap/cheesey/both storyline, violence for the sake of violence, rape for the sake of rape, container of stupid anime girls, crap. It's just pure shit for idiots to wank over. Nothing more. That said, there is the odd anime piece that I do like. Akira is one of my favourite films. However, that's just because it's a bloody thoroughly good film, and nothing to do with it being japanese and animated. I know people who bum all forms of anime, regardless of it's shiteness, just because it's japanese and animated. Now that's retarded.

( Edited on 11.11.2006 19:32 by Oni )

Grumbler said:
So do weird muscles, non-descript talking and violance constitute mature?
TBH with you, the only Anime characters with weird muscules I've seen are from DBZ... yet again, a bad example of Anime...

& how do you define mature? Maybe that will answer your question.

EDIT: & Oni, give me some examples of pure drivel Anime, since you seem to hate it so much, then it leads me to doubt you've actually ever spent the time to try & find something you like, or to find anything good for that matter.

( Edited on 11.11.2006 19:47 by SuperLink )

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SuperLiink said:
since you seem to hate it so much, then it leads me to doubt youve actually ever spent the time to try & find something you like, or to find anything good for that matter.

Oni-Ninja said:
That said, there is the odd anime piece that I do like. Akira is one of my favourite films. However, thats just because its a bloody thoroughly good film, and nothing to do with it being japanese and animated.

Read my posts before replying to them, okay?

So lets make a recommended list. What should I steal from bittorrent tonight?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I read that, I just didn't see much point in putting "excluding Akira" which is ONE title, in my post. Just try to avoid answering my question a bit more will you? Smilie

Akira isn't hard to find, you can find it in nearly every shop that sells DVDs, which backs up my point again, have you ever TRIED to find something you like, APART from Akira?

EDIT: I mean you can't make blind comments about Anime or Manga if all you've seen is mainstream crap.

EDIT2: Some Animes that I like are:

Full Metal Alchemist
Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X
& some Studio Ghibli movies, which you should try, as they're probably the most inspiring type of Anime you'll see. Also Inuyasha & Ghost in The Shel seem to be liked, although I don't get the big deal with them.

The thing I'd reccommend most from that list is Full Metal Alchemist for series', & for movies Studio Ghibli, especially Haiyo Miyazaki's movies, they have a strange style but they're brilliant.

( Edited on 11.11.2006 20:05 by SuperLink )

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