Why do you guys like Anime?

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Most anime I've seen is pretty badly drawn, terribly animated, and features bad theme music, and a cringeworthy moral message.

However, my flatmate bought a series called Samurai Champloo (I think) that was pretty good. Fairly original, and a story that was bad, but so mad it worked.

People like it because it completes the whole Geek experiance. You've got to like anime if you want respect from fellow Geekazoids. Its a bit like what smoking is to chavs.
Sorry I exaggerated a bit there but the basic message should be clear.
On some forums I have noticed that people automatically take a liking to something just because it has an anime look to it which I think is rather pathetic.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

Martin said:
Most anime Ive seen is pretty badly drawn, terribly animated, and features bad theme music, and a cringeworthy moral message.However, my flatmate bought a series called Samurai Champloo (I think) that was pretty good. Fairly original, and a story that was bad, but so mad it worked.

Samurai Champloo was da shizzle, watched all the episodes in one daySmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Seriously though, when people say most Anime, please make some examples, because I mostly think you're on about Pok

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I'm a nerd anyway, which might make me seem a bit biased, but it seems noone here has even tried to give proper Anime or Manga a chance.

Well, you haven't seen my flatmates dvd collection. I'm willing to bet he has more anime than anyone else here. I've seen most of it with him at some point.

Anyway, in my opinion, anime/manga art is totally crushed by some of the western comic book artists. There's so little originality.. almost all the anime I've seen have just been versions of the same look to their characters.

Jah, he probably does have a bigger Anime collection than I do, I only really started getting it in the past year, before that I only ever got Pok

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I just don't see that kind of thing in western cartoons, & when you say bad frame rates, western cartoons aren't exactly innocent either.

Its nothing to do with framerate.. what gets to me is the amount they use large drawings, and then just pan across them for several seconds, with minimal animation.

I guess it is down to personal preference. Stuff like this is what I love about western style comic book art (I'm not a comics type of guy.. but I often borrow my friends stuff to look at the art):

Frank Miller:

Image for


Image for

Image for

edit- Just for the record, I wasn't comparing collection size- just pointing out I have seen a fair bit.

( Edited on 11.11.2006 20:44 by Martin )

I just watched the opening to full metal alchemist... im definately not sitting through a whole ep after that.

You can't judge an Anime based on it's opening. Nearly every Anime has a cheesy japanese opening. Smilie

EDIT: A good example of a Manga page... I guess. First page from the FMA manga.

& the front cover

To be honest, I don't see much difference between that & the stuff Martin posted. Anyone care to point any out? & no obvious shit please. Smilie

( Edited on 11.11.2006 20:50 by SuperLink )

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SuperLiink said:
I read that, I just didnt see much point in putting excluding Akira which is ONE title, in my post. Just try to avoid answering my question a bit more will you? Smilie

I've avoided nothing. You're trying to imply that unless I post every single anime I've ever liked, it means I 'haven't even TRIED to find something good'. Pure bollocks. However, I will name some off the top of my head that I've liked alot:

Ghost In The Shell
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle

They are just brilliant films, the fact that they're japanese anime is not even a factor. Are you happy now? Smilie

SuperLiink said:
Akira isnt hard to find, you can find it in nearly every shop that sells DVDs, which backs up my point again, have you ever TRIED to find something you like, APART from Akira?EDIT: I mean you cant make blind comments about Anime or Manga if all youve seen is mainstream crap.

Firstly, Akira is not 'mainstream crap'. It's an exellent film. Totally top-drawer. Secondly, I find it a silly state of affairs when I'm 'expected' to go out of my way to find stuff. All of the anime's I've seen that haven't been 'mainstream' (as you put it), have been totally crap.

I've seen many, many anime films that have just been absolutely dire. In general, anime is crap. It's like watered-down sturday morning kids cartoons, only with less plot, and random bits of extreme violence and sickening porn thrown in 'for the hell of it'. Utter rubbish. If it hasn't got an interesting storyline, isn't well directed, and well acted, then it's crap. Unfortunatly, that's most anime.

I think I put myself out enough by giving the benefit of the doubt to animes with shit english dubbing, and watching them in japanese. What does a guy have to give, huh?

( Edited on 11.11.2006 20:55 by Oni )

I must say that it is undeniable that there are plenty of obvious anime stereotypes such as having over half the characters in the anime to have spikey hair or evil people have thin eyes instead of the standard anime eyes which take up 3/4 of the guys face.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

To be honest, I don't see much difference between that & the stuff Martin posted. Anyone care to point any out? & no obvious shit please.

The anime one has a lot of distortion of the human form (the mouth, eyes, hair). Thats not really a problem, but I find it boring because its exactly the same as a million other anime drawings.

(Of course, what I love about what I posted is the use of shadow- there's no real midtones. Look at how the black is used- fucking genius. There's a guy on my course who draws like that. Makes me so jealous.

It's like t.v, only it's not shit...

You just need to watch decent anim

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Megadanxzero said:
Bleach for example. How can anything which includes large quantities of both breasts and swords be bad? ^^

Are you serious? How can it be good?

I didn't say Akira was mainstream, I just assumed you hadn't spent time tp look for good Anime, & that you'd only seen stuff like DBZ & Pok

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U like my Anime style? I draw Full Metal Alchemist... Happy Time!

SuperLink, I said (initially) that I'd seen Akira. You followed up by saying:

I mean you cant make blind comments about Anime or Manga if all youve seen is mainstream crap.

So you did say that Akira is mainstream (and crap!). Furthermore, I can tell you're one of those japanimation nerds (I mean that in a nice way) that's extremely inclined to like a piece of anime, whatever it is, purely because it's anime. You'll despute/deny this, but it's blatently obviouse.

You're like my mate. She runs 'Anime Club' at my college. I went along the other day, and they were watching one of the worst, stupidest, most idiotic things I'd ever seen. You could tell it was a cartoon for children (by the humour), and they were all sitting and laughing at all the naff jokes and stuff. Anime in general is crap. I don't need to 'broaden my anime horizons' in anyway to prove this. I've seen enough anime in my time to know.

Surely if you think he's saying Akira is crap that's a pretty huge indication that he doesn't like all anime simply because it's anime? Smilie

I thought Akira was pretty crap personally... It was one of those ones that everyone raves about that turned out to be only midly interesting

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

The problem with anime and manga is the perception that it is a different art form, once that hapens you get two camps, those who like it and those who don't.

There is a load of crap anime/manga, the same way there is loads of crap movies, comics, TV shows, etc. Its like arguing that British movies are great because of Lock Stock and Two Smoking barrels and someone countering that argument with Pride and Predujice, they are two totally different movies from different genres, different budgets, different directors and aimed at different audiences.

If you do want to watch some good anime I recommend Perfect Blue, Patlabor 1&2 and Love Hina. Best watched in the original Japanese with English subtitles. But honestly arguing whether all anime is bad or good is like arguing EVERY game on the PS2 is bad or good. Its just not logical.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Well my mate thought it would funny if i watched Legend of the overfiend uncut version without telling me what was on it needless to say i stopped watching anime after that.

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

I don't really liek much anime, but Bleach is really really good. It has its cheesy moments, but for the most part it's really interesting and engaging. And while it does have its fair share of boobs, it's not what you seem to get the impression that all anime is.

Pretty kickass opening too. (there's like 8 now)

Seriously Oni, I didn't say it was crap, they were in 2 different paragraphs for Christ's sakes! One of which was an EDIT! Smilie I love Akira, it's a brilliant movie! Smilie Just got a Wii bit freaked out by the bit with the giant toys & the milk. Smilie Happy now?

Honestly, you dont seem to be answering my questions, just picking on the tiny little parts of my post that you CAN argue with. I SAID: You should watch Full Metal Alchemist, tell me your opinon on that, & you should watch more Studio Ghibli, especially Laputa.

I also asked if ANYONE here has read any manga? Clearly not, because everyone is simply dissing the Anime, they hacn't even read any manga books. Smilie

& Oni, Why the fuck do you have Sasuke from Naruto in your avi, & you used to have Zabusa in your sig? Naruto is the kind of mainstream Anime that you'd hate because of the loud voices? Smilie

I don't like all Anime either, as I said, I thoguh the Ghost in the Shell Anime was crap, I don't really like the .hack Anime, & I don't get why everyone loves Inuyashi so much!

Love Hina is great, everyone seems to veer from it becayse of the fan service, even though the Anime has less fan service, I still think the Manga is better Smilie

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SuperLiink said:
Oni, Why the fuck do you have Sasuke from Naruto in your avi, & you used to have Zabusa in your sig? Naruto is the kind of mainstream Anime that youd hate because of the loud voices?

It's an extremely old avatar of mine from when I was born on TMSword.com, four years ago. It serves no other purpose than, now as it did then, to be a fitting avatar for someone calling themselves 'Oni-Ninja'. As for Ghost In The Shell, I can't comment on the series, but the film is superb.

I have read inuyasha before.

Project Trico Love
"Please keep all comments clean and friendly!"- C3 Bot
No chance of that.

Then why did you previously have a sig with Zabusa in it, could it possibly be you had a sig & avi themed on Naruto from pure coincidence?

Mrfalcolombardi said:
I have read inuyasha before.
COuld you possibly explain why people think it's so good, or maybe some plot details?

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