Seriously Oni, I didn't say it was crap, they were in 2 different paragraphs for Christ's sakes! One of which was an EDIT!
I love Akira, it's a brilliant movie!
Just got a Wii bit freaked out by the bit with the giant toys & the milk.
Happy now?
Honestly, you dont seem to be answering my questions, just picking on the tiny little parts of my post that you CAN argue with. I SAID: You should watch Full Metal Alchemist, tell me your opinon on that, & you should watch more Studio Ghibli, especially Laputa.
I also asked if ANYONE here has read any manga? Clearly not, because everyone is simply dissing the Anime, they hacn't even read any manga books. 
& Oni, Why the fuck do you have Sasuke from Naruto in your avi, & you used to have Zabusa in your sig? Naruto is the kind of mainstream Anime that you'd hate because of the loud voices? 
I don't like all Anime either, as I said, I thoguh the Ghost in the Shell Anime was crap, I don't really like the .hack Anime, & I don't get why everyone loves Inuyashi so much!
Love Hina is great, everyone seems to veer from it becayse of the fan service, even though the Anime has less fan service, I still think the Manga is better