45 confirmed dead.
There is going to be an Emergency Services press briefing on soon.
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45 confirmed dead.
There is going to be an Emergency Services press briefing on soon.
Just seen the news, then jumped onto the forums to read the posts - cheers very muchly for updating me on 5 hours of news
I hope everyone is OK - and I wish the emergency services all the best as they keep the pace up and get through this.
I'd strongly advise people to watch their London related plans untill this clears up a little - a lot of trains are stalled; stuck at stations untill further notice and the situation with the media reports is confusing.
Watch your backs people
I'm glad those that have posted are okay, and I hope other London posters will confirm their wellbeing soon as well. I don't actually know who's in London, but there are probably a couple more.
This was shocking - I go to sleep for 4, 5 hours and wake up to find explosions across TV. We should have been expecting this really, it's been building up for nearly 4 years now since 9/11. It's just a good job that the emergency services had a lot of measures already in place to activate.
My next worry is if more attacks begin to occur in other major cities. Living in Manchester, one of the 'big 3', with most of my family living and working there makes this a concern for me. I've actually been waiting for announcements of other cities being attacked, it's scary.
Al Quaeda have claimed responsibility for this, their Jihad group from what I heard. The British public seem to be dealing well with it from what I've seen on the news, which I was very happy about. It was good to see the leaders from the G8 summit and the Houses of Parliament standing firm together in light of this threat. Surprised they didn't target Scotland, though, with the G8 summit going on.
I dont understand how we could have made up two though..
Apparently people coming out of different tube stations reporting the same explosions led to confusion.
I feel full smpathy for the families involved (and of course the victims...); but after such a tragety occuring I'm discusted at what I see on my television, It's amazing how quickly this became a political/patriotistic (patriotistic?) exercise... can't these people show some respect?
Al Quaeda have claimed responsibility for this, their Jihad group from what I heard
For all the info.
Islam is a peaceful religion, these bombers make a mockery of something they claim to promote. Its sad and ruins the name of the millions of decent muslims in the world.
Islam is a peaceful religion, these bombers make a mockery of something they claim to promote
GR781 wrote: a Jihad is a general religious war.. I think what you are talking about is a website frequently used by the European branch of Al Quaeda, which is claimiung the attack was made by said branch.
Yeah that's what I meant, and I know what Jihad means, but the news announced it like it was the name of a seperate part of Al Quaeda...
SniperWolf's internet pal made an mp3 of him complaining about people on the ign boards about this. I dunno why.
Yeah he gave me the same MP3
I noticed one thing was that in statements people were quick to make sure people didn't start hating Muslims like I mentioned could happen earlier, especially when it came to statements from religious figures.
These people are sick. Hearing this during Science today, angered me greatly.
Everyone was screaming "It is the fu****g French, cause thay did not get the bloody Olympics". I mean, in all honesty, could a group of french people really get the plans all done and attack in less than a day. Anyway, why attack because they did not get the Olympics, that is just silly.
It was blatantly Al-Queada (Spelling??). I do not think it was to disrupt the Gleneagles G8 summit, more over just to kill people and prove a point. sickening.
Sorry to anyone on here who has a a relative in London at this time.
Al Quaeda Jihad In Europe is what the news keeps saying about who's behind it, that's who I was referring to for reference. Not sure if that just means their war campaign in Europe, or whether it's an actual division name.
It was definitely timed because of the G8 summit - I'm surprised they didn't strike Scotland as well at the same time. An opportunity to wipe out world leaders doesn't get much clearer than that.
Either way, it's sick and wrong. I can't uderstand how people can do something like that and I don't want to.
well i dont like it how people are trying to raise conversation by making something up about it. I over heard some-one saying that there was poisoness gas in London atmoshpere. Some people just dont respect the situation enough and this hole thing just makes my blood boil!
Wow, I've been watching this on tv all morning, and I am very shocked. If it was terrorists, I would have expected them to target us in the U.S. again, not London. This is incredibly sad, and I grieve for all the people affected.
If it was terrorists, I would have expected them to target us in the U.S. again, not London.
Why? They've got you where they want you.
Why? They've got you where they want you.
Indeed, America already live in a state of fear (a times)but Britain has been largely unaffected. In the view of terrorists maybe it was time for us to be scared.
My dad just got back from London, the train was half empty from Waterloo...
Abysmal stuff. It should never have happened, but I think we all saw it coming...
Mason wrote: It was definitely timed because of the G8 summit - I'm surprised they didn't strike Scotland as well at the same time. An opportunity to wipe out world leaders doesn't get much clearer than that.
I think the fact there were large amount of British soldiers present in Gleneagle is the reason for that not happening.
They could have done it if they really wanted to is my opinion on the matter. I just don't think that was the purpose, I think the point was to send out a warning to the visiting leaders, to show that their campaign isn't over and to shake up the country the same way that they shook up America.
Terrible stuff. I hope everyone's okay over in London.
Our news over here did have it at at least 45 people dead for a while, but they since changed it to at least 37 and it's stayed that way for a while now. I hope everyone's okay.
Hey guys i live in LONDON in ZONE 2, i woke up today switch the TV on fookin "breaking news" terrorist attack!?!?!?!?
And i had an appointment at 11:20 i was kind of fooking scared to go on them, my mum said dont go to your appointment but i said im a MAN!!! Aint no scared of bloody terrorists!!!
But anyway none of you have to worry about me im OK!!
Feel sorry for all the inoccent people and the families that lost their close ones.
Lets have a minute silence.
Nintendo_Maniac wrote: Hey guys i live in LONDON in ZONE 2, i woke up today switch the TV on fookin 'breaking news' terrorist attack!?!?!?!?
And i had an appointment at 11:20 i was kind of fooking scared to go on them, my mum said dont go to your appointment but i said im a MAN!!! Aint no scared of bloody terrorists!!!![]()
But anyway none of you have to worry about me im OK!!
Feel sorry for all the inoccent people and the families that lost their close ones.
Lets have a minute silence.
It's good to see you're OK
True as well, I hope that we can continue on tomorrow, with our thoughts on those caught up in this mess.
I'm a bit worried about places like Manchester myself; and more about Edinburgh - I just have part of myself up there, I'd be gutted if there was terrorist attacks there next week, and I'd feel helpless too