8.50, London

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if anyones wondering I'm fine.. I was actually going into the city today which is somewhat scary.. tube was stopped and the entire network frozen, then all buses turned back, so I never made it into the center.

Good man.

Sadly, we have the IRA to thank for the Emergency Services quick moving...

Just seen some images on T.V, looks very bad, already 90 casulties with 2 confirmed dead.

msenyszak wrote: No, right now they need to secure the area, make sure people are safe, stop further injuries.
The blame can come later.

Not what I was meaning mate, the police chiefs need to confirm it. It doesn't help having media posting that police can't confirm it, the quicker they do the quicker people will stay inside.

Mixed messages at a time like this help nobody, it is a terrorist attack.

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Great to hear it GR781.

Anyway. This is really scary.

First two fatalities confirmed Smilie

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Good stuff GR!

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Just realised i have some cousins visiting London... god hope they are safe.

Arab sources are saying it might have been Al-Qaeda. The police can't confirm it, its not like someone's come forward to claim responsibility.

[ Edited by msenyszak on 2005/7/7 11:42 ]

GR781 wrote: i honest to god hope this isnt going to be used to push through any dodgy laws etc as in america.. i.e. identity cards etc..

Exactly my thoughts, didn't want to be the cynical at this moment though - but that is EXACTLY what will happen GR.

Barry Lewis [ nin10do :: General Writer :: Feature Writer :: Fountain of Industry Statistics ]
"We're mentalist psychic Scots, which means we can read your mind. If you're lying, your head explodes and we laugh."

Identity cards... They wouldn't actually do that in the UK would they? I mean, America I can understand, but the UK???

I had no idea this was going on until I found this thread, I originally thought it was going to be something about msen complaining about some guy on a bus today at 8.50 in London. Not this.

Obviously it can't be anything to do with the Olympics because of the complicated nature of one of these attacks, however this could definitly bring in to subject the security for 2012 as all transport stoping could delay the games majorly. They have definitly made the right choice by shutting the tube and the rest of the transport - there could be more explosions waiting.

Believe it or not one of my first impressions (as well as terrorists, which it is looking like) is those crazy G8 protestors might have done this to get more attention as they've been shoved up in Scotland. Look what they've done so far - it's not peaceful, so I thought it could be probable. I'm not sure if the terrorists have done this because of G8 or if it just happened to be a random date.

Did someone say more explosions around the country? This could get big. I hope not. 15 minutes until Blair's statement.

G8 protesters killing innocent people? nNo freidking way.

I've heard about Brighton and Swindon explosions.. god... can't be right.

Ack, I hope you are wrong, I'm going into the centre of Brighton any minute now.

Such a surreal day, feels like September 11 again, not a nice feeling...

Hope everyone and their friends and families are alright. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]


They've been on his agenda? Well, no doubt this will be used to push them.

Glad to hear that you and your sister are ok GR.

This is just shocking, I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Got to be a terrorist attack. There have also been too many things for the police and security services to control:

1. Live 8 (mass security)
2. G8 - if you live in the East of Scotland you'd have thought the entire British police force was here.
3. Olympics decision and celebration (date of decision known months in advance, always a high probability of London getting it).

It's just a case of al Queda taking advantage of a set of situations.

Thankfully the emergency services seem to be up to scratch. Hope everyone's OK.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Did someone say more explosions around the country

BBC said "incidents at Swindon and Brighton". Those incidents were the stations being closed.

Guest 07.07.2005#43

Just switched on the news, this is bad. Smilie

ps: Identity cards are already compulsorary here, from 14. It doesn't bother me, yet.

Blair's on, going to London, but G8 will continue.

GR781, what did your sister say about the explosion and which one was she a witness to? I couldn't imagine what it must have seemed like.

I wouldn't say this feels as serious as 9/11, seeing buildings fall down was a very different feeling to this, but this is bad don't get me wrong. I've been watching FOX news some of the time to see there take on it.

I hadn't thought about Bush having arrived would be a good reason for this, although just hearing Blair it's apparent that he believes hes about G8 trying to take the attention away from poverty and global warming, Geldof must be pissed. Blair's doing a very good thing (publiclly) leaving, lets hope the meeting doesn't go to pot without him being there for a few hours although I'm sure the results won't change with him being gone for part of the day.

Did I just see there has been 7 blasts come across the bottom of BBC1? I quickly came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be those wanker G8 protesters doing this, even though they are the stupidest people I have ever better - breaking my Burger King. I guess the terrorists thought they wouldn't get away with any terrorist attacks in Scotland what with all the security, or maybe they just didn't want to full stop, so I suppose there will be footage of them walking off the tube then minutes later an explosion on security cameras?

Tragic stuff... And I'm supposed to be going to London tomorrow o.O Well that's fucked now.

I wouldn't say this feels as serious as 9/11, seeing buildings fall down was a very different feeling to this, but this is bad don't get me wrong. I've been watching FOX news some of the time to see there take on it.

This looks more about effect, more than raw killing. Its going to plunge the UK into fear.

BBC monitoring saying Al Queda now claiming responsibility on a website.

[ Edited by msenyszak on 2005/7/7 12:19 ]

msenyszak wrote: This looks more about effect, more than raw killing. Its going to plunge the UK into fear.

Someone copied something off the TV Smilie You're right though, they have hit us where it hurt - our transport system. If anyone saw that program on Channel4 last night at 9 they know what can happen to our transport when we get a strange situation.

EDIT: Having said that, the emergency plan has been excellent thus far. And 7 blasts is official.

[ Edited by TipsyRabbit on 2005/7/7 12:22 ]

1212: There are now reports from the London Ambulance Service of an explosion in Leicester Square.

I hope thats a controlled blast..

Someone copied something off the TV Smilie You're right though, they have hit us where it hurt - our transport system. If anyone saw that program on Channel4 last night at 9 they know what can happen to our transport when we get a strange situation.

I watch closely, me.

Hey guys,

Freaky stuff - thank god I heard about it before going into London with sue for her b/day.

My uncle was on one of the trains, but thanfully he's okay - but in serious serious shock as you can imagine. My gran usually travels into london in that same area also, but again thankfully she didn't go today.

Absolute madness though, people are going to be so worried going into town now, especially those who have to go it day in, day out.

To all in London, and elsewhere in the UK - good luck and good health. to you all.

~ jb

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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