GR781, what did your sister say about the explosion and which one was she a witness to? I couldn't imagine what it must have seemed like.
I wouldn't say this feels as serious as 9/11, seeing buildings fall down was a very different feeling to this, but this is bad don't get me wrong. I've been watching FOX news some of the time to see there take on it.
I hadn't thought about Bush having arrived would be a good reason for this, although just hearing Blair it's apparent that he believes hes about G8 trying to take the attention away from poverty and global warming, Geldof must be pissed. Blair's doing a very good thing (publiclly) leaving, lets hope the meeting doesn't go to pot without him being there for a few hours although I'm sure the results won't change with him being gone for part of the day.
Did I just see there has been 7 blasts come across the bottom of BBC1? I quickly came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be those wanker G8 protesters doing this, even though they are the stupidest people I have ever better - breaking my Burger King. I guess the terrorists thought they wouldn't get away with any terrorist attacks in Scotland what with all the security, or maybe they just didn't want to full stop, so I suppose there will be footage of them walking off the tube then minutes later an explosion on security cameras?