You've crashed landed on an alien planet, but don't worry. Cubed3's been here before, and will help you dig your way out. - By Thom Compton
Put on your 19th century, Victorian era opera glasses, and take a peek at co-op arena shooter Monsters and Monocles. - By Athanasios
Cubed3 goes hands-on with an early version of Square Enix's hotly anticipated World of Final Fantasy. - By Michael Whittaker
Should you be excited about Dragon Quest Builders? Cubed3 takes a first-look at the PlayStation 4 version. - By Michael Whittaker
Cubed3 checks out an Early Access on a game that has a good claim to be a true Master of Orion successor. - By Eric Ace
Yesterday Origins publisher Microïds invited Cubed3 to Paris to shed some light on the game's mystery. - By Jamie Mercer
Cubed3 had the chance to try out an early build of rogue-like action title Airheart on PC. Find out how it looks… - By Michael Whittaker
Cubed3 was invited to Paris to attend the WRC 6 pre-launch event and get some hands-on time with the final version of the game. - By Jamie Mercer
Backed with over $2 million on Kickstarter, Cubed3 previews this epic RPG sequel to 2014's hit PC title. - By Chris Leebody
Cubed3 delves into Disney Magical World 2, the return of the popular title in its much-improved sequel form on Nintendo 3DS. - By Josh Di Falco
Final Fantasy XV definitely had the best booth this year. Cubed3 went hands-on at EGX. - By Drew Hurley
Little Nightmares is a brand new IP from Bandai Namco that looks to be very promising indeed! - By Drew Hurley
After the disappointment that was Mighty No.9, everyone is hoping that Yooka-Laylee can live up to the promise of its Kickstarter. - By Drew Hurley
What can you expect from Sony's PlayStation VR? Cubed3 dived in at this year's EGX to find out. - By Drew Hurley
The focus may be on Final Fantasy XV at the moment, but World of Final Fantasy is not one to overlook completely. - By Drew Hurley
The indie section of EGX was as strong as ever in 2016, and Snake Pass was testament to the quality on show. - By Drew Hurley
One of the hottest games of the show, Cubed3 went hands-on with Dishonored 2 at this year's EGX. - By Drew Hurley
Chris travelled to Tokyo Game Show 2016 in Japan and spent some quality time with Kiryu in the upcoming Yakuza 6. - By Jimmy
Take a look at the ultimate power-stealing cat simulator. - By Gabriel Jones
Nintendo returns with an almost 'best of' package in Rhythm Paradise Megamix for Nintendo 3DS. Cubed3 goes hands-on… - By Adam Riley
Fans of Suda51 finally get the chance to experience his first game from Grasshopper Manufacture with the localisation of The Silver Case. - By Brandon (Michael) Howard
Floating through space, drifting silently, yet so loud. The only thing that needs to be done… is everything. - By Thom Compton
Just in time for the Chilli Dog loving Hog's 25th birthday, there's a new Sonic game on the block, Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice. - By Drew Hurley
The future of Woven's yarn is in your hands. Cubed3 tries out an early build of this Kickstarter project. - By Adam Riley
Is it an open-and-shut case for prospective buyers of Phoenix Wright's newest Ace Attorney game, Spirit of Justice? - By Shane Jury
Cubed3 takes a look at the Early Access Steam release of Donkey Crew's Of Kings and Men. - By Chris Leebody
Cubed3 delves deep into the in-development underwater exploration game IronFish. - By Luna Eriksson
Cubed3 shouts, whispers, and gasps through a small slice of Stifled's upcoming gameplay. - By Jordan Hurst
One of the most intense experiences in the shooting world is nearly ready to conquer the world. This is RIVE. - By Adam Riley
Don't judge a Nineteen Eighty-Four dystopia by its intro. Cubed3 tries We Happy Few. - By Athanasios