| Tangledeep | Impact Gameworks | |
| Team Indie (Hands-On) | Brightside Games | |
| Technobabylon (Hands-On) | Wadjet Eye | |
| Terraforming Mars | Asmodee Digital | |
| The Banner Saga 2 | Versus Evil | |
| The Black Death | Green Man Gaming Publishing | |
| The Crew 2 (Beta) | Ubisoft | |
| The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me | Bandai Namco | |
| The Endless Mission | E-Line, Media | |
| The Escapists 2 | Team17 | |
| The Escapists: The Walking Dead | Team17 | |
| The Girl of Glass: A Summer Bird's Tale | En Widunderlig Produktion | |
| The Grandfather | Plug In | |
| The Kindred | Nkidu | |
| The Last Tinker: City of Colors (Hands-On) | Unity | |
| THE LONGING | Application Systems Heidelberg | |
| The Minotaur | Ratalaika Games | |
| The Silver Case | Grasshopper Manufacture | |
| The Universim | Crytivo | |
| The Vagrant | SakuraGame | |
| The Void Rains Upon Her Heart | The Hidden Levels | |
| The Waylanders | Gato Salvaje Studio | |
| Thimbleweed Park | Terrible Toybox | |
| Throw Anything | Visual Light | |
| Totem Tribe II: Jotun | Enkord | |
| Townsmen VR | HandyGames | |
| Train Valley (Hands-On) | Flazm | |
| Trash TV (Hands-On) | Reverb Triple XP | |
| Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power (Hands-On) | Frozenbyte | |
| Trinity Fusion | Angry Mob Games | |