Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Confirmation of Sonic in Smash Bros.

By Adam Riley 10.10.2007 76

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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TAG said:
Marzy said:Am I the only one thats actually disappointed that Sonic is now included in the game?Its is good, but I just wanted them to stick with original Nintendo characters. All these third-party characters spoil it for me. After all, its a Nintendo game and should only feature Nintendo characters. To me they just wont fit in and never will.
I agree with you, I would like another fighting series created to bring the biggest icons together and put it on all systems rather than have these third party characters in a nintendo game. Sonic vs. Mario vs. Master Chief vs. Snake, etc on all consoles.But after Snake was a thrown in there you might as well get some more 3rd party characters. That all nintendo feeling is already gone, so bring in the coolest third party characters. Thats how Ive been looking at it, so Im excited Sonics going to be in it. It should be interesting.( Edited on 11.10.2007 00:16 by TAG )

You guys are talking about it like there are more than (at most) three 3rd party characters coming. It's almost like you few people want to compare it to Marvel VS Capcom or something,and Tag if they made a game like that then who would get the crap title... nintendo of course because it would be a port or a half baked ground up title.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 00:28 by J Tangle(NintendoFanBoyHunter) )

Oh for fuck's sake.

Fucking Pacman & Tamagotchi are in a Mario Kart game. No way in hell are they more suited than Sonic.

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SuperLink said:
Oh for fucks sake.Fucking Pacman & Tamagotchi are in a Mario Kart game. No way in hell are they more suited than Sonic.

They are? *eats words*

J Tangle said:
You guys are talking about it like there are more than (at most) three 3rd party characters coming. Its almost like you few people want to compare it to Marvel VS Capcom or something,and Tag if they made a game like that then who would get the crap title... nintendo of course because it would be a port or a half baked ground up title.

With added Wiimote controls. Smilie

Checking date..

Nope, not April 1st. Carry on then.

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Guide to using the Metroid Bounty Hunters.
{Guild}Ohmdal: But how did you get the poo inside of the box when the goat was sleeping on top of it?
{Guild}Ohmdal: oops wrong chat

Yes! Pac-Man and Pac-Man Jr. along with Mametchi from Tamagotchi are in the arcade version of Mario Kart. Sonic is not out of place and fits in the Smash Bros. world more so than they do.

I would have personally prefered the Sonic Adventure Theme over the SA2 theme.

And they are OBVIOUSLY using Super Sonic transformation as his Final Smash.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 03:18 by PK Mongoose )

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

According to the Japanese dojo site Brawl is selling for 6,800 yen which is like 58 dollars or 29 GBPs. What does everyone else think about the highest priced Wii game ever? I know I'm still going to buySmilie

WTF? I don't see why it should sell for more than usual... unless it comes with a headset? Who knows...

knighty said:
They are? *eats words*
Sorry for swearing so much, I was tired ^^;

But yeah, crossover games have always been there, & I defo think that if characters from all of Nintendo's series' can fight each other (& that Mario can race PacMan & Tamagotchi) then Snake & Sonic can join the Brawl too.

Also, Bomberman can blow up Wario *Nostalgia* Smilie

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Bit late for this but what the hey...

*Clears throat*



*Turns blue in the face and collapses*

( Edited on 11.10.2007 10:14 by Darkspine S )

Darkspine S said:
*Turns blue in the face and collapses*
Just like our hero Smilie

Except when he collapses, he says "oh no!"

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I'm about as certain that Sonic's Smash Bros level will have the Green Hill music as I am that I'm not going to die in the next 10 seconds...


*prays* ;-;

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Like I said, the more they add the worse its gonna get. It was bad they added Snake, but to add another makes it worse for me. The fact is, its a Nintendo game and it only feels right with Nintendo characters. If they want to shove 3rd party characters in, then they should join up with SEGA and make a Mario vs Sonic type thing.

Sorry, but I'm just not liking it and its definetly took away the originality of the game. Originally it was intended so that you could have a fight with all these other Nintendo characters, but now they're just shoving in non-related characters and it makes it feel odd.

Marzy said:
so that you could have a fight with all these other Nintendo characters

You can still do that you know. A couple of characters isn't gonna change that.

You can still do that you know. A couple of characters isn't gonna change that.

I didn't say you couldn't. Its a Nintendo game though, so therefore it should only have Nintendo characters in my opinion. Sure I don't have to use them, but that fact that they're there still makes it feel like a less special game to me.

But it's MORE original. Both Smash Bros games before now have all been about Nintendo.

Are you honestly suggesting you'd rather make an entirely new game series so that Snake & Pikachu could fight each other? So a game exactly like Smash Bros, but with more 3rd party characters? That would be a waste of time & creativity.

Smash Bros is such an excellent fighting game. No other game plays quite in the same way. No other game will let you have Pit VS Sonic, & unless Nintendo make & waste time on an entirely new series designed to be as fun as Smash Bros with the same style all star cast, the only place you can do that is Brawl.

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SuperLink said:
But its MORE original. Both Smash Bros games before now have all been about Nintendo.Are you honestly suggesting youd rather make an entirely new game series so that Snake & Pikachu could fight each other? So a game exactly like Smash Bros, but with more 3rd party characters? That would be a waste of time & creativity.Smash Bros is such an excellent fighting game. No other game plays quite in the same way. No other game will let you have Pit VS Sonic, & unless Nintendo make & waste time on an entirely new series designed to be as fun as Smash Bros with the same style all star cast, the only place you can do that is Brawl.

Listen, I'm not fucking arguing. I'm telling you how I fucking feel about the game. Its my opinion, ok. It's not going to ever feel the same now, because they can just add any characters they want.

As the guy on the original advert says: "something gone wrong in the happy go lucky world of Nintendo"

( Edited on 11.10.2007 15:30 by Marzy )

As I said before. The way you feel about the game is all well & good, but the majority wanted characters like Sonic in Brawl. Just because you don't want it, you feel the majority shouldn't get it? According to the site, Sonic was the most wanted Brawl character. Better to disappoint Thousands rather than Millions right? (I know the scale is probably completely wrong, but you get my point)

There isn't enough time to create 2 games for 2 different opinions. You can ignore them.

Sonic & Snake may be promoted with the game, but they'll be unlockable, & might not even be in the opening sequence. The game is still very much about Nintendo, & if you feel that strongly about it, than 2 characters shouldn't ruin it.


Simon Jeffery said:
SEGA feels that Nintendo is like Sonic's Spiritual home

I believe it went something like that... however way you look at it, if Sonic chose to be on any console & stay there for the rest of his gaming career, he would choose Nintendo. Smilie

EDIT: & no, they can't add "any characters they want"

The owners to the characters & the company that holds the rights have to agree, & the character in question has to be very anticipated for the game, like Megaman & Sonic are. When you say "any characters they want" you really make it sound like Super Smash Flash where they put in Naruto, Mr Incredible, Inuyasha, & 2 bloody Sonic fan characters.

There is a difference between
any characters they want &
Good company relations

( Edited on 11.10.2007 15:49 by SuperLink )

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Just because you don't want it, you feel the majority shouldn't get it? According to the site, Sonic was the most wanted Brawl character. Better to disappoint Thousands rather than Millions right? (I know the scale is probably completely wrong, but you get my point)

Well the fans can't be that bigger fans if they wanted Sonic in it. I thought everyone regards Sonics 3D games as being shite?

Marzy said:
Well the fans cant be that bigger fans if they wanted Sonic in it. I thought everyone regards Sonics 3D games as being shite?
They do, but considering how widely loved Sonic is as a character, & how brilliant his 2D games are (which by the way far outnumber his 3D ones) I don't see how that should make any difference whatsoever.

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I don't see the big deal here they never said that smash bros is only for Nintendo characters. For all we know this may have been there plan since the start of the series. Marzy don't you see theres a story line to brawl the worlds are being destroyed and ripping holes in reality. So now there are at most three characters that spilled into the mix. I don't know what kind of gamer you are Marzy but, the majority of us love that Orignal never before seen idea.

Besides, Snake & Sonic (& maybe Tails too) were going to be in Melee... & considering how long Melee came out after SM64 (not long at all...) then it seems like 3rd party characters were always going to be on the menu, but of course only characters from companies with good relations to Nintendo.

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SuperLink said:
Besides, Snake & Sonic (& maybe Tails too) were going to be in Melee... & considering how long Melee came out after SM64 (not long at all...) then it seems like 3rd party characters were always going to be on the menu, but of course only characters from companies with good relations to Nintendo.

Exactly and there was a HUGE time problem so they had to cut characters short in melee.

I was soo happy when i had heard that sonic was in this game. It is the best thing in Smash Bros and the special moves look so cool and easy to use. I nearly fainted when i saw the picture on the Smash Bros site because it was really unexpected and joyfully awsome. All that needs to be in the game now is young link. This is the best thing that Nintendo have done in such a long time.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Well, according to reporters who've played the game, he's actually quite hard to use. Smilie

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