Nintendo Wii Media | Smash Update: Confirmation of Sonic in Smash Bros.

By Adam Riley 10.10.2007 76

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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I agree with you Marzy. Smash bros. just doesnt seem as special any more now that any character can just join. Snake just takes the piss as his games dont even come out on Nintendo consoles (yes I know about twin snakes and the orignal metal gear but its generally recognised as a playstation franchise.)
If any one can just join for the hell of it how about Duke Nukem, he would kick ass.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

Marzy said:
Am I the only one thats actually disappointed that Sonic is now included in the game?Its is good, but I just wanted them to stick with original Nintendo characters. All these third-party characters spoil it for me. After all, its a Nintendo game and should only feature Nintendo characters. To me they just wont fit in and never will.
Then why should it be Sonic who ruins it for you? Snake has been announced for over a year now, not to mention Sonic is FAR MORE suited to Brawl than Snake ever was, or ever will be.

Seeing Sonic fit in so well actually bring tears to my eyes. Smilie & makes my heart pace increase at a worrying rate. Apart from that, yeah 'scool Smilie

EDIT: You know what I think would be ideal? At LEAST 2 more 3rd party character. I know that it's only limited to one more now, but I know so many people want Megaman, I personally really want Bomberman. It's not too unlikely either, seeing as he did star in a game with Wario, & has been in a fighting game with Snake... he's like a mastah of crossovers! Smilie

& PacMan, as much as I don't want him to be in it, he was in Mario Kart, so he's also a likely crossover character, having been in a Nintendo party game before.

Want Megaman or Bomberman though, & want PacMan TO DIE. >.<

( Edited on 10.10.2007 19:01 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Marzy said:Am I the only one thats actually disappointed that Sonic is now included in the game?Its is good, but I just wanted them to stick with original Nintendo characters. All these third-party characters spoil it for me. After all, its a Nintendo game and should only feature Nintendo characters. To me they just wont fit in and never will.
Then why should it be Sonic who ruins it for you? Snake has been announced for over a year now, not to mention Sonic is FAR MORE suited to Brawl than Snake ever was, or ever will be.Want Megaman or Bomberman though, & want PacMan TO DIE. >.<( Edited on 10.10.2007 19:01 by SuperLink )

I feel you SL. I think Sonic fits in perfectly and IMO I think Snake is suppossed to stick out which is why they gave him so many videos talking on other characters. The Blue Bomber idea has been in my mind for awhile now. Mega-man has games on every console, but if they did bring him I would hope for X and not Rockman. Also what do you think about this kick that Lucas is doing? I think it resembles Ness's backdrop kick.Smilie

I still think Lucas & Ness have different movesets. Come on, give a guy a little bit of hope Smilie I want Ness to return!

& I'd prefer Rockman to X really ^^; Mainly because that was the biggest series to grace a Nintendo platform.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

....Is it just me - or has Sonic had the best video to bring him into Brawl? That was amazing.

he looks like a really good - well rounded fighter too!


...[too much?...]

anyway - YES! - I've been dreaming about the day those two would be in a game - to fight against - as well as side by side - and we - are - HERE!

....AH! *falls out*

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

My brother nearly fainted on me earlier. I think it was 'cos of the video. I still watch it & it fills me with awe & butterflies in my stomach. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
I still think Lucas & Ness have different movesets. Come on, give a guy a little bit of hope Smilie I want Ness to return!& Id prefer Rockman to X really ^^; Mainly because that was the biggest series to grace a Nintendo platform.

Well I'm totally with you on the Ness thing. Ness is my #1 Melee fighter so I've been praying for the guy to atleast be a secret character. You like Rockman more than X? I just rather have X because he looks more mature and he's a lot stronger, but now that I think of it Rockman would be better since he's the original, but which looks betterSmilie

I think Rockman looks better. They're both pretty suited to the game, but Rockman has a much bigger attatchment to Nintendo than X does.

Also, X likes Gutsman's ass. Smilie

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Sonic's stage better be Green Hill Zone...

Interesting that they announced Sonic already. I expected them to wait until just before the release to build up hype and all. Makes you wonder what else they've got up their sleeves.

harrisfromwalmart said:
Interesting that they announced Sonic already. I expected them to wait until just before the release to build up hype and all. Makes you wonder what else they've got up their sleeves.

It must be alot atleast it better be if they pushin the game back. Maybe they're actually trying to get headset features for Brawl or more charactersSmilieSmilie

It's been a month Smilie! Hello everyone! The "not" most active poster is here, I'm back! Smilie

Damn, sure it feels like home, I had health problems so I wasn't able to post Smilie

When I returned home and checked my PC, I was like:

OMFG!!! I didn't expect it so soon!

Great news for this Nintendo classic, Brawl will kick the hell of my ass!!! Smilie I'm so euphoric I could eat my underwear [Smilie that didn't come out right]...

The fact is I think I'm gonna split this game into two, and rebuy it! Smilie Man! I'M SO HAPPY, I COULD ALMOST...

*dies for a hearthattack*

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

Then why should it be Sonic who ruins it for you? Snake has been announced for over a year now, not to mention Sonic is FAR MORE suited to Brawl than Snake ever was, or ever will be.

Because I didn't want Snake either, but because they have also added Sonic now, its ruined it even more. It takes away the originality of the games. It was always about Nintendo characters and always has been. Sticking 3rd party characters in just makes the game feel less special to me.

Its certainly made me lose a bit of interest in the game. Now it reminds me of a Mario Party type game (don't ask me why). Smilie

( Edited on 10.10.2007 23:08 by Marzy )

SuperLink said:
Id prefer Rockman to X really ^^; Mainly because that was the biggest series to grace a Nintendo platform.

I WANT ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Marzy said:
Because I didnt want Snake either, but because they have also added Sonic now, its ruined it even more. It takes away the originality of the games. It was always about Nintendo characters and always has been. Sticking 3rd party characters in just makes the game feel less special to me.Its certainly made me lose a bit of interest in the game.
I really don't get this line of thought, you mean one character that doesn't suit the game, that noone really wanted to be in the game that much, is better than having a new character who's suited perfectly to the game?

& what do you mean original? This is one of the most original things in years! Do you think having the EXACT SAME game as the GC & N64 version with more characters & stages is keeping the originality? If you ask me, 3rd party characters adds to it! It's new, never before have so many flagship characters been in one place together at the same time, no other game in the whole world will see Snake fighting Pikachu, or Sonic fighting Samus. Now or never eh? I personally don't see anything bad about it... except that Snake doesn't suit the game much, but unless you're a Sonic hater or Snake hater, then you shouldn't have any reason to dislike the game any more...

Besides, I'm willing to bet there are far more Pikachu & Diddy Kong haters out there. Could it really get any worse? Smilie

Pacman. Smilie

EDIT: It was more like a Mario Party game before it had the 3rd Party characters... I mean, Diddy Kong, now all we need is Waluigi & Daisy, but we don't have them, we have characters that have never even been in a Nintendo made game before, but are already world reknowned gaming icons.

( Edited on 10.10.2007 23:14 by SuperLink )

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Was there anyone who actually didn't see this coming?

I don't like it one bit. As has been said, SSB has always been about NINTENDO characters. Now they're pic a' mixing.

How are they pick & mixing? Sonic is the most anticipated character EVER for a Smash Bros game! Both Snake & Sonic are world famous iconic characters for their respectable companies... & there will only be 2 or 3 3rd party characters MAXIMUM. I honestly don't get how this ruins a game, it makes it more of a momentious occasion. o.0;

I mean FFS, when you say pick & mix you make it sound like they're gonna put in a bunch of random Sonic characters, Ms Pacman, & Picollo from DBZ. Smilie

'Sides knighty, you never seemed like a Smash Bros fanatic anyway, so why should you care?

EDIT: Anyway, where else are you going to see Sonic & Mario fight? On a bloody race track? They're age old rivals, in the spiritual sense, not like Sonic & Metal Sonic. This is a huge event in gaming history really. Besides, 3rd party characters have been introduced into Brawl from the second it was announced, I don't see why you chose a whole year later to say it's a bad idea.

( Edited on 10.10.2007 23:24 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SSBM is my favourite Gamecube game....I bought it at launch and probably have several hundred hours on it. Lots of play on the N64 version "back in the day" as well. And even with a couple of extra characters it'll feel different. An do you realise how many people are going to use Sonic?

knighty said:
SSBM is my favourite Gamecube game....I bought it at launch and probably have several hundred hours on it. Lots of play on the N64 version back in the day as well. And even with a couple of extra characters itll feel different. An do you realise how many people are going to use Sonic?
Lots, but that's because he was so badly wanted, from fans all over the world. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean the majority have to pay for it.

Besides, if he ends up a crap character, the pros won't be playing as him, & if you're any good you won't be fighting newbs. Smilie

It's just 2 or 3 characters, if you ask me Sonic fits right in. Surely he's less hatable than Diddy Kong? I mean come on. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Knighty, it's not pick and mixing. Snake was added because of the close relationship the people behind the SSB and MGS games had with eachother, and Sonic was a sign of good relationships between Sega and Nintendo (Plus, it's been the most anticipated thing since breaded sliceSmilie). The inclusion doesn't ruin anything, it adds more variety to the mix.
You're acting as if you can't let your Nintendo characters battle anymore, which is absolute bollocks. We have over 20 characters, and only two of those are third-party. You don't HAVE to use them, so just DON'T! It's that simple.

EDIT: Was advised to edit some stuff out.. FFS >.>

( Edited on 10.10.2007 23:30 by Suckman )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

K, enjoy your next Mario Kart with Sonic in it.

knighty said:
K, enjoy your next Mario Kart with Sonic in it.

Now thats just stupid don't be such a spoil sportSmilie

Suckman said:
Knighty, its not pick and mixing. Snake was added because of the close relationship the people behind the SSB and MGS games had with eachother, and Sonic was a sign of good relationships between Sega and Nintendo (Plus, its been the most anticipated thing since breaded sliceSmilie). The inclusion doesnt ruin anything, it adds more variety to the mix. Youre acting as if you cant let your Nintendo characters battle anymore, which is absolute bollocks. We have over 20 characters, and only two of those are third-party. You dont HAVE to use them, so just DONT! Its that simple. EDIT: Was advised to edit some stuff out.. FFS >.>( Edited on 10.10.2007 23:30 by Suckman )

This words fill me with happiness, that's the true reason Smilie, you got a Star...don't worry you don't have to pay me 20 coins or anything Smilie

I think I didn't like some of the characters when I first played Melee, I said WTF are they doing here Smilie. That was bad, 'cause I got curiosity and played with them and I found they're not bad at all they add this new spice to the game, and make a big mix of everyone's favorite character!

Great post! Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

knighty said:
K, enjoy your next Mario Kart with Sonic in it.

I will, seeing I won't HAVE to use him, but he'll still make some other gamers happy while I can enjoy my game as wellSmilie

EDIT: Thing is, when all those X360 games have loads of 'features' and extra possibilites they get praised like they were the next Jesus, but now that we have more possibilites in the game with the inclusion of third-party characters, people slate the game for it. Why? It's just another 'feature', making for more possibilities and more variety.
It's not EXACTLY a valid comparison, duh, but really, it's just adding more to the mix to make the game more enjoyable. Don't be such an elitist and accept the fact change CAN be good, if you don't attach yourself to older customs. Smash Bros. never had a specific ruleset for what could and couldn't be included, and they are actually very careful with what they add.
Above all, Smash Bros. was made to please the Nintendo-fans.. And most Nintendo-fans really wanted SonicSmilie Snake was a sign of trust and friendship, and I as a normal human being actually find it quite a 'noble' thing to do. Ah well, that's just me, and I suck, all the time.

( Edited on 10.10.2007 23:49 by Suckman )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Marzy said:
Am I the only one thats actually disappointed that Sonic is now included in the game?Its is good, but I just wanted them to stick with original Nintendo characters. All these third-party characters spoil it for me. After all, its a Nintendo game and should only feature Nintendo characters. To me they just wont fit in and never will.

I agree with you, I would like another fighting series created to bring the biggest icons together and put it on all systems rather than have these third party characters in a nintendo game. Sonic vs. Mario vs. Master Chief vs. Snake, etc on all consoles.

But after Snake was a thrown in there you might as well get some more 3rd party characters. That all nintendo feeling is already gone, so bring in the coolest third party characters.

That's how I've been looking at it, so I'm excited Sonic's going to be in it. It should be interesting.

( Edited on 11.10.2007 00:16 by TAG )

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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