Nintendo News | Sonic in Smash Bros, Final Fantasy at WiiWare Launch, Monster Hunter 3 Wii, Fire Emblem DS & Much More!

By Adam Riley 10.10.2007 88

Latest Update - Hudsonsoft has confirmed its line-up of WiiWare titles:

  • Joysound (Karaoke) - Spring 2008;
  • Star Soldier R (Shooter) - Spring 2008;
  • Bomberman (Action) - Spring 2008.
Early images of Star Soldier R can be seen below:

Sonic has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl (complete with a video clip of him turning into Super Sonic), although the game is now delayed until 24th January (possibly only in Japan)! A short video clip can be seen below [ thanks to Jump_button ]:

Also Monster Hunter 3 is coming to Wii thanks to Capcom, which is stunning news considering the two PSP games have cracked a million each. Below is the logo and first small screen [ click both to enlarge, as a bigger versions have now been released ]:

It was also mentioned that 7.8 million Virtual Console games have now been downloaded, plus the Square Enix WiiWare Crystal Chronicles RPG will sell for only 1,500 points and is to launch alongside WiiWare in March 2008. The game is a 'Country Building RPG', which sounds vaguely like ActRaiser from the SNES. Tsuchida-san (the Head of the Front Mission team) is producing it, while talent from the Front Mission Online group is involved, leading the directing side, as well as Tanioka Kumi on the music front (who worked on Final Fantasy XI). Finally, the Scenario Director is none other than Toriyama-san, who recently worked on Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII: Revenant Wings and is hard at work on XIII. A piece of promotional art can be seen below, plus the first small screen and its official website is here:

That seems to be the end of the announcements. So be sure to share your thoughts on all of this in the forum below!

Update - News just in sees the announcement of [b]Pok

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That's heavy. I've been saying for ages that Brawl needs Sonic, yay for it happening! They must have been saving that one til last or something. Now we'll finally be able to settle those old early-90s playground disputes- how would win out of Mario and Sonic Smilie

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
SuperLink said:I wonder if Mario Baseball will be any good? I wont be getting it. Personally waiting for the bound to be incredible Mario Tennis Wii Smilie
Me too, baseball sucks monkeys knobs.

Meh, only people who don't understand it think that. Smilie

Well, there's only one sure way to find out who would win...

The Tiers! Smilie

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I wonder if there will be any other new characters added to the rosta, perhaps Crash Bandicoot or other Sonic characters.
Just imagine you could have Dr. Eggman and Bowser team up to take take on Sonic and/or Mario

Mario KART

FINAL Fantasy Smilie

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Oni-Ninja said:
Thats heavy. Ive been saying for ages that Brawl needs Sonic, yay for it happening! They must have been saving that one til last or something. Now well finally be able to settle those old early-90s playground disputes- how would win out of Mario and Sonic Smilie

I'm a Sonic guy. You?

"No, it's better than sex, for sure."

now THATS an overstatement. lol.
but it is indeed great news

more mario kart garbage on the wii? isn't the ds version enough? like people don't cheat on that game all the time. good job milking a franchise like always nintendo; as is with all the zelda games too.

more mario kart garbage on the wii? isn't the ds version enough? like people don't cheat on that game all the time. good job milking a franchise like always nintendo; as is with all the zelda games too.

Everyone demands a Mario Kart on every Nintendo-platform. I'm no exception to this. And let's face it: Mario Kart Wii may even have more innovation then Mario Kart Cube had over the N64 original (which is boringly slow but a classic).

Super Star Soldier is on Virtual Console. This title is worthwhile, too, but slightly outdated, but only in graphic, methinks.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Goddamn man, an awesome blitz of news! I feel as if I will never moan againSmilie

Milking Mario Kart? Hell no! It's always one of the most anticipated games for every Nintendo platform, not to mention how incredible Mario Kart DS was.

With any luck, Snaking will be dumbed down quite a lot in the Wii incarnation, to reduce cheating & make online play a lot more fun.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

How the hell did I not know about this conference... Anyway, I'll have to orgasm about each thing separately:


Battalion Wars 2 actually being mentioned again? Amazing...

Bikes in Mario Kart? ... Let's all go kill ourselves now.

ANOTHER Crystal Chronicles game? ... I think I prefered the series when it was one poorly executed game and one sequel with a chance of improving on it...

Star Soldier R looks pretty nice. Hopefully won't be too expensive.

And of course, OH MAH GAWD SONIC IN BRAWL!!! *foams at the mouth*

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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