Nintendo News | Sonic in Smash Bros, Final Fantasy at WiiWare Launch, Monster Hunter 3 Wii, Fire Emblem DS & Much More!

By Adam Riley 10.10.2007 88

Latest Update - Hudsonsoft has confirmed its line-up of WiiWare titles:

  • Joysound (Karaoke) - Spring 2008;
  • Star Soldier R (Shooter) - Spring 2008;
  • Bomberman (Action) - Spring 2008.
Early images of Star Soldier R can be seen below:

Sonic has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl (complete with a video clip of him turning into Super Sonic), although the game is now delayed until 24th January (possibly only in Japan)! A short video clip can be seen below [ thanks to Jump_button ]:

Also Monster Hunter 3 is coming to Wii thanks to Capcom, which is stunning news considering the two PSP games have cracked a million each. Below is the logo and first small screen [ click both to enlarge, as a bigger versions have now been released ]:

It was also mentioned that 7.8 million Virtual Console games have now been downloaded, plus the Square Enix WiiWare Crystal Chronicles RPG will sell for only 1,500 points and is to launch alongside WiiWare in March 2008. The game is a 'Country Building RPG', which sounds vaguely like ActRaiser from the SNES. Tsuchida-san (the Head of the Front Mission team) is producing it, while talent from the Front Mission Online group is involved, leading the directing side, as well as Tanioka Kumi on the music front (who worked on Final Fantasy XI). Finally, the Scenario Director is none other than Toriyama-san, who recently worked on Final Fantasy X, X-2, XII: Revenant Wings and is hard at work on XIII. A piece of promotional art can be seen below, plus the first small screen and its official website is here:

That seems to be the end of the announcements. So be sure to share your thoughts on all of this in the forum below!

Update - News just in sees the announcement of [b]Pok

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Nintendo is starting to move in the right direction. Now all we need is headphones for voice chat. Hopefully before Medal of Honor releases.

I'll have to second that: Wow!! Sonic will finally be in Super Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Fantastic news here. Sonic in Brawl? YES! Fire Emblem DS? YES!! Bout time Nintendo also mention the use of keyboards.

Holy shit.

Bikes in Mario Kart???? Should be interesting!

OMFG!!! Smilie


Super Sonic has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, although the game is now delayed until 24th January!
Super Sonic? Does this mean they're BOTH in it? Or Super Sonic is & Sonic isn't? Or is it just a typo?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
OMFG!!! SmilieSo...
Super Sonic has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, although the game is now delayed until 24th January!
Super Sonic? Does this mean theyre BOTH in it? Or Super Sonic is & Sonic isnt? Or is it just a typo?

Super Sonic as Final Smash FTW

Seriously, several major wiiware games and others shown, a game that was PS3 exlcusive, demo stations and Game rankings, a few other games shown then the firmware update.

Biggest Wii news day in God knows how long.

( Edited on 10.10.2007 08:27 by (B)Ryan )

"Monster Hunter 3"

Ouch sony, you just lost another one. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

I saw New Character approaching last week and got Lucas...

This week we get Sonic, YESSS.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

EVERYONE. Go on the fucking Smash Bros website RIGHT NOW.

I came. Smilie

( Edited on 10.10.2007 08:30 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

>_< fuck yeah sonic!!!!!! oh man this is going to be the best game ever made

Image for

( Edited on 10.10.2007 08:39 by Jump_button )

Did you guys see Sonic & Mario? Smilie You was right! There IS gonna be CoOp! OMFG! *Dies again* Smilie

EDIT: Sonic completely stole everything else's thunder, but Keyboard for Internet Channel = awesome (finally). Voting Channel could be cool, about Nintendo games ^^.

Lastly, DS Download Stations at home? Awesome! Smilie great idea really!

( Edited on 10.10.2007 08:46 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
Did you guys see Sonic & Mario? Smilie You was right! There IS gonna be CoOp! OMFG! *Dies again* Smilie


oh god some one hold me

Jump_button said:
oh god some one hold me
No, if I hold you I might kill you out of excitement >.<

EDIT: Bomberman on Wiiware? Great! Wiiware is looking better & better, & hopefully Bomberman will be comparable to Bomberman Live on a certain level. I'm hoping for honest Bomberman action & online play (with no lag like the DS game ^^Smilie

( Edited on 10.10.2007 08:48 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
EVERYONE. Go on the fucking Smash Bros website RIGHT NOW.I came. :crySmilie Edited on 10.10.2007 08:30 by SuperLink )

Indeed... *gamer splooge* Should make a lot of people cream their pants. *changes pants*

Hmm, and bikes in MK? Curious.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

XD ok i know this is way to much but i want Tails now as well XD

and MH3 on wii and new ffcc Smilie wow wii games are geting better and better all around good to see good game are comeing to it

( Edited on 10.10.2007 08:57 by Jump_button )

Yay, what a great way to wake up!!

I was wondering if Sonic would actually work, but the video has really convinced me. Love the little homage to the 16-bit games with the ledge wobble.

Here's a thought: will playing through the Subspace Emissary game as the blue hedgehog result in the best Sonic game since the days of the Megadrive?

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Yes it will.

Some sensible things here, especially the DS download thing.

Less posty, more gamey.

Sonic does look quite cool in that video.

Fire Emblem DS is better news though Smilie

OMFUGZ! I can't believe Sonic is actually in the game! XD XD! And he looks so good too! Why didn't he look that good in Secret Rings?? I hope you learn from this, Sega...

Sonic had to be, i never had any doubts about that.
Wii acting as a download station i find a very exciting idea.
I thought the last update added keyboard compatibility?

It's all very exciting news for the future of Wii & DS!Smilie


I actually thought I was dreaming when reading all of that.

I mean really, FFCC for WiiWare, DS downloads, and most importantly:


This more than makes up for the crap at E3.SmilieSmilieSmilie

That video made my day and its only 9:15!

And the rest of the news has made my week! Now hurry up and get it released!

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