Nintendo Media | Super Mario Galaxy Scan-rips

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.08.2007 18

Recent Japanese media have debuted Nintendo latest work of gaming genius: Super Mario Galaxy, taking the plumber beyond the initial planets and into some funky new worlds. Some screen-rips from scans inside.

Be sure to look through the screen's album below for more. Thanks to Jeux-France.

Box art for Super Mario Galaxy





3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (133 Votes)

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Those scans don't really do the game justice, it'll look far better than that. Nonetheless, these new scans give a very good idea of just how lush this game is going to be Smilie

Still looking as good as ever, can't wait for this.

I love how the scans seem to be pointing towards the game being more than just shooting from planet to planet, and actually having some worlds to explore, which is more than any E3 has shown us really. Can't wait.

Looks absolutely brilliant.

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That's the best enemy I've ever seen, in any game, period. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

Wins my award for wierdest enemy. Looks like a cross between a monty mole and the mini-boss thing in the Jabun belly dungeon of Ocarina.

Soundworks said:
Looks absolutely brilliant.
Image for
Thats the best enemy Ive ever seen, in any game, period. Smilie

Agreed. Looks awesome.

Lovely scans, but like another says earlier they do not do the game visual justice. The underwater planets are going to be Fing cool, luvz what looks like Penguins diving for fun!. Great character design also, check the fur texture, it's just like the Bee suit..{LS]

( Edited on 18.08.2007 11:49 by Linkyshinks )

I agree with the consensus, the scans don't do the game justice. I can't wait for it though. Luckily Metroid will help the wait until November.

Hope the water effects are as good as those in Super Mario Sunshine. People poop on that game all the time, but I still think it was one of the best-looking (literally and subjectively, not speaking in terms of how many polygons or whatever) games last generation.

Guest 17.08.2007#10

This will be a great game, BUT! I fear the water sections. No game has ever done them well enough to not get me frustrated at those parts. Bastards.

Wow, absolutely beautiful. The quality is compromised a bit because of the scans but it looks amazing nontheless.

Ooh, I like the look of that castle place. Smilie

Sunshine was a shallow, repedative game.

However, it DID look amazing, the water was better then anything the PS2 and Xbox ever did. (and thats not to say the xbox couldnt have done better...I just never saw any water like it).

I suspect the same code will be used in Galaxy. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I neglected to mention the diving penguins, quite possibly the best thing next to the spikey shell capped fuzzy bear/mole.

( Edited on 18.08.2007 19:39 by Soundworks )

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 


Soundworks said:
I neglected to mention the diving penguins, quite possibly the best thing next to the spikey shell capped fuzzy bear/mole. ( Edited on 18.08.2007 19:39 by Soundworks )

The penguins are better in my opinion. Smilie

Now if there are also monkeys in this game... PERFECT.

Darkflame said:
Sunshine was a shallow, repedative game.
... What?


Are you insane!? That makes no sense at all! Mario 64, for example, has about 2 different things that you do. Jump and swim. And you don't swim much, so it's pretty much jumping. Mario Sunshine has the various nozzles for you to use for completely different things, plus the awesome mini-levels where you lose the water-pack. The main reason I liked Sunshine was because it was so much MORE varied than other Mario games... I liked the bits where you lost the water pack, but only because it added an extra sense of danger , because you could no longer hover, and it was a change from the rest of the game...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

man .heheh this guy will never cese to amaze me...mario you continue on doing your thing SUPER MARIO FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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