While I'm not one to claim that Wii screens look amazing when they don't (And these ones aren't exactly amazing) I don't see how anyone could say they look like GC screens... It's actually insane.
(I won't compare it to his SSB:M self because that was pretty early in the GC's life and isn't really an indication of it's power) In Twilight Princess (A 'proper' game if you will) Link's model didn't look half as smooth as this. In fact to be honest it looked really jagged and blocky, especially in comparison to this one.
Now while TP wasn't the best looking game on the GC (Apart from maybe the water ;- Link was definitely the best looking thing in the game, and I'm sure that if they COULD have made him look any better and kept the game running at a decent frame-rate they would have. Add the fact that Mario and all the other characters look just as smooth, there'll be loads of items and explosions etc... all over the screen all at once, and from the looks of things some pretty decent shadows and overall lighting (Probably not amazing, but much better than most shadows on the GC) I can't see how you could entertain the fact that it looks as good as a GC game for more than a few seconds...
Unless you really are insane, in which case I suppose I could forgive you...
Oh and there's the fact that in an actual game you wouldn't be anywhere near as zoomed in as that on one character >.>