Nintendo Media | Mario and Link Brawl on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.05.2007 104

Nintendo have updated the recently revamped official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website with a handful of tasty new screens of two legendary mascots getting it on: Link and Mario.

A whole load of new screenshots can be found in the game's album below.

Be sure to stick around for updates..

Box art for Super Smash Bros. Brawl

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Mason said:
shiptoncraig said:Im sorry, but no-one said this or implied it. The closest anyone got was Mason saying it has the potential to come close to the 360/PS3.
Exactly, potential is the key word here, and weve got to take the other key-phrase I said into account here - in SD resolutions (and even then its a tough fight). In HD its obviously a no-brainer.
Grumbler said:Anyone comparing them to 360 and PS3 is bonkers, but I havent seen anything yet thats couldnt have been done on the old Xbox at a push, which people keep asserting that the Wii is more powerful than.
Isnt it pointless to keep going on like this, though? Im sick of coming onto the forum and reading things like Wii is worse than Xbox, etc. It might be worse than Xbox. It might be equal to Xbox. It might be better than Xbox. Who cares? It isnt an Xbox, its a Wii. It has inferior graphics to other consoles in this generation but debatably has better visuals than last generation - and this is still year one software (I dont expect it to improve that much more in all honesty, but inevitably it will do as time goes on - to what extent Ive no idea). If it looks good, does it really matter? And this, this to me looks good. If somebody stuck this on a TV in front of me, I wouldnt be picking at it and comparing it to all the other games on my shelf, Id be playing it and Id be enjoying how it looks. What else matters?I dont mind Wii being slated. It deserves it at times. It has piles of mini-game collections or other shovel ware announced or out, it has a lacklustre online service at the moment and the European release lists have been frankly appalling. What I do mind is coming into topics and finding the system being panned for bad graphics because theyre supposedly not on the same level as an Xbox. Its justified in some cases where developers have just chucked any old rubbish onto the system because graphics dont matter, but there is a clear improvement here. Nobody can do any right, a developer puts in poor graphics and its a case of the Wii is underpowered, a developer puts in effort and comes up with decent graphics and its the Wii is just an Xbox. Who cares? Weve known for over a year it was underpowered and I think the point has been hammered home by now. Yes, perhaps Nintendo should have put a more powerful processor in, or a better graphics chip, but the system is what it is, so lets just make the best of it.( Edited on 23.05.2007 21:46 by Mason )

Because it costs nearly two hundred pounds.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Then don't buy it. Simple. Clearly the level of visuals achieved by the system is enough for loads of people.

Debating with you is painful, Grumbler. If you think it's over-priced don't buy it. That's it.

PS2 looked horrible in it's first gen, now it has brilliant looking games for 6th gen, so why can't Wii be the same? Sure the Wii & 360 are further apart in power than the PS2 & the GC, but the Wii still has lots of room for improvement. I don't see why the Wii can't have nice visuals right now, it's just the lazy ass developers that can't be arsed to make a ground up game. That will all change soon, Wii games are looking better as they go on, Mario Galaxy & this look very nice.

I'm not saying the Wii should be compared with 360 in terms of graphics, but in 5 years time the Wii will be pumping out better visuals than the XBOX, I think it's quite likely.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's a textbook cubed3 argument cop-out

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

And this is a textbook ramble about Wii's graphics. You know, the same one we've been hearing for months.

Mason said:
And this is a textbook ramble about Wiis graphics. You know, the same one weve been hearing for months.

It's because people keep wetting their knickers over bland screenshots, as if the Gamecube never existed.

People still deny the holocaust, should we just let them get on with it?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Its because people keep wetting their knickers over bland screenshots, as if the Gamecube never existed.People still deny the holocaust, should we just let them get on with it?
Dude, why do you give a fuck if we Nintendo fans think the game looks sweet?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

the wii graphics are good enough thats dat


I don't, I'm just raising my opinion and then explaining why I have that opinion when people argue with me, and then since their opinion differs from mine and is therefore by definition incorrect in my opinion, I try and prove this to them with evidence. You know, like what people do on forums n stuffs.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Mason said:And this is a textbook ramble about Wii's graphics. You know, the same one weve been hearing for months.

Its because people keep wetting their knickers over bland screenshots, as if the Gamecube never existed.

Well, clearly the continual bringing up of the topic isn't changing many (any?) opinions on the subject, so it's just like a broken record at this point. Everybody with sense knows Wii's visuals are around the high-level Gamecube point at best at the moment and not beyond its [Gamecube's] capabilities, it's just that that's enough for some people.

EDIT: Couple of clarifications.

( Edited on 23.05.2007 22:41 by Mason )

Grumbler said:
Mason said:And this is a textbook ramble about Wiis graphics. You know, the same one weve been hearing for months.
Its because people keep wetting their knickers over bland screenshots, as if the Gamecube never existed.
People still deny the holocaust, should we just let them get on with it?

Grumbler said:
I dont, Im just raising my opinion and then explaining why I have that opinion when people argue with me, and then since their opinion differs from mine and is therefore by definition incorrect in my opinion, I try and prove this to them with evidence. You know, like what people do on forums n stuffs.
Sounds like you do to me. Smilie you say that this is the same arguement C3 keeps having because everyone keeps getting exited over bland screenshots, then you say you don't care & that it's just your opinion? OK, that's nice, your opinions have been taken onboard, but some of us actually really like the looks of this game, & that's our opinion.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Jacob4000 said:
Debating with you is painful, Grumbler. If you think its over-priced dont buy it. Thats it.

Grumbler ain't that bad, Raab is the worst he just an uneducated glued up 360 fool, and all he says is PWNED. At least Grumbler tries to defend his claims, where as the "cunt" aka Joe doesn't.

( Edited on 24.05.2007 01:06 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

If the graphics of the game actually look like that then sweet!!

Looks okay. Nothing the 'Cube couldn't do, though.

I don't, I'm just raising my opinion and then explaining why I have that opinion when people argue with me, and then since their opinion differs from mine and is therefore by definition incorrect in my opinion, I try and prove this to them with evidence. You know, like what people do on forums n stuffs.
Quick Edit
I don't, I'm just raising my opinion and then explaining why I have that opinion when people argue with me, and then since their opinion differs from mine and is therefore by definition incorrect in my opinion, I try and prove this to them with evidence. You know, like what people do on forums n stuffs.

Ok we get it, you don't like the Wii. You think the screenshot looks crap, ok then. Good for you, and now can we go back to discussing the game. Its fun to argue, but we never actually end up talking about the game and just talk about the Wii vs 360. If you want to compare the games graphics, you compare it within other games or what Wii is capable of. You don't see anyone comparing a DS with a PS3.

if you look on the bottom of mario,s shoes you can see the
grip design this game is going to be to good screens shots are superb


While I'm not one to claim that Wii screens look amazing when they don't (And these ones aren't exactly amazing) I don't see how anyone could say they look like GC screens... It's actually insane.

(I won't compare it to his SSB:M self because that was pretty early in the GC's life and isn't really an indication of it's power) In Twilight Princess (A 'proper' game if you will) Link's model didn't look half as smooth as this. In fact to be honest it looked really jagged and blocky, especially in comparison to this one.

Now while TP wasn't the best looking game on the GC (Apart from maybe the water ;-Smilie Link was definitely the best looking thing in the game, and I'm sure that if they COULD have made him look any better and kept the game running at a decent frame-rate they would have. Add the fact that Mario and all the other characters look just as smooth, there'll be loads of items and explosions etc... all over the screen all at once, and from the looks of things some pretty decent shadows and overall lighting (Probably not amazing, but much better than most shadows on the GC) I can't see how you could entertain the fact that it looks as good as a GC game for more than a few seconds...

Unless you really are insane, in which case I suppose I could forgive you...

Oh and there's the fact that in an actual game you wouldn't be anywhere near as zoomed in as that on one character >.>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Even though it does actually look more-or-less as good, it's not a fair comparison, because a fighting game will always have more processing real-estate to spend on the character models than an adventure/RPG game, in which there may be tens of characters on screen at any one time. A fairer comparison would be Soul Calibur 2, to which this doesn't look much ahead of at all.

( Edited on 24.05.2007 19:44 by Oni )

The 'beginning of the system's life' thing isn't really relevant here either, because unless Nintendo have been telling massive fibs, you pretty much start where you left off on the GC but have 2 or 3 times as much stuff to use.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
DOA on Xbox pisses all over this.Is smash bros usually 60hz? That might explain it a bit.

I loved this game for more than the visulas as you can most likley hazard a guess, It stands up as one of the best looking games of all time even today that game can compete alongside other Next Gen games.

SSBB's models have a definate increase in polygons but the backrounds remain as shit as always, the Cube could most likley not handle this but that does not mean it is next Gen.

The Wii has shit visual capabilites, deal with it.

I can remember when this was known as the game that could beat any other in the visual stakes by a country mile, Now look at it.

Its my no means terrible but it can be beaten by pretty much any next gen game minus the Wii and this was only about 2 years ago if that.

( Edited on 24.05.2007 19:56 by Dead*Goose )


The backgrounds are WAY better than in Melee... The ones in Melee were pretty awful even compared to other Gamecube games. The columns in the greek-y level in the first Link screenshot look so much better than for example the Hyrule castle level in Melee, which was just blocky crap really...

I'm not saying it's amazing, certainly not as good as 360 or PS3 games, but it's definitely better than a GC game...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I beg to differ. Let's not forget that those screens of the new Smash Bros are of the 'gorgeous-as-possible' publicity kind. The resolution is way higher than what you'll actually be getting on your Wii (unless the characters fill the screenup like that all the time, making it unplayable).

Those shots are DEFINITELY way better than the ones oddly posted on the front page.

knighty said:
Those shots are DEFINITELY way better than the ones oddly posted on the front page.

Did you only look at the two or three Jb featured?

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